
作者&投稿:陆骂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


此对话可以还原成如下基本符合语法规律的对话:A:Wassup?(=What's up?)B:Not much.It's freezing in Beijing.A:U (=You)should come to bangkok.We've got lovely weather here.B:Gr8! (=Great!) R (=are) inviting me?A:LOL (=Laughing out loud)B:BRB (=Be right back)A:Where R U goin?(=going)B:BR (=Bathroom)A:OK.I'm goin I'm 2 go 2 the BR2. TTUL.(=Talk to you later)汉语意思是:A:怎么了?B:没什么,北京很冷。A:你该来曼谷。这里天气很好。B:太棒了,你在邀请我吗?A:呵呵呵!(大笑)B:马上回来。A:去哪?B:卫生间A:好,我也去,待会再聊。

Is and the friend's chat contents.

" Did the supper eat?Did not go out to play at and your French friend chat?Can you see understand if I write Chinese?
have a little slowly, because of my English level.The XX number is to still return to Paris south especially"
Thank everyone to help me


had-ya dinner or not?

it seems that you didn't go out.chatting with your french guys,right?

if i write in chinese,can you understand it?

oh sorry,i've got a little slow coz my english is......some poor~

you'll return to Paris or **** on XX?


Have you ate supper? You haven't been out,and are just chatting with your french friends? If I wrote these words in chinese, will you understand me? I beg your pardon that I can't reply to you immediately,as I am not very proficient in English. Will you be back to Paris or Nante on XX this month?

Do you have your dinner yet? Are you chatting with your French friend without going out? Could you understand what I mean if I write in Chinese? Sorry ,I am a little slow, because I am poor in English.Where will you return to on date XX? Paris or Nante?

do you have dinner yet? haven't you chat with your French friend? do you understand what i mean if i write in Chinese? sorry ,i am a little slow, 'cause i am poor in english, which place will you return to on date XX?Paris or 南特?



我这段时间都比较忙?" I have been busy recently."好久没跟你聊天了"It is a long time since we chatted last time.

微信汉译英的好处 在全球化的今天,跨国交流变得越来越频繁,语言沟通也成为了一大问题。尤其是不少人的英语水平有限,难以和外国朋友进行顺畅的对话。但是,如果你使用微信,在与外国朋友聊天时,就可以轻松解决这个问题了。只需要轻点几下,就能将文本信息进行快速、准确的翻译,让你与外国朋友轻松沟通。

1,可以。也可以说:Yes,I knew.2,I don't know why the movie is not carried on in China, but I can watch it from internet in a few months.3说的不错 4从语法上说,把very变成worrying就没有什么错误,只是说法有些不地道。I wonder whether there are some mistakes in the ...



第二步,在打开页面的搜索框中,录入“有道”的文字,下面会显示“搜一搜 有道”,点击进入下级页面。第三步,在打开的页面中,会显示所有和有道相关的内容,在上面的横向菜单栏中,选择“小程序”,点击即可添加小程序到微信。第四步,然后,返回找到您要翻译的聊天内容,选择内容击右键,选择“复制”...

工具:微信 翻译 步骤:1,在微信聊天界面,选择需要翻译的英文,使用手指长按3秒左右。2,然后弹出来一个选择菜单命令,选择翻译功能 3,对应的翻译就会出现在英文的下方了,效果如图所示。

符号聊天暗语大全,聊天是我们每个人都会做的一件事情,现在我们可以发现很多特色的符号和字母在通过一定的翻译之后就会有不一样的含义,也是目前比较流行的,以下符号聊天暗语大全。 符号聊天暗语大全1 1、ch will mit dir s wim、【翻译】:我想和你在一起。 2、Du bist mein Schatz、【翻译】:你是我的宝贝。 3...

石渠县19863607030: 帮忙中译英,不难的就5句
仰居赛法: 1.This guest is hard to deal with. 2.Whether to have a trip this summer depends on the time. 3.I haven't decided what to do next. 4.My brother dreams of having his own car. 5.Could you do me a favor of this case.

石渠县19863607030: 帮忙翻译聊天内容,尽量准确无误,请尽快.
仰居赛法: 1月1日是元旦.这是一个伟大的一天所有的世界各地的人们.俗话说,“良好的开端是成功的一半”.所以,许多人全力以赴去庆祝这个重要的日子.在那一天,我和我的同学去了书城市.我们买了很多有用的参考书和有趣的故事书.我相信“知识就是力量”.我希望我能学到很多东西从这些书籍和提高我的学习.在晚上,我的家人有一个大型晚宴.所有成员在我的家人希望我在新的一年里好运.

石渠县19863607030: 帮忙把几句话翻译成英文 -
仰居赛法: 1You must treasure your body during these years. 2No change to the death 3 I would like to use my efforts to paved your way that ray of golden flowers. 4Because your voice is behind me. 5Because my chest is in front of you .望采纳

石渠县19863607030: 帮忙中译英几句句子
仰居赛法: 1.it's impossible to avoid makeing mistakes when learn English. 2.We can communicate with most area people in the world by phone. 3.Being lack of eye contact shows more intension than misbehavior 4.in many cases, the way you speaking is ...

石渠县19863607030: 帮忙翻译一句话,中译英,麻烦大家了,谢谢 -
仰居赛法: sorry,i did't mean it. but my English isn't good, so i can't express it clearly..XX ,i have it. do you have anything else to exchange.

石渠县19863607030: 帮忙翻译几句 简单中译英 -
仰居赛法: I am gald to hear from you and happy to know everthing is ok.I am willing to finish the task in October,so,i hope we could have a perfect cooperation.See you next time

石渠县19863607030: 帮忙中译英,一句话,内容点进来.
仰居赛法: Now that you appear again ,don't blame me for grasping you tightly.

石渠县19863607030: 帮忙编一段两人的英语对话,两分钟左右,附带翻译,内容是.在这个礼拜的某个时候约见你的朋友看电影. -
仰居赛法:[答案] a:hi,guy. b:hello. a:i know there will be an excellent movie on show. are you free on this weekend?i would like to see it with you. b:that sounds good. what kind of movie it is?you know,I like action movie best. a: it is suitable for you. it is action movie. b:cool....

石渠县19863607030: 帮忙中译英下,很短的(越简单越好) -
仰居赛法: Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on 15th,January,1929.His father was a chaplain while his mather was a teacher.He learned how to love others from his mather and the c...

石渠县19863607030: 帮忙翻译几句话(中译英)
仰居赛法: be quiet,please.I'm doing something else,please contact later . sorry,I'm not in wait a moment,I'm busy

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