
作者&投稿:枕明 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


PSP Smackdown Vs Raw 2009基本操作 操作为: 方向键:上下左右.(不是摇杆)昨天晚上把Road To WrestleMania打完了,解开了一个人物,一个场地.我用的是

到主选单 MY WWE
进入 Cheat Codes 输入下列 " " 里的密码(大小写要一样)

Saturday Night's Main Event venue
Enter "SatNightMainEventSvR" as a case-sensitive code to unlock the Saturday Night's Main Event venue.

Wrestle as Boogeyman
Enter "BoogeymanEatsWorms!!" as a case-sensitive code to unlock Boogeyman.

Wrestle as Chris Jericho (Attitude Era)
Enter "AltJerichoModelSvR09" as a case-sensitive code to unlock Chris Jericho (Attitude Era).

Wrestle as Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder
Enter "Ryder&HawkinsTagTeam" as a case-sensitive code to unlock Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder.

Wrestle as Gene Snitsky
Enter "UnlockSnitskySvR2009" as a case-sensitive code to unlock Gene Snitsky.

Wrestle as Jillian Hall
Enter "PlayAsJillianHallSvR" as a case-sensitive code to unlock Jillian Hall.

Wrestle as Layla (ECW)
Enter "UnlockECWDivaLayla09" as a case-sensitive code to unlock Layla (ECW).

Wrestle as Ric Flair
Enter "FlairWoooooooooooooo" as a case-sensitive code to unlock Ric Flair.

Wrestle as Tazz (ECW)
Enter "UnlockECWTazzSvR2009" as a case-sensitive code to unlock Tazz (ECW).

Wrestle as Vince McMahon
Enter "VinceMcMahonNoChance" as a case-sensitive code to unlock Vince McMahon.

Hornswoggle as manager
Enter "HornswoggleAsManager" as a case-sensitive code to unlock Hornswoggle as a manager.

CM Punk's alternate costume
Enter "CMPunkAltCostumeSvR!" as a case-sensitive code to unlock CM Punk's alternate costume.

Rey Mysterio's alternate costume
Enter "BooyakaBooyaka619SvR" as a case-sensitive code to unlock Rey Mysterio's alternate costume.


Unlock Springboard:
Win the Cruiserweight championship

Unlock Kip-Up:
Win 6 championships.

Unlock Move Theft:
Defeat 20 different superstars.

Unlock Outside Dives:
Complete 25 dives in your career.

Unlock Evasive Dodge:
Win a Special match against 2 opponents.

Unlock Cage Match:
Win a Cage match in under a minute by escaping.

Unlock Fan Favorite:
During a match Taunt 10 times (cannot have Steal Taunt).

Unlock Dirty Pin:
Get a '5 Star' rank against 3 different opponents who have this ability.

Unlock K.O.:
Get a '5 Star' rank against every competitor in a title path (title match not included).

Unlock Durability:
With both of you having orange damage defeat a superstar rated 20 points higher overall.

Unlock Hammer Throw:
Earn an ability within your first 10 career matches and then get the 'Sit In The Corner' award.

Unlock Bloodshed:
Make your opponents bleed 10 times and bleed yourself 10 times (rewarded on win with blood).

Unlock Referee Shield:
Get 5 DQ losses before winning a championship match against a 'clean' superstar.

Unlock Steal Taunt:
Prevent your opponent's attempt to steal your taunt (without using Fan Fave ability).

Unlock Resiliency:
Kick out of a pin at '2' while having two parts of red body damage.

Unlock Lock Pick:
Face Y2J in a Singles match and escape the Walls Of Jericho.

Unlock Submission:
In one match attempt 7 Struggle submissions and then win.

Unlock Table Match:
Break 40 tables in your career (announcer tables included).

Unlock Ladder Match:
Get a '5 Star' ranked Ladder match against one of the Hardys.

Unlock Object Specialist (grab with object):
Execute 50 object attacks in your career.

