
作者&投稿:玉波 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

There is a girl lived in a poor family in the countryside .Even tough she didn't have any beautiful clothes,she was the most beautiful girl in the countryside.She sings well and likes dance,she is always in a happy mood.People call her Cinderella There is prince who was handsome and charming.On the day he was anounced as the successor of the crown,he comes to this countryside for fun.Then a beautiful voice comes,he followes it and finds the dancing beauty--Cinderella.The prince fell in love with her at the first sight.They fall in love and have a few happy days.But when the old king knows his son was fallen in love with a countryside girl,he was so angry as to say that if the prince marries Cinderella,he will give nothing to him,lest to say the crown.The prince said firmly that Cinderella is everything to him,he would like giving up the crown and all his privileges for her.When Cinderella knows all about this,she was very touching and painful.She knows the prince very well--he cannot live as a farmer at all.For his sake,the girl married an ordinary man who she did not love.At last,the prince become the king and keep looking for the girl.But he will never find her,for she was immigrated to another country on the day the prince becomes the king

Cinderella is a beautiful girl. She has two ugly stepsisters. They are not kind to Cinderella. Cinderella does all of the work. She must cook, clean and do everything. One day, a letter comes to the house. It is a letter from the prince. He will have a big party. He would like the three girls to come. The prince wants to find a wife. Cinderella can't go to the party because she doesn't have beautiful clothes. Her stepsisters have beautiful clothes. They look very happy. Cinderella is very sad. Cinderella's stepsisters leave the house. They are going to the prince's party. Cinderella cries. She also wants to go to the party. Suddenly, a woman shows up. She is a kind fairy. "Don't worry," says the fairy. "You can go to the prince's party." "I can't go," cries Cinderella. "I don't have a nice dress." It will be all right," says the fairy. "Go get a pumpkin, six mice and a rat." Cinderella quickly finds them. "What will you do?" Cinderella asks. The fairy waves her wand over the pumpkin. The pumpkin is now a beautiful silver coach. The fairy waves her wand over the six mice. She changes them into six strong men. The six men will walk with the coach. Then the fairy changes the rat into a man. He is the driver of the coach. The coach is beautiful, but Cinderella still looks sad. "I still can't go to the party. My dress is too ugly," she says. "Don't worry," says the fairy. She waves her wand and makes Cinderella's dress beautiful. Now Cinderella has a nice dress. It is gold and very pretty. Her shoes are made of glass. Cinderella is so beautiful. She can go to the party. "You must leave the party before twelve o'clock," says the fairy. "At 12:00 the magic will end." "I will be back before twelve o'clock," says Cinderella. She gets into the coach to go to the party. The prince's palace is full of people. They are all happy to be at the big party. All the girls want to marry the prince. Then Cinderella walks into the palace. "Who is she?" everyone asks. "She's so beautiful," they say. The prince sees Cinderella. He asks her to dance with him. All night long they dance and talk. The prince and Cinderella fall in love. At twelve o'clock, Cinderella runs out of the palace. Cinderella runs and loses one of her glass shoes. She must get home before twelve. She is late. She runs into the house. Now, she is wearing her old dress again. The prince finds Cinderella's shoe. "I know this shoe. It belongs to that beautiful girl. I'll find her," he says. The next morning, he goes from house to house to find her. He goes to Cinderella's house. The two ugly stepsisters try on the shoe, but their feet are too big. "Can I try it on?" asks Cinderella. "Yes," the prince says, so Cinderella tries the shoe on. It fits her foot. "I have found my princess," the prince says. Soon Cinderella and the prince get married. They live happily ever after.

Once there lived a kind and lovely girl. After her father's death, her stepmother became cruel to her.Her two step-sisters teased her, asking her to do all the housework.

Do the laundry and get on with your duties. Clean the floors right away. And what's more,bring me my breakfast.


Cinderella! Get me my sweater, I feel a little cold.


Hurry up! Prepare the carriage for me, hand me my gloves. I'm to be late for my date. You're so, you're always so sluggish.


Cruel as her stepmother was to her, Cinderella still lived an optimistic life. She had a lot of animal friends.


One day, the king held a party for the prince to choose the girl he loved. Every maid in the town was invited to the party.


The stepmother took her two daughters to the party, leaving Cinderella at home, because she was jealous of Cinderella's beauty.


Cinderella was broken-hearted. At that time, her fairy godmother appeared.


There's nothing left to believe in. Nothing!


Nothing, my dear? Oh, now you don't really mean that.


Oh, but I do.


Nonsense, child! If you'd lost all your faith, I couldn't be here. And here I am!Oh, come now, Dry those tears!


Why then, you must be...


