
作者&投稿:井鸣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1 The 1 sentence, we agree to such a world, people in every countryrooted in their own culture, and draw rich nutrition from other nationalities.

2 Chinese even afraid of death, afraid of difficulties? I said: fear no death, but since the death to fear.

3 sixth, adhere to the coordinated development of regional economy,gradually narrow the development gap between regions.

4 the great wall of China is the world's longest and most great wall,east from Shanhaiguan, West Jiayuguan, full-length 13400 kilometers.

1. I fucking die, not worthy to die to elder sister.
2.I say. I would like a sunflower. Looking at me. Is I happiness.

I said,I would like a sunflower. A beautiful woman. Also is seriously again.

I said, I would like a sunflower. Never give up. Namely 。。。.
3. And the who, the elder sister says she forget you.
不离不弃不好翻译,意译的话Not Leaving Without YouTo have to hold

1.In Kunming, it is very warm in May and most of the time it is sunny, it has good weather.

In general, however, the weather change a lot in a day.In the cool morning, it is best to wear a sweater. And at noon it will be hotter, you just need to wear a T-shirt.
Sometimes it rains, so remember umbrella along.
I am clear on these, and I wish you fun
2 My birthday is coming on, I intend to hold a small party, I will then invite a few friends, and I will receive their gift. , then I intend to take some photographs in party with my friends , I will sing and dance with everyone. We will be very happy。

3 I now stand in A Division , I would like to go straight along the people's road .and I will take a turning in the zhongshan road between the library and the supermarke, and continue along the mountain road, and then go over a bridge, , turn right afer crossing the bridgeon to the post office , the post office is opposite to the food store.

翻完了 希望能帮到lz

差一点就被打上了,这时,一个胖胖的男同学一脸慌张地走过来说:“对不起,你们没有受伤吧!”樊凡笑了笑说:“没事,你们下次路踢球一定要小心一点,别砸到人了。”这位男同学听说没事后,跟我们道了个别便抱起球走了。我心想:樊凡的心胸宽广呀! 这就是我的好朋友——樊凡。 我与同学交往的故事2 我有一个十分...




关于普通话的我都不会。1.粤方言的代表是(A)A广州话 B梅县话 C建瓯话 D福州话 2.元音中,嘴唇形状和其他元音不同的是(C)A i B e C u D a 3.下例几组汉字中都是齐齿呼韵母的一组是(B)A制.李.尼 B亚.牛.有 C药.条.日 D词.七.一 4.gair(盖儿)是()A两个音节,四个...

这是她成为我最好的朋友的原因之一。我们两个每天形影不离,像一块黏糊糊的橡皮糖一样,连一块饼干都要掰开两半分着吃。她总是能在我遇到麻烦时来帮助我,我也总能在她遇到麻烦时帮助她。 有一次,我差点就要迟到了,下课后又忘了放饭盒。由于是第一次,所以我不敢去。我想让同学陪我去,但是我却忘记了。知道...

我着儿有创可贴,喏,给你。”他从包里拿出一条创可贴, 我犹豫不决,没想到他把包装迅速撕开,又说:“包装都撕开 了,你拿着。”我从他手里拿过创可贴,贴在伤口上,心里油生 了一种惭愧的情感:平时我对他那么凶,他还是没有记仇,还总 是帮我,多么好的同学啊!大概就是从那是起,我对...

我点点头,微笑着说:“不疼了。”它的心里踏实下来了。别的同学看见了说:“你真是个助人为乐的好孩子啊。”她的脸都红了,说:“谢谢。” 你们知道...她下了自行车,走到我面前心平气和地说:“我来帮你吧!”她蹲在我旁边。我站了起来,泪水划过了我涨红的脸。我背过去,不想让她看见。不一会儿,车...

全班同学都赞叹不已。 李子超勇于思考,敢于怀疑的精神令人钦佩。 篇六:写同学作文的结尾 心地善良的他在班级也很受老师和同学们的欢迎,有了他班级里增添了许多的欢声笑语。在学校他是我最好的同学,在校外他是我最好的朋友。 愿我最好的朋友能够天天开心,天天愉快!在今后的日子里能够顺顺利利! 篇七:写同学...

也有对话~~129 来自黑衣组织的女子&大学教授杀人事件 灰原登场的一集,其他废话也不用我多说了吧!不过她的那场假哭,可真是汉倒了无数后来“补课”的同学啊!130~131 竞技场胁迫事件 灰原骗柯南说自己84岁了,吓了他一跳 结果……当然是骗他的 小哀的那番话,真是莫名其妙……135 消失的凶器...

咸丰县18967585242: 英文好的同志来帮我汉译英 一定要完美哦! -
虫房迈力: 望故乡Staring at Hometown北望故园Looking north hometown故园的守望者Catcher in the hometown在异国他乡向着故乡的方向深情眺望 想起故园的风景stare affectionately around standing on the foreign country,remind the view of homeland.DJ阿鹏于2012秋天混音————北望故园DJ啊鹏 in the autumn of 2012------look north hometown

咸丰县18967585242: 英语好的朋友来帮我翻译个句子!
虫房迈力: “progressed our side along with society's development science and technology to have the change which changed with each new day, but the environment question was stranded throughout is forgiving us”

咸丰县18967585242: 请英语好的同学帮我用英语翻译兼听则明,要求使用enlighten,急!!!谢谢! -
虫房迈力: 有现成的类似的俗语:Hear all parties.按你要求翻译:hear from others to enlighten

咸丰县18967585242: 英语好的进 谁帮我中译英一下这个句子很多人用布袋取代塑料袋去阻止白色污染的加剧 帮我翻译后半句就行 就去阻止白色污染的加剧 最好用stop from水平要... -
虫房迈力:[答案] to stop the white pollution from being worse

咸丰县18967585242: 汉译英,请英语好的人,帮我翻译一段话 -
虫房迈力: This English test paper is very easy, I just feel a little difficult in listening, reading comprehension is the simplest part, I like this paper, especially the English composition, of which the topic is novel, I will spend more time in studing the words and ...

咸丰县18967585242: 英语好的朋友帮个忙.(汉译英)
虫房迈力: 我不管你是怎么想,我会一直等下去,你是我一生中最爱,我会好好珍惜你的.希望你能改变想法.No matter how did you think, I will wait all the time, you are my best love in my live, I can cherish you well. I hope you can change your mind

咸丰县18967585242: 请英语口语好的朋友进来帮我翻译下这段对话 考试要用 谢谢~! -
虫房迈力: 我觉得我的比一楼的朋友好点,呵呵,不是炫耀,我是英语专业的.1.Hello. Can we have a talk?2.Sure.1.Where are you from?2.Xin Jiang. What about you?1.I'm from Fujian.2.Oh, that's really far away.1.yeah...How old are you?2.I'm 19, and you?1....

咸丰县18967585242: 请英语好的朋友帮我翻译如下的话,谢谢 -
虫房迈力: Dear Customer Service: Sorry to bother you. Here is my order number: . I haven't receiced any message that my order has been shipped. I would like to ask the reason. If you just have no stock in your depots, I want to cancel my order. Thank you! Best wishes! Yours, sincerely,

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