one...the other...造句

作者&投稿:巢狮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
one...the other造句(5句) 加中文(不要太难)~

1.There are two apples here,one is red,the other one is a little green.这有俩苹果,一个是红的,另一个有点青。 2.Both of them are Mr.White's daughter.One is 13,the other one is 15.这两个都是怀特先生的女儿,一个13岁,另一个15岁。 3.None of the couple is American,one is Canadian,the other is come from Australia.夫妻俩没有一个是美国人,一个是加拿大人,另一个来自澳大利亚。 4.Two of them pass the exam,one's score is 65,the other one is 63.他们中的两个人通过了考试,一个65分,另一个63. 5.There are only two seasons here all of the year, one is spring,the other one is autumn.这里一年一共就两个季节,一个春天一个秋天。


He has two daughters,one is a teacher and the other is a writer.

I have three daughters. One is a nurse, another is a teacher and another is a worker.


I have two brothers,one is 14,the other is 15.

those two pens one is Tom's the other is mine.


遂昌县18712856174: one ...the other...和one ...the others...的区别, -
圭祁常胜:[答案] one ...the other...(要在两个人或者两个事物间使用) 是表示一个.另一个. one ...the others... 是表示一个.另一些.(三个或者三个以上的人或者事物) 希望采纳

遂昌县18712856174: one the other解释并造句 -
圭祁常胜:[答案] One is big,the other is small.一个大一个小. There are two books on the desk,one is mine,the other is hers.(书桌上有两本书,一本是我的,一本书她的)

遂昌县18712856174: one...the other,one...the others,some...others的区别什么的~ -
圭祁常胜:[答案] one.the other.一个...另一个.注意 范围一定是二者,就是两个东西one...the others...一个...另一些 确定范围内又分了两组 比如说 一个班30个人 分出了16人 剩下的14人就可以叫做the otherssome...others 不确定范围....

遂昌县18712856174: one...the other与one...another的区别 最好举出例句解释的明白些 -
圭祁常胜:[答案] 指特定的两个人或物中的“一个.另一个时”,只能用one...the other,故此为具体范围内; 指不确定范围中的人或物中的“一个.另一个时”,用one...another,在大范围下 如: 1.I have two brothers.One is a lawyer and the other is a manager.(两兄弟...

遂昌县18712856174: one ...the others...和one ...the others...的区别,对不起,打错了:one ...the other...和one ...the others...的区别, -
圭祁常胜:[答案] one ...the other...一个...另一个...(总数:两个) one ...the others...一个...剩下的全部...(总数:未知,3个以上)

遂昌县18712856174: one ````` the other 的用法与意思 -
圭祁常胜: 意思是 一个... 另一个,通常只用于两个个体的对比,比如说:there are two boys in the room. one is reading a book the other is watching TV.

遂昌县18712856174: 有关one......the other...的用法 -
圭祁常胜: one of 指其中之一 是单数所以用is all other和all the other一个是定指一个不定指,也就是说the会在一定范围内.考虑到 one...the other (一个...另一个,代指同种物体).故选D

遂昌县18712856174: 可以给我讲一下one the other 的用法吗?谢谢. -
圭祁常胜: one the other 另一个··· one after the other陆续;相继地;一个接一个地;一个接着一个 one or the other总有一个 one and the other每个的 One upon the other一件套上另一件 one towards the other相互的 One Over The Other一个接一个 One ...

遂昌县18712856174: one...the other与one...another的区别 最好举出例句 -
圭祁常胜: 指特定的两个人或物中的“一个......另一个时”,只能用one...the other,故此为具体范围内; 指不确定范围中的人或物中的“一个......另一个时”,用one... another,在大范围下 如: 1. I have two brothers. One is a lawyer and the other is a ...

遂昌县18712856174: one ...the other中的other为什么可以作名词,后面可以不加名词了最好能说一下与some other的区别联系 -
圭祁常胜:[答案] one .the other...一个...另一个...There are two bags on the shelf,one is red,the other is blue.(架子上有两只包,一只是红色的,另一只是蓝色的)some... others...一些...其余的.Boys are on the playground,so...

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