
作者&投稿:产嘉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ festival的读音是:英['fest?vl]。
festival的读音是:英['fest?vl]。festival的词语用法是n.(名词)festival的意思是“节日”,多指民俗或宗教节日,用作专有名词时,其前须加定冠词; 有时还可指音乐、戏剧、电影等会演性的节日。festival【近义词】celebration。
Afestival is an organized series of events such as musical concerts or drama productions.
e.g. Numerous Umbrian towns hold their own summer festivals of music, theatre, and dance...
e.g. There are over 350 films in the Edinburgh FilmFestival this year.
今年爱丁堡电影节有超过 350 部影片参展。
Afestival is a day or time of the year when people have a holiday from work and celebrate some special event, often a religious event.
e.g. ...the Hindufestival of Diwali.
1. 年庆:at School)、戏剧学校(Drama School)的数目;可进行艺术表演的各种场所的数目;年庆(Festival)的情况. 2:所有的娱乐、年庆、乐师(Musicians)、杂耍艺人(Acrobats)和演员(Actors)的覆盖图. 5:娱乐英雄:呵呵,这就是古代的偶像崇拜了:),
2. festival什么意思
2. 影展:影展 (FESTIVAL) 将众多影片集中一起举办竞赛,或作电影交易的一种电影活动. 影展不仅是一种有利可图的商业活动,也是一种重要的文化活动. 西欧的威尼斯、坎城、柏林、东欧的莫斯科、卡洛维华利,亚洲的东京等都是当前世界上的主要影展.
We all wore festival costumes to the ball.
The carnival was immersed in a festival atmosphere.
We all immersed in the gaiety of the Spring Festival.
The Nadam Festival is a traditional occasion for Mongols to get together for a few days of festivity.
用作名词(n.)The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming.
中秋节就要到了。We spend most of the Spring Festival at home.
大部分春节我们都在家过。Christmas and Easter are two festivals of the Christian church.
圣诞节和复活节是基督教会的两个节日。A film festival is being held in Changchun.
用作名词 (n.)动词+~celebrate〔keep, observe〕 a festival庆祝节日,纪念节日enjoy a festival欢度节日have〔hold, spend〕 a festival过节形容词+~annual festival一年一度的节日great〔important〕 festival伟大〔重要〕的节日happy〔pleasant, solemn〕 festival愉快〔欢快,庄重〕的节日high festival盛大的节日immovable festival固定日期的节日religious〔traditional〕 festival宗教〔传统〕节日名词+~art〔dance, drama, film, music〕 festival艺术〔舞蹈,戏剧,电影,音乐〕节Church festival教会的节日the Edinburgh F-爱丁堡戏剧节folk festival民间节日harvest festival丰收喜庆日the Lantern F-元宵节the Mid-Autumn〔Moon〕 F-中秋佳节the New Year's F-新年the Spring F-春节victory festival胜利的节日介词+~at the festival在节日庆典上on the occasion of the festival值此节日之际七、词义辨析
n.(名词)festival, day, holiday, leave, vacation这五个词都有“假日”的意思。其区别在于:holiday来源于宗教的节日、假日,是普通用词,多用于英式英语中,指的是一个人在一年中不干工作的那段时间,也可用来表示一两天的短假期; day表示法定节日,多用于专有名词中; festival指民俗或宗教节日,并含有定期欢度的意味; leave指政府工作人员或军人的假期; vacation用于大学停课放假长达多周的假日或法院停止开庭时间,在美式英语中,凡是较长时间的休假都可用这个词。例如:August and September are the months of the year during which most English people take their holidays.一年中8、9两个月是大多数英国人休假的月份。We celebrate National Day every year.我们每年都庆祝国庆节。Christmas is one of the festivals of the Christian church.圣诞节是基督教的节日之一。The soldiers will go home on leave once every two years.士兵们每两年回家休假一次。Three vacations occur in the course of the year, viz, two weeks at Christmas, ten days at Easter and the usual two months in summer.一年中有三个假期,即圣诞节两周,复活节十天以及通常的两个月暑假。festival的相关近义词
festive、fester、Festivals、festivally、festivalgoer、Festival Hall、Festival Film、festival dance、festival brand、festival symbol、festival sports、festival lantem

1.Do you have a ball game? 2.We don't have an art festival. 3.When is the English party? 4.It is on 27th April. 5.I like basketball and volleyball.

以下是我写的作文:The Mid-Autumn Festival will be coming.I will go to my hometown with my family during this time.We will have many mooncake and look the moon in the night.The Mid-Autumn estival is means happiness and lucky.I like this festival....

what is traditional way to celebrate the spring
中文翻译为:what is traditional way to celebrate the spring?什么是传统的方式来庆祝春节?celebrate the spring 庆祝春节 例句:1、How do people celebrate the Spring Festival? We have big dinners at home.人们怎样庆祝春节?我们在家里吃大餐。2、Nowadays, children do not like to celebrate ...