Unlock Masked Man:
Complete Road To Wrestle Mania mode with Chris Jericho.

Unlock Finlay's Zombie Attire:
Have Undertaker help Rey beat Finlay in his Raod To Wrestlemania.

Santino Marella's Zombie Attire:
Have Undertaker help Rey beat Santino in his Raod To Wrestlemania.

Unlock DX Alternate Attire:
Play as Triple H and when you can be the referee in the Special Referee match make sure Shawn Michael's wins. Then defeat him at WrestleMania.

Unlock DX Entrance:
Play as Triple H and Pedigree Randy Orton 3 times.

Unlock Brothers of Destruction Entrance:
Complete Undertaker's Road To Wrestlemania.

Unlock Gauntlet Match:
Play as John Cena and in less than 2 minutes defeat Mr. Kennedy in Week 12.

Unlock Locker Room:
Play as CM Punk and in a Triple Threat match in March pin John Morrison to unlock a Backstage Brawl.

Unlock Tribute To The Troops Arena:
Play as John Cena and defeat MVP by submission at the Tribute To The Troops arena.

Unlock CAS Moveset #3:
Play as Triple H and it will become available shortly after the start.

Unlock More moves for Create-A-Move Set Mode:
Pin Edge in Triple H's first match in Road To Wrestlemania

Unlock WCW Title and WCW Brand:
Play as Chris Jericho and during the match in Week 3 pin Finlay.

Unlock John Cena and Tony's Military Vehicle Entrance:
Complete John Cena's Road To Wrestlemania.

Unlock Hornswoggle (Non-Playable Manager):
Defeat Santino Marella in Undertaker's Road To Wrestlemania, then defeat Finlay in a quicker time.

Unlock WCW Heavyweight Belt and WCW Faction:
Pin Finlay in Week 3 of Chris Jericho's Road To Wrestlemania

本作是psp上的第三作了,在游戏丰富度上又有了一定的提升,加入了众多的模式。EXHIBITION:最普通的模式,在此模式中可以自由选择摔跤类型与摔跤选手进行比赛 以下是关于EXHIBITION的部分比赛规则的介绍 在ONE ON ONE的模式中,即单挑赛:Normal Match: 普通比赛 Infereno Match:新模式,地狱火焰战,擂台...




psp版《美国职业摔角联盟 2008》wwe.smackdown.vs.raw.2008 (如何操 ...
1.1 最基本 (双方站立)十字方向键:人物移动 模拟手杆: 挑衅动作(有Showman 类型的人物做了能加POWER(暂且这么称呼)没有的不加。)方块: 普通攻击(拳打脚踢就是了)圆圈: 摔人攻击(没啥好说,要不然就不叫WWE了) 加上4个方向键、对手位置(对手前面、后面,趴在绳子上、角边),就有...

□:普通攻击 连击可以连招 方向+□:四种普通攻击 R+□:强力攻击 O:摔 方向+O:四种快速摔技 在对手背后招式有不同 R+O:大摔技 X:爬\/取得道具\/使用道具 R+X:将对手甩出\/夺取对手武器 △:超杀技 反击:L为反击普通攻击,R为反击摔技 START:PAUSE菜单 上\/下+R+O:发动后与对手僵持,此时再按...



PSP wwe美国职业摔角2009剧情攻略
场地解锁:(RTW模式下)Dirt Sheet: 在Brand Warfare(也就是Cena和HHH)模式下,11周的时候,用Cena或者HHH赢得Handicap比赛.(Cena和HHH的模式有待商却,因为有朋友说都是错的)Interview Room: 完成Shawn Michaels的RTW.Locker Room: Edge模式下,在No Way Out上,让Mr.Kennedy赢了Big Show.Vince's Office...

