
作者&投稿:天要 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The ancients said: "curing people is just like dealing with illness: obeying the right prescription, the illness will be solved, the other way is also true." Punishment must be about art, we must be fair and reasonable, cultivating people in the process of "penalty" will enable students to win certain progress in some aspects of the "penalty". "Penalty" is not the purpose of education, instead educating people is the basic aim. "Penalty" means will enable students to understand the error, to deepen the impression at the same time exercise their capacity in a particular area. This is a common punishment used in management class to show the bad behavior of students of their negative evaluation. Teachers shouldn’t strike student’s self-esteem when punishing them. To have a certain basic rule: reasonable, objective and fair, so the students will be convinced of the punishment, and will more respect the teachers. Teachers should have certain principles instead of abusing their rights when blaming the students. If a student has done something wrong, it is necessary of teachers to understand what happened and give the students opportunity to explain the whole thing or clarify the facts in order to take appropriate measures. Whether educators or the educated have to understand that punishment is only a means, just education is the purpose .Punishment is not adding insult to injury, or a stick to beat people to death. The students who made a mistake, should be punished, but educators need to give students a way error. Affirmation and praise do not exclude punishment, teachers should have the courage to break the prejudices and insist on the correct things, once the students have some progress they are deserved to be timely definited and praised. This way will be able to let the students deepen the impression of the discipline and understand the well-intention of teachers who give the punishment, this can also conducive to the disciplinary role into full play. The students’ enthusiasm can be inspired and the goal can be achieved.

In recent years, fluctuations in international foreign exchange market, the vagaries of the RMB exchange rate floating range tends to increase, China's foreign enterprises are facing unprecedented pressure on the exchange rate risk. The use of financial derivatives to avoid exchange rate risks have become an inevitable choice. However, improper selection of derivatives and error application will directly affect the exchange rate risk management, corporate results, even to the enterprise will bring irreparable damage. Therefore it is necessary to conduct in-depth study of this issue.
This paper introduces the risk of financial derivatives and exchange rate concepts and categories, analysis of financial derivatives to avoid exchange rate risks and advantages of the principle; and then for the two categories of financial derivatives, futures class tools and options that class tools that combine enterprise transnational business in the case of the exchange rate risk management, explained how the selection and application of corporate foreign exchange forwards, futures, options, swaps and foreign exchange financial derivatives in order to effectively control the exchange rate risk, currency risk management practices for the enterprise to provide a theoretical reference.

1 虽然我没有拥有你那样美丽的外表,但是我强烈的渴望能够拥有和你一样美丽的内心(内在也可以)
Though my appearance is not as beautiful as yours, yet I long to have a heart as beautiful as yours.

2 很早就开始喜欢你,但是不够了解你,了解以后情不自禁地喜欢上你的一切。
I fancied you years/months before, but I did not know much about you. And when I do now, every part of you starts to shine to me.

3 也许你对我有些误会,但是我希望你知道,我很爱你。
There might be some misunderstanding between us, however, I just wish you know that I love you.

4 希望你继续唱歌,有机会能来中国开演唱会,但是最重要的,是要保重自己的身体!
Keep on singing, and come to China to give a concert if possible. Still, more important is to take care of yourself!

5 你对于我们的意义已经远远不只是一个偶像,而是一种信仰和精神。
You mean far more than just an idol to us, you are our spiritual belief and support.

1 Although I did not have as a beautiful appearance as yours, but I strongly desire to have a heart as beautiful as yours
2 very early on like you, but not enough to understand you, understand the future you can not help but love all.
3 Perhaps you told me it was a misunderstanding, but I hope you know, I love you.
4 I hope you continue to sing, to have this opportunity to come to China to open a concert, but the most important is to take care of your body!
5 meaning you have for us is not only a far idols, but a belief and spirit.






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延媛君捷: I Asking God with my kneesbending and my hands raising Dare to ask in my next lifetime you be man and I be God

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延媛君捷: 从上到下分别为 Service tenet: customer focus, let customer satisfaction.Service requirement: credit first, polite, enthusiasm q&a, ACTS quickly.In the fierce market competition with service to win is the magic weapon of the us. Therefore, we adhere ...

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延媛君捷: 1 我是你在Om上认识的中国女孩 I'm the Chinese girl you met on Om 2 这是我第一次用英语写E mail,如果又语法错误请谅解 This is the first time I've written an e-mail, please excuse me if there is any grammatical mistake 3首先让我介绍一下我自...

广汉市15822013878: 请求高手帮忙翻译几句话 -
延媛君捷: 1.We're going to have rice cake in the morning.2.We're skilled at paper cutting,and affix our paper-cut on the doors and windows.3.We'll eat dumplings and sweet dumplings(rice balls) in the morning.(注:sweet dumplings是英2113语5261,rice ...

广汉市15822013878: 请英语高手帮我翻译几句话,要优美的像祝福语 -
延媛君捷: 1.You were born before I could prepare for it, but this does not mean you were an accidental surprise.3. Your innocence and curiosity were so adorable. I gradually fell in love you.5. I believe you will inherit my wit and your father's personality, if you ...

广汉市15822013878: 求达人翻译几句英文.送上500分,只需要3句
延媛君捷: 1.There shouldn't be teases and lies between brothers. 2.My redundant care and worries to you will be over. 3.Care and worries are needless.

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