
作者&投稿:良蚀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

您可以在命令提示符中输入ipconfig /all查询主机连接的DNS服务器地址,然后在设定一个主机的固定IP地址和DNS服务器地址试试。

可以参考 xilinx 的 application note "Serial Code Conversion between
BCD and Binary"

The basic idea is to shift data serially into a shift register. As each bit is shifted in, the accumulated sum is collected. Each shift effectively doubles the value of the binary number in the four bit shift register which is going to hold the converted BCD digit.
Each time a bit is shifted in, the value in the shift register is doubled. After four bits have been shifted in, if the original value is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, then the result is within the 0-9 range of a BCD digit and there is no action required.
If the value is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, then the doubled result is greater than 10, so a carry out (called ModOut in the code) is generated to represent the overflow into the tens column (i.e. into the next BCD digit). Here's a little table showing how to double each bit in BCD. All numbers shown are decimal.

input tens units result
0 0 0 0
1 0 2 2
2 0 4 4
3 0 6 6
4 0 8 8
5 1 0 10
6 1 2 12
7 1 4 14
8 1 6 16
9 1 8 18

The tens column thus represents an overflow into the next most significant BCD digit.
Does this all seems a bit baffling? There's a more thorough explanation in the application note referenced above.

The code is in three files:
This contains a model for one four bit BCD digit, with carry in (ModIn) and carry out (ModOut). The digit has asynchronous reset, and an Init signal. The Init signal forces the carry out to zero at before a conversion starts.
This contains a generic N which allows you to specify the number of 4 bit BCD digits in the BCD converter. The generic is used to control a generate statement, which makes N instances of the Digit component described above.
This contains a testbench which applies a serial binary input representing a range of binary numbers, and then writes out the corresponding BCD equivalents
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
use STD.textio.all;

entity BCDConvTB is

architecture Bench of BCDConvTB is

component BCDConv
generic (N : positive);
port (Clock : in std_logic;
Reset : in std_logic;
Init : in std_logic;
ModIn : in std_logic;
ModOut : out std_logic;
Q : out std_logic_vector(N*4-1 downto 0)
end component;

-- hold an array of BCD digits
type BCDVectorT is array (natural range ) of std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

-- number of digits implemented in this test bench
constant N : positive := 5;

-- BCD array as a single std_logic_vector (packed in 4 bits at a
-- time)
subtype BcdT is std_logic_vector(N*4-1 downto 0);

signal Clock : std_logic;
signal Reset : std_logic;
signal Init : std_logic; -- Initialise BCD conversion
signal ModIn : std_logic; -- modulus in, if we wanted to
-- cascade lots of NDigits design entities
signal ModOut : std_logic; -- modulus out, same reason as ModIn
signal Q : BCDT; -- The outputs of the BCD conversion packed
-- into a std_logic_vector

-- Test bench control signal to ensure Clock stops when testing is over
signal StopClock : boolean;

-- Outputs of BCD conversion as an array of 4 bit digits.
signal BCDVec : BcdVectorT(1 to N);

-- Type to allow a table of test values
type TableT is array (natural range ) of Integer;

-- some interesting values to test
constant Table : TableT := (17,18,19,20,21,22,23,30,40,50,
555,707,9999,10100, 99999);

signal TestInteger : Integer;


generic map (N => N)
port map (
Clock => Clock,
Reset => Reset,
Init => Init,
ModIn => ModIn,
ModOut => ModOut,
Q => Q);

-- 100 ns clock. Clock loop stops automatically when the
-- stimulus process has finished, using the boolean signal StopClock
ClockGen: process
while not StopClock loop
Clock <= '0';
wait for 50 ns;
Clock <= '1';
wait for 50 ns;
end loop;
end process;

-- Generate a set of values to test the Binary to BCD converter
StimGen: process
variable TestVal : BCDT;
variable L : LINE;
Reset <= '0';
ModIn <= '0';
Init <= '0';
wait until falling_edge(Clock);
Reset <= '1';
wait until falling_edge(Clock);
Reset <= '0';

-- test all the values in the table
write(L, STRING'("Expected:"), LEFT, 10);
write(L, STRING'("Actual:"), LEFT, 10);

for I in Table'RANGE loop

-- convert integer value to std_logic_vector
TestVal := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(Table(I), N*4));

-- assign the test value to an integer signal - easy to
-- disply in the simulator
TestInteger <= Table(I);
write(L, Table(I), LEFT, 10);

