
作者&投稿:鲜畏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
你和我都不想出去. 用neither....nor造句~

neither you nor i want to go out.

Neither I nor you want to do such a boring thing. 你我都不想做这么麻烦的一件事。
Neither the boy nor the girl knows where to go。那个男孩和女孩都不知道该去哪儿。
Neither cold nor hot 。既不冷也不热。

Neither you nor she is good at drawing. 你和她都不擅长绘画

neithere nor两者都不。

neither he nor i go to atten the meeting.



Neither he nor you are a farmer.你和他都不是农民


either放在句首表示 代词 两者之一 如 Either of you can take the book.

Either you or your father must see this young man today.你或是你的父亲今天必须见这位年轻人。She is coming either today or tomorrow.她不是今天就是明天来。副词 ad.1.(用在否定句中)也,而且;根本 If you don't go, I won't either.你如不去,我也不去。It won't do them any ...

1.放在否定句结尾,表示 ...也(不) 例句:I don't like math,and he doesn't like math,either. 我不喜欢数学,他也不喜欢数学.2.表示几个中的任意一个,后接动词单三现 例句:-Would you like tea or coffee? -Either is OK. 你想喝茶还是咖啡? 都可以.3.either of 表示 ...


either是什么意思, 用法是什么?
either ['aiðə; 'i:-]adj.1. (两者之中)任一的 2. (两者之中)每一的,各一的 pron.[单独使用,或与of接名词或代词连用,或与其他名词或代词并列出现] (两者之中)任何一个,(两个中间)或者这个,或者那个;每一方,各方 conj.[通常用于“either…or…”结构中]或者,要么[在...

either只用于否定句中,表示“也(不)”;neither通常用在句子(或简略答语)的开头,表示“也不”,其后要用倒装语序(即:将主语放在助动词、情态动词、连系动词be之后)。例句1:I don’t speak French.She doesn’t,either. =Neither I nor she speaks French.我不会讲法语,她也不会讲法语...

eitheror的用法及例句如下:1、either…or…连接两个成分作主语时,谓语动词通常与其靠近的主语保持一致。但在非正式文体中,有时也会一律用复数谓语。If either David or Janet come,they will want a drink.大卫或珍妮特来的话,是会要喝酒的。(1)Either you or I am to go.你或我必须有人去...

一、意思不同 1、either…or…意为"或者……或者……;不是……就是……"之意。表示两者之一,连接句子中两个并列的成分。I want to visit either Tianjing or Shanghai.我想参观天津或者上海。2、neither…nor…表示"既不……也不……",其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份。I like ...

adj. 两者之中任一的;两者之中每一的 prep. 任何一个 conj. 也(用于否定句或否定词组后);根本 pron. 任一,两方,随便哪一个;两者中的一个或另一个 例句:1. Either you come in or you blast off.你要么进来,要么就走开。2. Yes, you should not trust me either.是的,你也不...

either 在英语中属于不定代词,意思是(两者中的)任何一个, 如: You can park on either side of the street. 还可以和or 构成连词either...or..., 如: He either suffocated or froze to death. 还可以作副词用在否定句中,表示“也”,如: I can't go there, either....

江南区19394084916: 用neither...nor造句, -
浦真佰乐:[答案] Neither I nor she knows. 她和我都不知道. He can neither read nor write. 他既不会读也不会写. He can neither see nor talk. 他耳不能听,口不能说. He had neither money nor position. 他既没钱也没地位. He is neither tall nor clever. 他既不高也不聪明.

江南区19394084916: neither…nor…是什么意思?怎么造句? -
浦真佰乐:[答案] neither...nor...表示"既不……也不……".其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份.例如: She likes neither butter nor cheese. 她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢乳酪.此句中neither...nor...连接两个宾语.当neither...nor...连接两个主语时,也应遵循"...

江南区19394084916: 请用neither.nor.的句式造句 -
浦真佰乐:[答案] Neither Tom nor Jimmy wants to join me for the trip.

江南区19394084916: 英语造句,用neither...nor...造句 -
浦真佰乐:[答案] Neither Ben nor Mary can swim. He teaches neither English nor math. Neither he nor I am doing homework.

江南区19394084916: 用neither ... nor造句? -
浦真佰乐: Neither Mr.Li nor Mr.Zhang is in Hong Kong now. 李先生和张先生现在都不在香港.

江南区19394084916: 用 neither…nor造4句话!要短一点. -
浦真佰乐:[答案] Neither John nor his brother came to my birthday party. Neither Tom nor Mary answered the question right. Neither English nor Math is my favorite subject. Neither I nor my brother can play the piano.

江南区19394084916: neither...nor...造句 -
浦真佰乐: neither Lucy and her sister likes swimming.露西和她姐姐都不喜欢游泳

江南区19394084916: 用neither......nor造句 -
浦真佰乐: It is neither square nor round.它既不是圆的也不是方的(类似的形容词你可以随便往里填)

江南区19394084916: 用neither.not造个句 -
浦真佰乐:[答案] 没有neither...not的用法,只有neither...nor的用法,“既不...也不...”的意思.1.The hotel is neither spacious nor comfortable.这旅馆既不宽敞也不舒服.2.He neither knows nor cares what happened.他对发生的事...

江南区19394084916: 用“neither nor”造一个英语句子 -
浦真佰乐: I assume the real good firend would neither help you to cheat during the exam nor take you to video game while you are about to study, but to remind you to work hard before the exam and not get addicted while you are in the game.I assume是“我...

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