有warn sb about sth 么,它与warn sb of sth 有区别么?

作者&投稿:豆卢堵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
warn sb. about sth.与warn sb. of sth.的区别他们等于warn sb. sth.吗若不等于他们的区别与用法~

这两个短语基本上没什么区别,可互换使用。不过warn sb. of sth.更常用一些。你这里提到的warn sb. sth.可能是指的warn的另一个用法:warn sb. that... 。当你警告的内容要用一个句子来表达的时候,你可以使用这个句型。如果你可以用一个单词或短语就表达出要警告的内容,就用前面的两个短语。请看如下例句
Travellers to Africa are being warned about the danger of HIV infection.
Salmon farmers are warning of the severe crisis facing the industry.
We warned them that there was a bull in the field.


如果一定要说区别,那就是warn sb. about 后面可以接动名词, warn me about walking while texting. (警告我不要边走路边发短信) 而这样的情况比较少见用warn sb. of 其他的真的没什么区别。

有warn sb about sth,warn sb about sth与warn sb of sth的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。


1.warn sb about sth:警告某人某事。

2.warn sb of sth:警告某人某事,警告某人有某情况。


1.warn sb about sth:意思是“警告,告诫”,强调及时发现正在来临的或可能发生的危险或冒险,给人以忠告,从而可能避免危险或难堪的处境。

2.warn sb of sth:warn只用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、that从句作宾语,也可接由that从句充当直接宾语的双宾语。warn还可接以介词短语、动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。


1.warn sb about sth:侧重于表示sth就是警告的主要内容。

2.warn sb of sth:侧重于表示警告的内容是关于sth的。

warn sb. (not) to do sth. 提醒(警告)某人(不)做某事


warn sb. of sth.

He has been warned of danger of driving after drinking wine.


warn sb. about / against sb. / sth. 或 warn sb. against doing sth.


He warned us about the serious situation.


They warned him against swimming in that river.


warn sb. to sth.
warn sb. of sth.
warn sb. that…

Note: warn sb. not to do sth.=warn sb. against doing sth.

(used to indicate the object of the action noted by the preceding noun, verb, or adjective):,of是用来表示前置名词、动词(如warn)、形容词的对象的含义,about sth 通常是介词短语作状语,在“warn"这个词时很少这样搭配的,虽然在语法上似乎也没什么错误!英语中,有些搭配和惯例还是要硬记的并习惯它!中文不也这样吗?


嘉兴市19330454625: warn sb. about sth.与warn sb. of sth.的区别他们等于warn sb. sth.吗若不等于他们的区别与用法 -
偶亚人免: 这两个短语基本上没什么区别,可互换使用.不过warn sb. of sth.更常用一些.你这里提到的warn sb. sth.可能是指的warn的另一个用法:warn sb. that... .当你警告的内容要用一个句子来表达的时候,你可以使用这个句型.如果你可以用一个单...

嘉兴市19330454625: warn sb. about sth.与warn sb. of sth.的区别.. -
偶亚人免: warn sb. about sth.这里sth通常是一个名词, 如:He warned us about the serious situation.warn sb. of sth. 这里sth通常是一个从句. He has been warned of danger of driving after drinking wine.sth代表driving after drinking wine.

嘉兴市19330454625: 有warn sb about sth 么,它与warn sb of sth 有区别么? -
偶亚人免:[答案] warn sb.(not) to do sth.提醒(警告)某人(不)做某事 有时也可以用下面的结构表达:warn sb.of sth.He has been warned of danger of driving after drinking wine.他已被提醒过酒后开车危险.warn sb.about / against sb./ sth.或 warn sb.against doing sth...

嘉兴市19330454625: 有warn sb about sth 么,它与warn sb of sth 有区别么? -
偶亚人免: warn sb. (not) to do sth. 提醒(警告)某人(不)做某事 有时也可以用下面的结构表达: warn sb. of sth. He has been warned of danger of driving after drinking wine. 他已被提醒过酒后开车危险. warn sb. about / against sb. / sth. 或 warn sb. ...

嘉兴市19330454625: "英语里与"warn "有关的词组有哪些 -
偶亚人免: warn sb(not) to do sth(告诫某人(不)要做某事) warn sb about sth (告诫某人某事) 1. warn off(v.+adv.) 阻止…去(某处) try to prevent sb from going somewhere or doing sth, especially by threatening them 例句 :Anne witnessed her boss ...

嘉兴市19330454625: warn sb to do sth warn doing 区别 -
偶亚人免: 和remember to do/doing是一个道理. remember to do是记得要去做某事(这件事还没做) remember doing是记得做过的某事(这件事做完了) warn to do是警告别去做某事(还没做) warn doing警告别再去做(做完了)

嘉兴市19330454625: warn的语法怎么用 -
偶亚人免: 1. warn sb about sth 2. warn (sb) of sth 3. warn sb (not) to do sth

嘉兴市19330454625: 英语单词warn的使用方法 -
偶亚人免:[答案] warn sb.(not) to do sth.警告某人(不要)干某事 warn sb.about sth.提醒、警告某人注意某事 warn sb.against (doing)sth.警告某人某事

嘉兴市19330454625: warn的用法 -
偶亚人免:[答案] warn sb.(not) to do sth.警告某人(不要)干某事 warn sb.about sth.提醒、警告某人注意某事 warn sb.against (doing)sth.警告某人某事 warned,warn.ing,warns v.tr.(及物动词) To make aware in advance of actual or potential harm,danger,or evil. 警告...

嘉兴市19330454625: warn…of与warn…about的区别是什么? -
偶亚人免: warn sb of sth warn sb about sth 没有多大的区别的 warn sb about doing这点是他们的区别 呵呵 采纳下啊

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