-- Loop round all the bits in the input vector
for J in BCDT'RANGE loop

-- initialise conversion if shifting in the first bit
if J = BCDT'LEFT then
Init<= '1';
Init <= '0';
end if;

ModIn <= TestVal(J);

wait until falling_edge(Clock);
end loop;

-- pack the result from the converter into a single std_logic_vector
-- (and write them as we go to check against the originals).
for J in 1 to N loop
BCDVec(J) <= Q(J*4-1 downto J*4-4);
write(L, to_integer(unsigned(Q(J*4-1 downto J*4-4))));
end loop;


end loop;

StopClock <= TRUE; -- tell the clock generator to stop
end process;


-- must have a configuration for synopsys vhdl simulator
use work.all;
configuration cfg_BCDConvTB of BCDConvTB is
for Bench
end for;

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity BCDConv is
generic (N : positive); -- number of digits
port (Clock : in std_logic;
Reset : in std_logic;
Init : in std_logic; -- initialise conversion
ModIn : in std_logic; -- carry in from outside
ModOut : out std_logic; -- carry out
Q : out std_logic_vector(4*N -1 downto 0) -- BCD result

architecture RTL of BCDConv is

component Digit
port (Clock : in std_logic;
Reset : in std_logic;
Init : in std_logic;
ModIn : in std_logic;
ModOut : out std_logic;
Q : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
end component;

signal ModVec : std_logic_vector(1 to N+1);


-- The magic of generate!
g1 : for i in 1 to N generate
c1: Digit
port map
(Clock => Clock,
Reset => Reset,
Init => Init,
ModIn => ModVec(I+1),
ModOut => ModVec(I),
Q => Q(I*4-1 downto I*4-4));
end generate;

ModOut <= ModVec(1);
ModVec(N+1) <= ModIn;

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity Digit is
port (Clock : in std_logic;
Reset : in std_logic; -- clear registers asynchronously
Init : in std_logic; -- initialise the BCD conversion
ModIn : in std_logic; -- modulus in from less significant digit
ModOut : out std_logic; -- modulus out to more significant digit
Q : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) -- BCD output

architecture RTL of Digit is
signal Q_int : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal NextQ_int : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal NextModOut : std_logic;

ShiftReg : process(Clock)
if Rising_Edge(Clock) then
if reset = '1' then
Q_int '0');
if Init = '1' then
Q_int '0');
Q_int(0) <= ModIn; -- set LSB initialisation
Q_int <= NextQ_int & ModIn; -- shift left
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;

-- Calculate the shift in the BCD register. Numbers between
-- 0 and 4 inclusive are doubled, by shifting by 1.
-- Numbers from 5 to 9 inclusive get mapped to 10, 12, 14,
-- 16, 18. This gives an modout of 1 (i.e. a carry to the
-- next digit), and the values 0, 2, 4, 6, 8.
BCDdoubler : process(Q_int)
case Q_int is
when "0000" => -- Input 10s Units Result
NextQ_int <= "000"; -- 0 0 0 0
when "0001" =>
NextQ_int <= "001"; -- 1 0 2 2
when "0010" =>
NextQ_int <= "010"; -- 2 0 4 4
when "0011" =>
NextQ_int <= "011"; -- 3 0 6 6
when "0100" =>
NextQ_int <= "100"; -- 4 0 8 8
when "0101" =>
NextQ_int <= "000"; -- 5 1 0 10
when "0110" =>
NextQ_int <= "001"; -- 6 1 2 12
when "0111" =>
NextQ_int <= "010"; -- 7 1 4 14
when "1000" =>
NextQ_int <= "011"; -- 8 1 6 16
when "1001" =>
NextQ_int <= "100"; -- 9 1 8 18
when others =>
NextQ_int '-');
end case;
end process;

-- if the numbers are greater than 5, we should generate a
-- carry out (modulus out) to the next digit.
ModOutGen : process(Q_int)
case Q_int is
when "0101" | "0110" | "0111" | "1000" | "1001" =>
NextModOut <= '1';
when others =>
NextModOut <= '0';
end case;
end process;

-- When Init is high, we force ModOut to 0
ModOut <= NextModOut and (not Init);
Q <= Q_int;


首先,“ ‘o721 //9位八进制数 ’hAF //8位十六进制数 ”这种表述方式就不符合VHDL语法,应当是Verilog HDL的描述方式。


一个困扰我很久的关于冰糖雪梨问题 求大神解答
扭开瓶盖 一瓶盖一瓶盖喝!

