不要理会 英语怎么说

作者&投稿:霜功 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

pay attention to;show interest in;take notice of
ignore;turn a deaf ear to;pay no heed to


Please skip the vocal instruction and get in the personal service by dialing 0 directly.
leave him/her alone 不理他/她
No remark 无可奉告

不如不要理他:leave him only.
不要理会语音提示:ignore the voice promt, and press 0 for operator.


Please ignore the voice prompt and press zero to enter the manual mode directly.

同意: leeyuan_jame - 助理 三级

Ignore the voice prompt, and press zero directly to enter the manual service.

滨海县13281573371: 不要理会 英语怎么说 -
张黛紫地: 按楼主提供的例子翻译的话应该这样说 Please skip the vocal instruction and get in the personal service by dialing 0 directly.这里“不要理会”可以翻成“跳过” 如果对某人不予理会有很多表达方式,依具体情况使用.例如:leave him/her alone 不理他/她 No remark 无可奉告

滨海县13281573371: 不理会英语怎么说? -
张黛紫地: pay no attention to;

滨海县13281573371: 不理会翻译成英语单词 -
张黛紫地: ignored

滨海县13281573371: 英语"不要理睬她"怎么说好? -
张黛紫地: 不要理睬她:Don't take any notice of her.不要理睬: pay no mind.根本就不要理睬她的胡言乱语,她完全疯了. Don't take any notice of her ramblings;she's completely round the bend. 不要在乎她说什么 didn't give much thought to what she said. 你最好还是不要理睬他那些无礼的言话. You'd better pass over his rude remarks in silence.

滨海县13281573371: 不理会的英语翻译 不理会用英语怎么说 -
张黛紫地: 不理会 [词典] inattentive; unmindful; pay no attention to; [例句]他完全不理会锡德的恳求.He simply ignored Sid's pleading.

滨海县13281573371: 不理会,不打扰的英语短语 -
张黛紫地: 不理会:ignore it;don't pay attention to it 不打扰:let alone---

滨海县13281573371: 用英语翻译不要理会一切烦恼 -
张黛紫地: 别为此烦恼了一切都过去了 Don't upset any more,everything is past. 希望采纳

滨海县13281573371: 不要理会有些贱人英文 -
张黛紫地: 不要理会有些贱人Don't listen to some Bitch

滨海县13281573371: 不理会他们的嘲笑英文怎么拼? -
张黛紫地: regardless of their sneer; sneer: 名词:讥笑的表情(言语);regardless of :不理会;

滨海县13281573371: 不要不理我 的英文怎么说 -
张黛紫地: 1.Don't leave me alone 别把我扔一边.就是别不理我的意思.2.Don't ignore me 别忽视我.就是别不理我的意思.3.Don't turn your back on me.请别背对着我.就是别不理我的意思.

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