
作者&投稿:邬谈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


A cactus (plural: cacti, cactuses, or cactus) is a member of the plant family Cactaceae, within the order Caryophyllales. The word cactus derives, through Latin, from the Ancient Greek κ�0�4κτο�0�9 (kaktos), a name originally used for a spiny plant whose identity is not certain. Cacti are native to the Americas, ranging from Patagonia in the south to parts of western Canada in the north—except for Rhipsalis baccifera, which also grows in Africa and Sri Lanka.
Most cacti live in habitats subject to at least some drought. Many live in extremely dry environments, even being found in the Atacama Desert, one of the driest places on earth. Cacti show many adaptations to conserve water. Most species of cacti have lost true leaves, retaining only spines, which are highly modified leaves. As well as defending against herbivores, spines help prevent water loss by reducing air flow close to the cactus and providing some shade. Cactus spines are produced from specialized structures called areoles, a kind of highly reduced branch. Areoles are an identifying feature of cacti. As well as spines, areoles give rise to flowers, which are usually tubular and multi-petaled.
In the absence of leaves, enlarged stems carry out photosynthesis. Unlike many other succulents, the stem is the only part of most cacti where this vital process takes place. Cactus stems also store water, and are often ribbed or fluted, which allows them to expand and contract easily. Cacti come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. The tallest free-standing cactus is Pachycereus pringlei, with a maximum recorded height of 19.2 m , and the smallest is Blossfeldia liliputiana, only about 1 cm in diameter at maturity. The smaller cacti usually have globe-shaped stems, combining the highest possible volume with the lowest possible surface area. Many cacti have a short growing season and a long dormancy and are able to react quickly to any rainfall, helped by an extensive but relatively shallow root system. A fully grown saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea) is said to be able to absorb as much as 760 liter of water during a rainstorm.
Like other succulent plants, most cacti employ a special mechanism called "Crassulacean acid metabolism" (CAM) as part of photosynthesis. Transpiration, during which carbon dioxide enters the plant and water escapes, does not take place during the day at the same time as photosynthesis, but instead occurs at night. The plant stores the carbon dioxide it takes in as malic acid, retaining it until daylight returns and only then using it in photosynthesis. Because transpiration takes place during the cooler, more humid night hours, water loss is significantly reduced.

Spent a lot of my family, but my favorite is the cactus flower. Cactus green body is kind of different. Stems and leaves its oval-shaped, flat, and each piece of the middle are two small, like a strong vigorous growth of the palm of your hand upward. His whole body covered with a brown small thorn, small thorns short, dense hand, it will mercilessly hard to root you, wah-wah bar you have pain. Cactus home in the desert regions of Africa, in particular, drought-tolerant, that is, in the arid desert, but also the survival proudly. Because the cactus stem is very thick, which can store a lot of water, the water can dry it in extreme cases of life-sustaining. Some people have done experiments, not to the cactus watering six years, it still proudly survival. He established the ability to cold, as well as indomitable vitality. Even if it's root rot, and still survive. Had a cold winter I remember, to whir north, snow goose feather floating in heaven, on the ground end of the thick ice. I did not to take care of it, a few months later, it became haggard, wither, and fade of the Baba. I watched, thinking it dead, and almost want to throw away. Who knows the following spring, the cactus or the tenacity to live over, is still as fresh, green, and become more strong, and soon, it was 23 out of yellow flowers. Cactus not only has strong vitality, but also gives medical treatment. Listen to her mother, said: If someone had mumps, put off a piece of cactus, thorn to scrape, mince, put in the neck, you can play the role of swelling. Cactus juice is said to have the efficacy of this beauty!


Cactus is the name given to any member of the flowering plant family Cactaceae. Cacti are almost exclusively New World plants. This means that they are native only in North America, South America, and the West Indies. There is however one exception, Rhipsalis baccifera; this species has a pantropical distribution, occurring in the Old World in tropical Africa, Madagascar and Sri Lanka as well as in tropical America. This plant is thought to be a relatively recent colonist in the Old World (within the last few thousand years), probably carried as seeds in the digestive tracts of migratory birds. Many other cacti have become naturalized to similar environments in other parts of the world after being introduced by people.



CACTUS [cactus]
any plant of the family Cactaceae, a large group of succulents found almost entirely in the New World. A cactus plant is conspicuous for its fleshy green stem, which performs the functions of leaves (commonly insignificant or absent), and for the spines (not always present) of various colors, shapes, and arrangements. Cactus flowers are notably delicate in appearance although usually large and showy; they are commonly yellow, white, or shades of red and purple. Many species are pollinated by bats. Cactus fruits are berries and are usually edible. A cactus plant appears on the coat of arms of Mexico, and the blossom of the giant cactus, or saguaro ( Cereus giganteus ), is the state flower of Arizona.

The plants vary from small, round globes to epiphytes, vines, and large treelike forms. The reduced leaf surface, the enlarged fleshy stem, which is well fitted to store water and to retain it, and the ramified and extensive root system (much reduced in cultivated cacti) make the plant particularly adapted to regions of high temperature and long dry periods. Cacti are not restricted to desert regions, however, for in America they range from the tropics into Canada.

Most cacti bloom in the spring for a very short period, sometimes for only a few hours. The blossoms are noticeably sensitive to light, and often different species blossom only at specific times of the day. One of the most famous of the cacti is the night-blooming cereus usually classified as Selenicereus or C. grandiflora (several other night-blooming cactus species bear the same common name). Its fragrant blossoms unfold at a visible rate after sunset and last only a single night. In many of its native habitats the flowering of this cactus is celebrated with festivals.


