翻译 英语 急需

作者&投稿:苌可 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1度过愉快的暑假后,科学家们继续投入研究工作。(GET DOWN TO)
After the happy summer holiday, the scientist got down to research again.
2smith教授做的关于诗歌的讲座给听众留下了很深刻的印象(MAKE A ……IMPRESSION ON)
Doctor Smith's lecture about poesy made a deep impression on the audience.
Young people prefer camping to wathing TV at home.
4TOM看了信封一眼,马上认出了他父亲的签名(GLANCE AT)
Glancing at the envelop, Tom recognized the signature of his father.
Telephone becomes the most convenient way for people to communicate.
6暴风雪导致了和海上船只的所有联系中断(LEAD TO)
Storm leaded to the interruption of the communication with the ships at sea.
If you have any trouble, please turn to me without hesitation.
8你在街上盯着残疾人看是不礼貌的(STARE AT)
It is impolite for you to stare at the disabled person on the street.

早上好 很荣幸今天能站在台前跟大家介绍我的家乡 我来自盘锦 一个生产大米河蟹 并且有着红色海滩的地方
我将会为大家讲述 我与这片红海的故事 爷爷年轻时在红海附近开发了一小片海 里面养满了海蜇 正因如此 我从小就生活在这美丽的海滩旁 那里的风景很美 成群的丹顶鹤 会打洞的小螃蟹 还有一只瘸腿的猫 我每日与夕阳作伴 坐着小船与爷爷一起观赏海蜇 它们小时候是透明的蓝色 长大后就会变成紫红色 有时我也会与哥哥一起在鱼塘边垂钓 每次看到他钓上来的鱼 都会高兴的跳起来 这些都是我美好的童年回忆. 我的家乡是一个自然与城市同步发展的地方 去年 我市被评选为辽宁省文明城市 我为此感到十分骄傲 欢迎你们来到我的家乡 我会好生招待
译文:Good morning. it is a great horror for me to stand here today to introduce hometown: Panjin, a place where it is famous for rice, river crab and red beach.
I would like to tell a story about this red sea. When my great father was young, he developed a small expanse of sea and farmed jellyfish in it. And I was living around this red beach since my childhood. It is a very beautiful place, where there are red-crowned cane and burrowing crabs and one crippled cat. Every day I, accompanied by setting sun,would take a small boat and enjoy the scenery of the jellyfish. When the jellyfish are very young, they are transparently blue. When they grow big, they become purple red. Sometimes, I would go to fishing with brother near the pond. Every time, I saw him got the fish, I would be jumped with joy. These are all my beautiful memories of my childhood.
My hometown is a place where nature preservation developed in parrllel with the city construction. Last year, Panjin was award the Civilized City in Liaoning, which takes much pride in it. You are all welcome to visit my hometown. I will give a good reception if you come.

I would be the savior of the world if the world is destroyed. I will be the savior of the world when the world is destroyed. If the world is destroyed, I will be the world's savior.

442841433 - 2009-8-1 11:24 - 最佳回答者: 美女朵朵花 - 教育/科学 > 科学技术 > 语言学

Terms for motor vehicle body 汽车车身术语分为设计术语,结构术语,零部件术语,附件术语。 车身:供驾驶员操作,以及容纳乘客和货物的场所。主要作用时为乘员提供安全、舒适的乘坐环境,隔绝振动和噪声,不...

jimu101 - 2008-1-21 17:00 - 最佳回答者: 青田北 - 教育/科学 > 学习帮助

如果要把“之一”翻译出来的话,那么就是 He is one of the largest vocabulary person that I had ever seen. 但是一般来说,我们通常都是意译会更好的一些,所以我觉得这样的翻译也是不错的:He has larger voca...

壁球可乐 - 2009-8-8 11:09 - 最佳回答者: njm1988 - 教育/科学 > 外语学习 > 英语考试

离散: 1. disperse 2. scatter 3. discrete 4. straggling 5. variance 6. divergence(-cy) 7. dispersion 8. fringing straddling 用于修饰或说明一种设备(工作特性)的术语,这种设备以成比例...

吉傲天 - 2006-11-27 15:43 - 最佳回答者: lmx69 - 教育/科学 > 外语学习

祈祷 Kaddish invocation orison pray prayer rogation 不过pray最常用 pray vt. 1. 祈祷,祈求[+to-v][+(that)] They prayed that they would defeat their enemies soon. 他们祈祷很...

baiba07 - 2006-6-8 02:04 - 最佳回答者: 故事中的故事 - 教育/科学 > 外语学习 > 英语四级

英语翻译成德语,英语翻译成西班牙语,英语翻译成法语,英语翻译成意大利语,英语翻译成葡萄牙语,英语翻译。。。百度工具栏: 英语翻译网站:

邹山奇 - 2009-8-17 18:57 - 最佳回答者: luoxinqing31 -

要有具体语境才好翻译 1.照。。。设计 2.设计成。。。 3.design... as soon as possible 尽快设计 例:1.I will design it as you said我会照着你所说的来设计。 2.please desian it as a machine。请设计成机...