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两个困扰了我很久的问题 希望大家赐教
事不过三就是说给的机会不能超过三次 但是第三次犯错的时候对方就应该有所表示 如果没有明显的改变或者诚恳的道歉 你就不必再相信他 给他第四次机会 因为你无法从他的态度中确定他是否醒悟 如果是孩子的话第三次就应该给他教训 ——让他承担所犯过错的后果 当然这些错误都是指小错误 如果是原则...




不知道楼主是想要翻译还是想寻求一个合理的答案。先翻译一下楼主的句子。1. My cam does't work.2. I don't have a cam.3. Do you still wanna see me as I told you that I'm a male?4. 对不起,我怀孕了,所以我不想让你看。5. 我前男友在这,跟你视频很危险!6. I don't ...

我问一件难受困扰我很久很久的事 我这人很好胜,就是很在乎输赢,我问的...


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池质派得: 不太明白你说的什么意思 是要用vhdl把浮点数转换为整形么?如果是的话,举个例子,一个数据整数部分有4位,小数部分有3位 那么直接取整数部分的4位赋给一个新的寄存器就达到取整的目的了

弋江区15025789445: VHDL怎样把8位数扩展到10位数 -
池质派得: signal a : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal b : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); a<="00001111"; b<="10"&a; 使用&并置运算符 b最后等于”1000001111“

弋江区15025789445: 如果是用VHDL语言要怎么写呢?我要用VHDL语言写一个将27位的二进制转换为BCD码的程序.这个问题困扰了我好 -
池质派得: 可以参考 xilinx 的application note "Serial Code Conversion betweenBCD and Binary"http://ww...

弋江区15025789445: vhdl如何输入一个超过32位的数 -
池质派得: 我建议把大于32位的数分成2个或几个小于32位的数相加,即把大于32位的数分成2个或几个数分别存储,用到时也是分别处理,处理后的结果如果小于32位,可考虑合并,如果仍大于32位则仍分开存储. 就像把16分成10和6,要计算16/2时,分别计算10/2和6/2,结果为5和3,仍可以很好的表示8 如果是要显示,比如要显示16,可以分别显示1和6 总之多动脑筋,问题总可以解决的. 希望我能帮助到你.——Medied.Lee

弋江区15025789445: vhdl语言中如何拆分 一个三位数,要具体的程序!如 shu=123.a=1,b=2,c=3. -
池质派得: 给你个除以10的程序,只要把该三位数两次除以10,就可以拆分了!! library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity mod_10 is port(a:in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);----输入,,,b:out std_logic_vector(4 ...

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池质派得: 看着上述的进程描述像是共阴极LED的位选.

弋江区15025789445: 用vhdl语言中如何拆分 一个三位数,要具体的程序!例如A=123,拆分为bw=1,sh=2,ge=3. -
池质派得: library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity yanzhen isport (a0,a1,a2,a3: out integer range 0 to 15 ); end entity; architecture one of yanzhen isbegina0<= 1234 rem 10;a1<= (1234...

弋江区15025789445: 用VHDL语言(VerilogHDL也可)编程,实现三个8位数的比较器 -
池质派得: module ( input [7:0] in1, in2, in3,output [7:0] out1); wire [7:0] w; assign w = in1 > in2 ? in2 : in1; assign out1 = w endmodule

弋江区15025789445: VHDL的一段代码大家帮我看看什么意思,这段代码是一个32位计数器的,想知道计数器的工作原理. -
池质派得: 计数器就是数时钟上升沿的数目,0,1,10,11,100,101,110,111,1000……到32后再回到0.要改变对应引脚的频率的话,换成其它位数的计数器,比如33位的,34位的,最高的位的频率会变慢.

弋江区15025789445: vhdl发送16位数据串口程序 -
池质派得: 您好,对串行通信来说,一次发送8位还是16位数据,其实对效率影响不大,因为所有的位都是一次一位地通过介质传输的,这正是串行通信对应于并行通信的本质区别.此外串行通信需要两端使用相同的“协议”,例如规定传输速率、数据位的个数、校验方式、连续1之间的停止位长度等、流控协议等,而标准协议只支持了7位或8位数据位的传输方式,因此你希望一次传输16位数据,即没有提升性能的实际意义,实现起来也很困难.

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