Lucy is busy ___ an e—mail。连词成句do,you,to,what,want,buy_百 ...
Lucy is busy writing an e-mail.露西正忙于写电子邮件。What do you want to buy?你想买什么?1.We have a Sports Day next week.对划线部分提问 划线部分是Sports Day ___What___ __do___ you have next week?你们下个星期有什么打算(\/计划)?2.Today is Monday.对划线部分提问...

estival aspect 盛夏季相 favo(u)rable aspect 有利示象[显示] flashing aspect 闪光示象[显示] flashing signal aspect 闪光信号示象[显示] frequentative aspect 重复体,多次体 ghost aspect 虚幻示象[显示] graduated restrictive aspect 逐步限速示象[显示] hiemal aspect 冬季相 home signal aspect 进站信号示...

自己尝试翻译了一下 翻译五月天歌词还是蛮好玩得事情 因为有感情~不过不恰当的地方 请多多指教 how to hold the rainbow 怎么去拥有一道彩虹 how to hold the estival wind 怎么去拥抱一夏天的风 the ethereal stars are laughing the human 天上的星星笑地上的人 they always can not understand ...

is the New Year Chinese traditional festival?

罂粟花,就英文翻译过来就是:Poppy flower 另外,罂粟花的用途及其定义是:罂粟花原产小亚细亚、印度和伊朗。我国部分地区药物种植场有少量栽培。罂粟花是罂粟科的二年生草本植物。罂粟花全株粉绿色,叶长椭圆形,抱茎而生。罂粟花夏季开花,单生枝头,大型而艳丽,有红、紫、白色,向上开放。花早落,...

关于西班牙 城市 LAREDO
y destinada a cubrir las necesidades de las numerosas personas que visitan la villa, sobre todo en época estival. De hecho, Laredo es un referente del turismo de sol y playa en el norte de España.La industria municipal está basada en la transformación de los productos ...

劲舞团所有背景音乐谁知道 高悬赏
《劲舞团》V1.4 “舞动生活”背景音乐 1.Give it up-Audition 《劲舞团》V1.5 “我型我秀”背景音乐 2.get the party started-PINK 3.sex bomb-tom jones 4.完美世界-平井坚 《劲舞团》V1.6 “舞林争霸”背景音乐 5.我爱你-李素恩 6.Love song-七公主 《劲舞团》V1.65 “爱情大考验...

翠云区18832605084: festival怎么读? -
昌裕派盛:[答案] festival 英['festɪvl] 美[ ˈfɛstəvəl] n.节日;节期;贺宴,会演 adj.节日的,喜庆的 名词复数:festivals [例句] 1.It opened the pusan international film festival in october. 它是10月份釜山国际电影节的开幕影片. 2.Qingming is an annual festival where ...

翠云区18832605084: 选出单词划线部分的正确发音. festivalA[e]B[æ]C[ei] -
昌裕派盛:[答案] 【分析】festival [yb]'festəvəl[/yb] 节日;喜庆日.选A.

翠云区18832605084: 节日这个英语单词怎么读? -
昌裕派盛: 节日 festival 英 ['festɪv(ə)l] 美 [ˈfɛstəvəl] n. 节日;庆祝,纪念活动;欢乐 adj. 节日的,喜庆的;快乐的

翠云区18832605084: festival怎么读? -
昌裕派盛: fai si tei wer

翠云区18832605084: festival怎么读?它的意思是什么 -
昌裕派盛: festival[英]['festɪvl][美][ ˈfɛstəvəl]n.节日; 节期; 贺宴,会演; adj.节日的,喜庆的; 复数:festivals

翠云区18832605084: 节日在英语中怎么读 -
昌裕派盛: 您好: 节日 festival 读作 “fai 斯特沃哦” 望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

翠云区18832605084: 节日的英文单词怎么读 -
昌裕派盛: festival

翠云区18832605084: 节日这个英语单词怎么读?
昌裕派盛: 节日festival英['fest?v(?)l]美[?f?st?v?l]n.节日;庆祝,纪念活动;欢乐adj.节日的,喜庆的;快乐的

翠云区18832605084: festival 的音标是什么?两本字典上的标的不同,那个对? -
昌裕派盛: 其实两个发音都是对的,美音:['festəvəl] 英音:['festivәl],现在以美式发音为主,建议你选择美音:['festəvəl] .

翠云区18832605084: festival是什么意思 -
昌裕派盛: 节 双语对照词典结果: festival [英][ˈfestɪvl][美][ ˈfɛstəvəl] n.节日; 节期; 贺宴,会演; adj.节日的,喜庆的; 复数:festivals以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1. This kind of music festival atmosphere was a new hong kong experience. 这种音乐节的气氛在香港是一种全新的体验.

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