
作者&投稿:巢阙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语作业 帮我检查下 谢谢~

26A. drunk
drunk在这里是形容词,意思是喝醉了的。这里牵涉到伴随状语的概念,drunk作为形容词,可以用作伴随状语,即表示那个中年人睡觉的时候是醉着的。其他形容词作伴随状语的例子有:He left home young and came back old.(他年纪轻轻的时候离开家,回来的时候上了年纪。)

如果用分词作伴随状语时,通常只用现在分词,或者过去分词,现在分词一般表主动,过去分词一般表被动。 例如:She came back to the room, following her mother (现在分词)。She came back to the room, followed by her daughter.(过去分词)一般不会出现have +动词过去分词来做伴随状语的情况。


现在完成时里面第二个句子单词拼错了 has apple

一般将来时第二个句子 I will listen to music this evening


现在完成时:1. I have lay on the bad ,应当是: I have laid on the bed.

过去进行时:1. I was listening music yesterday morning.
2. I will listen to my music.

m not.)4.Do your uncle and aunt have a dog?(yes)(Yes, they do.)Answer the Questions Josh has curly hair and blue eyes.1.Dose Josh have curly hair?(Yes, he does.)2.Does he have black eyes?(No, he doesn't.) 大概就是这样,希望对你有帮助!我采用楼上的那位 ...

一、1.balanced 2.stay 3.well(你是不是拼错了,貌似应该是very而不是every)4.dentist 5.angry 6.advice 7.medicine 8.hardly 9.believe 10.improve 11.babysit 12.decide 13.relaxed 14.tourists 15.differences 16.rent 17.famous 18.wait 19.plan 20.south 二、1.It is not easy to liv...

We often do homework and study together. We practise English dialogues every week. We are the best friends.)意思是:我们每天一起坐公交车上下课。我们经常一起做作业学习。我们每周一起练英语对话。我们是最好的好朋友。这样这篇文章就前后呼应,对得上题,并有始有终。希望能帮到你!


1. 错,应该选 A 词组:happen to do sth 碰巧做某事 5.错,应该选 D 句意:当我们到达电影院的时候,电影已经开始了。到达的动作发生在过去,电影开始的动作发生在过去的过去 6. 错,应该选 C 应该先上车,再下车,然后到达学校 9. 错,应选 A 第一句 对于主语 you 来说是往外借,所以用...


检查英文语法错误 有什么方法可以帮助我么检查英文中出现的语法错误?下面是我给大家整理的检查英文语法错误,供大家参阅! 在线语法错误查询网 PolishMyWriting:在线语法错误查询网是一个支持英语句子拼写或语法错误检查的工具,可以帮助你修正英语句子中的错误,进而提供你英语书写表达能力。 很多英语爱好者都抱怨自己书写英语...

英语作业,小学四年级的一道英语题,大神帮我看下 组成一句话
The apples are four yuan for one.苹果每个4元。我怎么感觉这苹果有点贵呀。4块钱的一个苹果。我不太了解苹果市场行情啊。一般的苹果没这么贵吧?最好是问问老师,最好符合常理。

第一页没有问题,第二面的第一题的第三个是改成am就行了,不能和第一个单词连起来缩写形式,第二题填空题第一个应该选C,是问身体怎样 第三页第五题应该选C

作业没做 帮写一份英语的检讨 150 字
我的 作业没做 帮写一份英语的检讨 150 字 要用英语写!!!... 要用英语写!!! 展开 1...五申的铁律下,在严明校纪校规的大环境下,我犯下这么严重的错误,学校对我是应该严惩的,我不知多少次

枣庄市13469397652: 几道英语作业请帮我改下对错行吗?谢谢 -
镡鹏福善: 1-4 都对5 carefully

枣庄市13469397652: 帮我完成英语作业,我给孩子检查用,谢谢!Fill in the Blanks1. Camera is this?It`s Matt`s camera.2.They are (I)mugs.3.You are Chevady. name is Cheveady... -
镡鹏福善:[答案] Fill in the Blanks 1.Whose 2.my 3.Your 4.Her 5.his 6.are 7.It's 8.my 9.these Correct the Mistakes 1.This is Matt's pencil case. 2.This is her eraser. 3.His mother is thin. 4.hose gloves are these? 5.They are Tim`s shoes. Read and Answer the Questions ...

枣庄市13469397652: 初一孩子的英语作业已做好,就是不知道对不对,麻烦英语高手检查一下,并告知正确答案,谢谢! -
镡鹏福善: 1、offer seat old/aged2、collected for poverty3、forget cleaning up4、visit old join

枣庄市13469397652: 帮我检查一下英语文章my bedroon. -
镡鹏福善: 修改后:My Bedroom This is my bedroom, there is a bed next to the wall. Near my bed,there is a desk.There are some books and a computer on it.There is a photo of my family on the wall. I often do my homework and play the computer games in my bedroom. Do you think my brdroom is very beautiful ?

枣庄市13469397652: 帮我检查下英语作业
镡鹏福善: Your planning seems ready.你看起来已经计划了全部. It looks like you have finished the planning. 你似乎已经计划好了全部 Having a plan is a good thing. 有计划是一件好事 You have good plans.

枣庄市13469397652: 初一孩子的英语作业,已完成,麻烦英语专家检查一下,并告知一下正确答案,谢谢!
镡鹏福善: 2.后面care改 为take care of ,3.去掉中间那里的 to how ,4.Shall I clean (coge不要) ,5.Why not spend much ,6.按楼下Borage的回答,我就不写了

枣庄市13469397652: 帮我检查一下这篇英语作文请仔细检查有没有语法错误,谢谢May 12th is an unforgettable day for all the Chinese people.There was a serious earthquake on ... -
镡鹏福善:[答案] There was a serious earthquake 最好不要这样说 a serious earthquake shocked all the Chinese people 地道点 Most people 换成many 吧 看得出来像个初中生吧 好好学习吧

枣庄市13469397652: 英语~求老师帮忙检查一下作业!可单击查看原图!谢谢! -
镡鹏福善: 我不是英语老师,你的英语有点不地道,有些地方有点别扭,我没有找全12 tiring tired18 would visit 19didn't fear to die20 have a look at22lay27 are delight29did book the court30barking at37 not to go away go back to my seat39walked towards40took out43had a great time

枣庄市13469397652: 请帮我检查一下下面的英文句子有哪些错误,谢谢!The drawing above strikes me very much. It's describes that a girl has a job interview in the afternoon, but ... -
镡鹏福善:[答案] The drawing above strikes me very much.【It】 describes 【that删除】 a girl 【who】has a job interview in the afternoon,but she thinks that doing some make up is the only way to prepare for it.It refl...

枣庄市13469397652: 初中英语!哪位老师帮我批改一下作业?感觉好难,我英语不好.谢谢!可单击查看原图. -
镡鹏福善: 你的英语不错啊,有几个小错误71at the usual time 74 finally81 with hands或者manually82 by the end of 望采纳,谢谢

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