ROPE BREAK:压制时碰到绳子无效。DQ:不因各种违规行为,而被判比赛输掉。RING OUT COUNT:下擂台后的时间限制 RING OUT:可以出去摔角场以外的地方 : [INTERFERENCE:朋友或敌人可以随时出来捣乱比赛 !ESCAPE FROM THE CAGE DOOR(STEEL CAGE):在玩铁笼赛时,能由铁笼的门逃出。OVER THE TOP ROPE(...

卫辉市17270593841: 求psp《美国职业摔跤2009》的下载地址 -
初歪迷清: 下载地址 http://games.tgbus.com/13185.html#down 美国职业摔角联盟2009 游戏类型:摔跤运动类游戏产地:欧洲发行厂商:THQ游戏语言:英文 - 西班牙文 - 德文 - 意大利文发布时间:08年11月05日游戏详情: 游戏简介 本作较之前代作品将改进一些新设定,本作品将可以允许玩家进行非法的攻击.例如你可以用护栏上的绳索勒住对手或者攻击一些重要部分,只要你不被裁判发现,你的所有攻击都为有效的进攻.而且开发人员表示本作还有很多互动内容,在比赛过程中你可以与场边的观众互动.玩家在本作将感受更多的美式幽默.在游戏中将出现30名以上的选手.

卫辉市17270593841: psp美国职业摔角联盟2009 存档 -
初歪迷清: WWE2009存档,自己下! http://sns.tgbus.com/pspdatareader/Down.aspx?Gid=1992e3fa-673f-41ed-b523-a26bd9b644e6

卫辉市17270593841: 求PSP的《美国职业摔角联盟2009》的完美存档啊~!
初歪迷清: 美国职业摔角联盟2009 存档 http://sns.tgbus.com/pspdatareader/List.aspx?type=1&key=%E5%9B%BD%E8%81%8C

卫辉市17270593841: 谁能给个psp美国职业摔角联盟2009游戏的正确下载地址~谢!
初歪迷清: 美国职业摔角联盟2009(一点即下!):http://games.tgbus.com/13185.html#down

卫辉市17270593841: 谁能给我PSP2009美国职业摔跤下载网站
初歪迷清: 美国职业摔角联盟2010 http://bt.levelup.cn/userupload/tg777.com/download/8620.htmlPSP《美国职业摔角联盟 2009》欧版下载 http://psp.duowan.com/0811/89898140825.html

卫辉市17270593841: pspwwe2008下载 -
初歪迷清: 欧版《美国职业摔角联盟2009》下载 这个是电玩巴士得,有普通下载 有迅雷下载 http://games.tgbus.com/13185.html 欧版《美国职业摔角联盟2008》下载 下载方法同上 http://games.tgbus.com/8767.html

卫辉市17270593841: 求WWE美国职业摔角联盟 2009(PSP版)的操作方法和技巧! -
初歪迷清: PSP Smackdown Vs Raw 2009基本操作操作为: 方向键:上下左右.(不是摇杆) 摇杆:示威动作. X:在方向键为进出擂台. 方块+方向键:拳脚 三角:当气满的时候,可以发绝招. 圆圈+方向键:就算是简单的摔记. L:在别人出招的时候,可...

卫辉市17270593841: 谁有psp美国职业摔角联盟2009欧版完美存档
初歪迷清: http://sns.tgbus.com/pspdatareader/Down.aspx?Gid=1992e3fa-673f-41ed-b523-a26bd9b644e6

卫辉市17270593841: 求PSP美国职业摔交联盟2009的存档
初歪迷清: 《美国职业摔角联盟2009》是THQ公司制作的摔跤运动游戏,在该作我们不但可以看到男摔跤手参赛,女摔跤手也加入了比赛.同时本作较之前代作品将改进一些新设定,本作品将可以允许玩家进行非法的攻击.例如你可以用护栏上的绳索勒住...

卫辉市17270593841: wwe美国职业摔角联盟2009 欧版下载
初歪迷清:http://games.tgbus.com/13185.html 我提供的是PSP版的.

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