
作者&投稿:闻仁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 【 #中考# 导语】备考是一种经历,也是一种体验。每天进步一点点,基础扎实一点点,通过考试就会更容易一点点。 考 网为您提供中考优秀英语作文范文,一起看看吧。


  My favorite movies


  Hello,boys and girls!My name is Jenny.I'm 14-year-old.My birthday is on October 31st.I'm a movie fan.I like action movie and science movie. My favorite actor is Jackie Chan.He is a great action actor. He has many movies . For example.The Around the World is 80 Days,Rob-B-hood and Rush Hour.These movies are very exciting. I really like Rob-B-hood very much, because they are exciting.I like action movie movies very much.



  我的朋友 My friend

  I have many friends. One of them is my classmate Ma Hua.He is a League member and one of the best students in my class.He is fond of English and good at it. He often practises reading aloud. So he has a good pronunciation.


  He is always ready to help others. With his help I have made great progress. I have made up my mind to catch up with him and to join the League in the near future.



  I like sports and I'm good at playing basketball. Every day,I practise basketball with my classmates after school.I also enjoy listening to music but I can't sing well. I'm afraid of singing in front of people. I hope our school will start a singing club. I'm sure I can make great progress with our teachers. I also hope there will be less homework on weekends. Then I can have more time to do what I'm interested in.


英语写作是令很多考生感到十分苦恼的一个题型,也是一个失分率很高的题型。下面是我给大家整理的带翻译的高中常考英语作文范文,供大家参阅!高中常考的英语作文范文(一) 给年轻女孩的建议 The Advices For the Young Girls In the history, women used to be looked down upon by men, and they...

am. August 6. My uncle is tall and he is wearing glasses. And he will be in blue jacket.Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua 高考英语作文要想写的行云流水,那么需要同学们注意平时的积累,掌握一些必备的句型,对于提高英语作文的亮点得高分很有帮助哦。[全国卷高考英语作文题目]

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高考英语满分作文一般胜在行文清晰、准确、简洁三点,这就是公认的英语满分作文“黄金三定律”。下文是整理的必背高考英语作文范文,希望对大家有所帮助!高考英语必须背的作文范文How to keep safe?As teenagers, we should always keep safety inmind. But how can we keep safe? Here are some of...

高考优秀英语作文 优秀英语作文摘抄
高考英语作文摘抄 学校将举行以“turning a bad mood into a good one “的作文比赛,请按以下要求完成 1.发生的具体事件 2.对你的心情有何影响 3.你如何应对 范文: Turning a bad mood into a good one It is very important for us to have a good mood in our daily life. If you...

较好的高考英语作文范文,供大家学习参考用.一.What can I do for our environment?Everyone can do something for our environment. For me, I should try to save electricity in my daily life. For example, if I am the last person leave the classroom in the evening, I will always ...

高中英语作文常考话题范文 有哪些优秀例文
高中英语作文常考话题比如学校生活,Today, a high school delegation from the UK came to our school to have a cultural exchange activity, which offered us a good opportunity to learn more about each other.英语常考话题及范文1.学校生活 Today, a high school delegation from the UK came...

orange juice, apples, cakes, eggs and so on. But all of a sudden, it began to rain. Unluckily there was no shelter nearby. We had to take a bus to go back home in a hurry.What an unforgettable picnic it was!以上就是我为大家整理的中考英语作文60词左右范文。


坚持是我们获得成功的关键,不管做什么都需要我们坚持去做到最好。下面我为大家带来 关于坚持的英语作文,欢迎大家参考!关于坚持的英语作文一 Everyone has his dreams, but not all these dreams can e true. People give up their dreams for this or that reason. Those whose dreams bee true have...

再者,你有没有发现睡眠质量好的人通常都是很少长痘的,因为充足的睡眠可以平衡他们内分泌并排毒。知道这些后,你还会对睡眠吝啬吗?你还敢晚睡吗?猜你喜欢:1. 优秀高中英语作文范文带翻译 2. 高中英语作文范文精选 3. 2016高考英语作文范文 4. 高中英语作文三篇带翻译 5. 80字英语作文带翻译 ...

霞山区19170034411: 求英语作文一篇《我最喜欢的电影》 40字 初中水平 至少两篇 -
郭官来可: My favorite film is harry powter .I like it ,because the major role's perfect preformance.I like harry.Because he is smart ,cute and outgoing .After i saw the movie ,i have some crazy ideas in my head.I dream i can do something like harry,but it's only a ...

霞山区19170034411: 英语作文 3篇 初中 1 我最喜爱的电视节目 2我最喜爱的电影明星 3我的侦探故事 拜托了哦! -
郭官来可: 我喜欢的电影明星: Nowadays teenagers tend to take some movie stars or singers as their idols. They are crazy about those stars. But I am not one of them. I think such kind of thing is a waste of time and energy. The stars I prefer are the real stars ...

霞山区19170034411: 用英语写一篇关于电的作文. 字数80字.
郭官来可: 用英语写一篇关于电的作文,此类作文最好有相关的作文素材,或者有相关范文参考,这样写起来就得心应手了! 顺溜作文网 http://www.666zw.com 10万条免费作文资源,提供中考作文、高考作文、英语作文、语文学习、写作素材、优秀作文、中考满分作文、高考满分作文、免费语文阅读资料下载、考场作文指导、英语作文等各项免费资源.

霞山区19170034411: 以“I enjoy watching films"为题的英语作文
郭官来可: I enjoy watching films I'm a high school student.I enjoy watching films.I spend my free time in watching films.Watching films make me clever,knowlege and happy. I like watching some film of Disney.It's my favorite.I like Mickey mouse.I like him very ...

霞山区19170034411: 英语作文电和我们的生活找范文 -
郭官来可: The twenty-first century,today is a giant advance scientific and technological development,such as age,power,space technology and so has made gratifying achievements.In particular,store development,and even more by leaps and bounds.Our lives...

霞山区19170034411: 初中英语作文范文20篇.谢谢 -
郭官来可: 【篇一】Two days ago, a heavy snow came. And now, the snow stopped and it's time for fun. This morning, I go to outside door and make snowman with my friends. We prepare some tools and then we start. We did it many times before, so it'...

霞山区19170034411: <<我最喜欢的电视栏目>>作文,300 - 500字急需
郭官来可: 前几年中考的作文题目是“我最喜欢的电视节目”,今天,我就就着这个作文题,来谈一谈我最喜欢的电视节目. 首先,不可否认的是,各类电视节目都有它各自的特点,我们应根据自己的专长,弱项来选择合适自己收看的电视节目.我本人就...

霞山区19170034411: 中考英语满分作文范文 2010年 2009年的 -
郭官来可: 2010年上海中考英语作文题:I'm proud of myself 1、What kind of person are you? 2、What makes you proud of yourself(Give an example/examples) 3、Why are you proud of yourself? 要求:至少60字 范文: I am a boy of less confidence.I always...

霞山区19170034411: 《我最喜欢的科目》初中英语作文60字 -
郭官来可:[答案] My favorite subject is PE. We do lots of sports in class. After school, I would stay on the playground and play basketball with some friends of mine until it was dark, because it is good to...

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