by and from 的分别

作者&投稿:芷差 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ BY prep. 1. 被
由 The homework was assigned by the teacher. 这些家庭作业是老师布置的。 2. 靠

通过 They crossed the river by ferry. 他们乘渡船过了河。 3. 经由;沿 Ellen flew to Chicago by way of Minneapolis. 艾伦经由明尼阿波利斯飞往芝加哥。 4. 在...旁边
靠近;在...手边 I haven't got any money by me. 我身边没有带钱。 5. 不迟于;在...之前 We had to get there by evening. 我们必须在夜晚前抵达那里。 6. 根据
按照 How do you know he didn't act by the rules? 你怎么知道他没有按规定行事的? 7. (表程度)相差 He missed the bus by three minutes. 他晚了三分钟没赶上那班公车。 8. 凭
对...(发誓) I swear by God! 我对上帝发誓! 9. (乘除法上)以...
用...(乘或除) Nine divided by three makes three. 九除以三得三。 10. 以...计
按 You'll be paid by the hour. 你的工资将按时计酬。 11. 在...的时候 He had to sleep by day and work by night. 他只好白天睡觉
晚上工作。 12. 就...来说
关于 Philip is a doctor by profession. 菲力浦的职业是医生。 13. (表连续或反复)逐个;逐批 The teacher explained the text sentence by sentence. 教师逐句讲解了这篇课文。 14. 由于 She took my umbrella by mistake. 她误拿了我的伞。 ad. 1. 经过;过去 A truck went by. 一辆卡车开过。 2. 在旁边 When I filled out the form she was standing by all the time. 我填写表格时
她一直站在我身旁。 3. (放)在一边 They put money by for later use. 他们储存钱以备将来使用。 4. 【美】【口】到(或进入)某人的家 Please e by and have dinner with us. 请到我家来一起吃晚饭。 FROM prep. 1. 从...起
始于 She is singing from morning to night. 她从早唱到晚。 2. 从;由 He rose from office boy to managing director in fifteen years. 他十五年里从工友升到总经理。 3. 离(开) Our school is o miles from the station. 我们学校离车站两英里。 4. 从...来;出自 He es from Shanghai. 他来自上海。 5. (表示去除
剥夺等) The pill will relieve you from pain. 这药丸将使你免受痛苦。 6. (表示区别
比较) He is old enough to know right from wrong. 他已长大
能够辨别是非了。 7. (表示原料)由 Flour is made from wheat. 面粉由小麦制成。 8. 因为
由于;出于 He wasn't ill; he stayed in bed from laziness. 他没病
躺在床上是因懒惰之故。 He is trembling from fear. 他吓得发抖。
参考: dr. eye

章贡区18387506670: by和 from 区别 -
仲孙秋五苓:[答案] By是通过.from是来自

章贡区18387506670: from和by的用法和区别、 -
仲孙秋五苓: 它们2个好像没什么需要去区分的吧,不相近的哦.你要区分也要有句子来解释哦.

章贡区18387506670: by 和 from 有什么区别..比如 by me 和 from me、、 -
仲孙秋五苓:[答案] by me 一般用在被动语态,意为“被我·······” He was hit by me.他被我打. from me意为“从我······” Take what you need from me.从我这里带走你所要的.

章贡区18387506670: “be+made+of”,“be+made+by”和“be+made+from”的区别是什么? -
仲孙秋五苓: made of 表示制成成品后,仍可看出原材料是什么,保留原材料的质和形状,制作过程仅发生物理变化 【发音】英 [bi: meɪd ɔv] 美 [bi med ʌv] 【解释】用…造成(用于原材料显而易见的场合) 【双语例句】 (1)Only the rough guess and ...

章贡区18387506670: from,by都有什么区别表示原由的on,b -
仲孙秋五苓: 表示原由: 1. for 表示原因,常与 sorry, famous, punish, praise, thank, blame等词连用.如: I am sorry for what I said to you. 我后悔不该对你讲那些话. 2. at 指情感变化的原因,意为 “ 因听到或看到而 ……”.如: He was surprised at the news. 听...

章贡区18387506670: 区分以下介词的意义 at,in,on,for, above, with, by,to,from -
仲孙秋五苓: at:主要表示方向、场所、时间的某一点 表示原因,表示“见/闻……而”. at the news in:表示场所、时间与期限、状况、方向. 主要用来表示较长的时间单位,如月份、季节、年份等 in the 1990s in the late 19th century 形成“in+时间段名词...

章贡区18387506670: sql语句中的select.from.and.order by分别相当于查询中的什么?字段?链接? -
仲孙秋五苓: 没看懂问题,select from从表中筛选 and是连接并列条件的,order by asc 顺序 desc倒序

章贡区18387506670: by then, from then, just then的区别是什么? -
仲孙秋五苓: by then 截止到那时 有时候也可以作 当那个时候 看语态 from then 从那时起 just then 就在那个时候 强调瞬时 强调事情或者动作的先后连贯关系

章贡区18387506670: between...and与from...to的区别 -
仲孙秋五苓: between...and...在某某和某某之间;是在两者之间的意思 如: I'm usually free between Tuesday and Thursday. 我通常在星期二至星期四有空 Many changes took place between the two world wars. 两次世界大战之间发生了很多的变化. the ...

章贡区18387506670: 在写信的时候是FOR……BY .呢还是TO……FROM或者送东西是.两者有什么区别 -
仲孙秋五苓:[答案] TO……FROM to 是收信人的名字 from 是写信人的名字 for by 是一个人讲话的时候用的 如这份礼物是我给他的 The gift is for him given by me.

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