仙人掌用英语怎么翻译 cactus 请问所有神仙的统称,英语怎么说? 10分 一般情况下,god足以,但是第一个字母要小写就是,大写就是上帝了。如果一定要细分一点的话,这个词有时会指男神,当然这个用法并不常见。还有就是deity,也是神的意思,但是有的时候会指女神。如果复杂一点的也可以用immortal(永生...

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翻译成英文:Arizona的州花是柱状仙人掌,州鸟是Cactus, 别名是“大峡谷...
Arizona state flower is the columnar Cactus, state bird is the Cactus, nickname is "the grand canyon state". Motto is "God enriches"

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注释: 1.profitable adj.有益的,有用的 2.evolution n.[生]进化,进化论 3.intriguing adj.引起好奇心(或兴趣的),有迷惑力的 4.association n.友谊,伙伴关系 5.dwelling n.住处,住宅,寓所 6.accumulatevt.堆积,积聚 7.chambern.室,寝室 8.forage vi.搜寻 经过几百万年的进化,蚂蚁与多种不同植物形成了...


仙人掌的说法是cactus它的复数是cacti, 而cereus

Even the stubborn life of a cactus cannot exceed the closest friendship between us.exceed [?k'si?d]vt. 超过;胜过 问题二:2月5日用英文怎么写? 2月5日 February 5th 2月5日 February 5th 问题三:召唤神龙里面的仙人掌之王怎么打 仙人掌之王打法攻略 10回合逃走,999血,0攻击,...

仙人掌的资料 英文

a cactus!

围场满族蒙古族自治县15599587424: 谁帮我用英语简单介绍一下仙人掌100个字左右.用英语.不用太复杂.在线等. -
古券卡力:[答案] Cactuses Cactuses are used to living in desert. The whole body of a cactus is green. The stalk is oval and there are thorns all ... Although they are ignored in the desert, they never give up coming ont and alwaysdecorate the desert silently. 仙人掌 仙人掌...

围场满族蒙古族自治县15599587424: 谁帮我用英语简单介绍一下仙人掌 -
古券卡力: Cactuses Cactuses are used to living in desert. The whole body of a cactus is green. The stalk is oval and there are thorns all over its body. Actually the thorns in their bodies are their leaves. The leaves are like this only because they can stop the ...

围场满族蒙古族自治县15599587424: 关于仙人掌的外形特征的英语作文?(5,6句话就行) -
古券卡力:[答案] Cactuses Cactuses are used to living in desert.The whole body of a cactus is green.The stalk is oval and there are thorns all ... alwaysdecorate the desert silently. 仙人掌通常生长在沙漠里.它通身绿色,它的茎是椭圆形的,并且全身长满刺,实际上它们...

围场满族蒙古族自治县15599587424: 如何用英文介绍仙人掌 -
古券卡力: 一己之见A cactus (plural: cacti, cactuses, or cactus) is a member of the plant family Cactaceae, within the order Caryophyllales. The word cactus derives, through Latin, from the Ancient Greek κάκτος (kaktos), a name originally used for a spiny ...

围场满族蒙古族自治县15599587424: 仙人掌 英语作文 -
古券卡力: Do you know cactus?Yes it is a plant which grows in desert or tropic place.Now let me tell you something about the cactus.There are many thorns on it.Many people think they are thorns but they are realy its leaves.Because it lives in desert so its ...

围场满族蒙古族自治县15599587424: 仙人掌的英文怎么说啊? -
古券卡力: 仙人掌的说法是cactus它的复数是cacti,而cereus只是仙人掌的一种,并不是仙人掌的总称,仙人掌有很多种,比如世界上最大的仙人掌Pachycereus pringlei和世界上最小的仙人掌Blossfeldia liliputiana.一下一段是对仙人掌的简单介绍,自己看...

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古券卡力: 中国水仙 new year lily 石榴 pomegranate 月桂 victor's laurel 报春花 polyanthus 木棉 cotton tree 紫丁香 lilac 吊钟 lady's eardrops 紫荆 chinese redbud 百合 lily 紫罗兰 wall flower 桃花 peach 紫藤 wisteria 杜鹃 azalea 铃兰 lily-of-the-valley 牡丹 tree ...

围场满族蒙古族自治县15599587424: 英语作文80字《we love a green wold》 -
古券卡力: 中文: 我们去参观的第一个景区就是沙漠植物园. “哇,有许多奇形怪状的仙人掌!”我被这些仙人掌的形状吸引住了.有小刺球形的,有柱子形的,还有人形的.这时,我心里产生了一个疑问:为什么仙人掌没有叶子呢?老师解开了我心中...

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古券卡力: We have short time to stay , as you , 我们停留的时光短暂,如你们,We have as shart a spring ; 我的青春如此短暂; As quick a growth to meet decay , 快速长大后,就将迎接凋零, As you , or anything . 就像你们,或者任何事物. We die ...

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古券卡力: ★周末,爱丽丝到海伦家做客.Weekends, Alice to the Helen home guest.★ 海伦的房间有许多物品. Helen's room has many things. ★爱丽丝指着一个黄色的东西问:“这是什么?”Alice pointed to something yellow and asked, "What is it?"...

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