789852426 - 2009-8-19 10:01 - 最佳回答者: 反手计算 - 生活 > 起名


冬雨天空z - 2009-8-16 17:13 - 最佳回答者: 草叶 - 教育/科学 > 外语学习 > 英语考试

01, I like the feeling of wind. That's cool. 02, I like by the breeze blow feeling. That was too crisp. 03, I like the feeling of wind. It has been too cool. 04, I am fond of the feeling being boas...

228907776 - 2009-8-18 13:36 - 最佳回答者: tgand - 医疗健康

1.双侧输尿管中段结石(两种) *calculus of di-ureter (或者double ureters) of the middle piece. *calculus of the middle piece of ureter at both sides 2.输尿管上段结石(两种) *calculus of uret...

无鞋剑圣流 - 2009-8-11 11:07 - 最佳回答者: 张达人zhdr - 教育/科学 > 外语学习 > 英语考试

1, 我是磨具专业 I major in grinder technique. 2, 我是数控专业 I major in numerical control 3, 我的专业是中英文秘 I major in Secretarial services of Chinese and English。 人翻译的。

jerrytan123 - 2009-8-16 20:52 - 最佳回答者: 反手计算 - 教育/科学 > 学习帮助

收集, 搜集, 采集; 收藏 收(租, 税, 帐等); 募(捐) 领取(信件等); 接走 集中(思想); 使镇定; 恢复控制; 克服涣散 推断〔测〕, 认定

1179350375 - 2009-8-15 16:04 - 最佳回答者: yingjchangk - 教育/科学 > 外语学习 > 英语考试

英汉辞典的解释: other than: 1. 与…不同,而不是。 2. 除了(any other person than yourself 除你以外的任何人。I do not wish him other than he is. 他就那样好了。 I wish her other than she is now...

林瑾馨 - 2009-8-9 05:05 - 最佳回答者: 几线阳光 - 教育/科学 > 外语学习 > 英语考试

a person who did not get professional musical training. a person which did not get professional musical training. a person without professional musical training. 三者是相同的

雪微夕影 - 2009-8-8 22:23 - 最佳回答者: 屿island - 体育/运动


lzr122 - 2009-7-28 22:54 - 最佳回答者: tzf726 - 教育/科学 > 外语学习 > 英语考试

We were advised not to take a risk to trave in this condition. risk traveling

We are too young to gain money, we have to rely on our parents, so we must save money,and we have to spend money on our study to ease the burden of our parents.

We have little money, no ability to solve problem, still need to be dependent on my parents, so to save money, money on study for parents to reduce the burden.

we are so yong that we can't solve the money problem .we sitll depend on our parents.so we must save money ,and we should spend money in study and reduce our parents' load.

We are still too young to solve the money problem, so what we should do is to be thrifty with money and use the money on our study, so as to reduce the burden of our parents.

左权县15677016464: 英语翻译急需英语翻译 -
昌顷乐知:[答案] Most singleparents found that a singleparent is hard to take care a family.

左权县15677016464: 急需翻译成英语 -
昌顷乐知: 1. The selection and assessment of qualified're Purpose of suppliers, contractors to ensure manufacturing and sales ability and quality standards comply with the requirements.2. Scope Scope:Required to produce relevant raw materials, finished ...

左权县15677016464: 急需英语翻译 -
昌顷乐知: 1.Some people to Beijing roast duck, some people to Indian curry, etc. 2 all the food is delicious, I work is the most serious, sell a lot of Fried rice, this naive interesting!

左权县15677016464: 急需!英文翻译 -
昌顷乐知: They are imposible to do dislike worksDon't make excuses if you are wrong.

左权县15677016464: 急需 英语翻译.
昌顷乐知: The predicament, he often to his friend for help.

左权县15677016464: 英语翻译急需! -
昌顷乐知: 1.电子邮件使得人与人之间的交流变得更简单和方便了(make) E-mail makes the communication of people easier and more convenient. 2.你很幸运他们没有把你所有的东西都抢了(rob) You are so lucky that they didn't rob all your things. 3.夏...

左权县15677016464: 急需英语翻译,谢谢 -
昌顷乐知: 1: Make a model plane2: You can use plastic, but can not use wood3: Students can not use the mobile phone in class4: He must play a musical instrument in the show5: We have to w...

左权县15677016464: 急需英文翻译
昌顷乐知: 孙士举,我珍视你,因为你给了我一个新的开始!

左权县15677016464: 急需英文翻译~~~~!!!!
昌顷乐知: 第一句:我做过好几份工作但多不长久, 不喜欢一部分的工作所以辞职,其他的因为雇主不喜欢我的态度, 言语或者我的眼神而把我解雇了 第二句:也许这就是为什么黑人会老犯错,"我说."他们浪费太多时间了. 第三句:第二天早上,我一早在光学公司(一般可能是眼镜公司)未营业前就在外面等候.我提醒自己要有礼貌,说话要注意, 要三思而后行,我必须说“是的,先生或没有,先生,然后我必须注意自己的态度不让白人以为我和他们一样的优越 第四句:我甚至降低自己说话的语气,不让人听起来有喧宾夺主或急躁的感觉. 第五句:我回答的方式让他知道,我会很用心和努力的工作来帮助他(公司).

左权县15677016464: 急需英文翻译 -
昌顷乐知: We need to inform your side project (including the interior decoration of the consultant's work), and determine the next step in urgent need of the work tasks, we need common communication, including (the hotel construction, mechanical and ...

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