Your fairy godmother? Of course. Now let's see, hmm...now...the magic words.Bibbidi-boddidi-boo. Put them together and what have you got.

你传说中的教母?当然,现在让我看看。。。现在,这些魔力的话,Bibbidi-boddidi-boo。 把它们放在一起,看你得到了什么。

Oh, it's beautiful! It's like a dream, a wonderful dream come true.


Yes, my child, but like all dreams, well, I'm afraid this can't last forever. You'll have only till night and...


Midnight?Oh, thank you.


Oh, just a minute. Remember, on the stroke of twelve, the spell will be broken and everything will be as it was before.


Oh, I understand, but...it's more than I ever hoped for.


Bless you, my child. Enjoy yourself.


At the party, Cinderella danced with the prince all the time.Time passed quickly. All of a sudden, Cinderella caught sight of the clock on the wall. Oh, it is almost twelve o'clock-five to twelve!


Oh, my goodness!


What's the matter?


It's midnight. It's almost midnight.


Yes, so it is.But why?




No, no,wait, you can't go now.


Oh, I must, please, I must.


But why?




No, wait, come back. Please come back! I don't even know your name. How will I find you? Wait, please wait! Wait!




The next day, every maid in the town was ordered to try the glass shoe.Whoever the shoes fitted well would be the bride of the princel.No one could put on the shoe, nor could the two step-sisters. When the officials were going to leave, Cinderella appeared and asked to have a try.


Cinderella: Please wait! May I try it on?


Oh, pay no attention to her.


It's only Cinderella!




She's out of her mind.


Yes, yes. Just an imaginative child.


Of course, you can have a try, my fair lady.


Oh, no!No!This is terrible. The king! What shall I do?


But perhaps this would help...


No, no. Nothing can help now, nothing.


You see, I have the other slipper.


Cinderella and the prince held a grand wedding and they led a happy life from then on.



Cinderella , is a popular fairy tale embodying a classic folk tale myth-element of unjust oppression/triumphant reward. Thousands of variants are known throughout the world.[1] The title character[2] is a young woman living in unfortunate circumstances which suddenly change to remarkable fortune. The word "cinderella" has, by analogy, come to mean one whose attributes are unrecognised, or one who unexpectedly achieves recognition or success after a period of obscurity and neglect. The still-popular story of Cinderella continues to influence popular culture internationally, lending plot elements, allusions, and tropes to a wide variety of media.

Cinderella is a beautiful girl. She has two ugly stepsisters. They are not kind to Cinderella. Cinderella does all of the work. She must cook, clean and do everything. One day, a letter comes to the house. It is a letter from the prince. He will have a big party. He would like the three girls to come. The prince wants to find a wife. Cinderella can't go to the party because she doesn't have beautiful clothes. Her stepsisters have beautiful clothes. They look very happy. Cinderella is very sad. Cinderella's stepsisters leave the house. They are going to the prince's party. Cinderella cries. She also wants to go to the party. Suddenly, a woman shows up. She is a kind fairy. "Don't worry," says the fairy. "You can go to the prince's party." "I can't go," cries Cinderella. "I don't have a nice dress." It will be all right," says the fairy. "Go get a pumpkin, six mice and a rat." Cinderella quickly finds them. "What will you do?" Cinderella asks. The fairy waves her wand over the pumpkin. The pumpkin is now a beautiful silver coach. The fairy waves her wand over the six mice. She changes them into six strong men. The six men will walk with the coach. Then the fairy changes the rat into a man. He is the driver of the coach. The coach is beautiful, but Cinderella still looks sad. "I still can't go to the party. My dress is too ugly," she says. "Don't worry," says the fairy. She waves her wand and makes Cinderella's dress beautiful. Now Cinderella has a nice dress. It is gold and very pretty. Her shoes are made of glass. Cinderella is so beautiful. She can go to the party. "You must leave the party before twelve o'clock," says the fairy. "At 12:00 the magic will end." "I will be back before twelve o'clock," says Cinderella. She gets into the coach to go to the party. The prince's palace is full of people. They are all happy to be at the big party. All the girls want to marry the prince. Then Cinderella walks into the palace. "Who is she?" everyone asks. "She's so beautiful," they say. The prince sees Cinderella. He asks her to dance with him. All night long they dance and talk. The prince and Cinderella fall in love. At twelve o'clock, Cinderella runs out of the palace. Cinderella runs and loses one of her glass shoes. She must get home before twelve. She is late. She runs into the house. Now, she is wearing her old dress again. The prince finds Cinderella's shoe. "I know this shoe. It belongs to that beautiful girl. I'll find her," he says. The next morning, he goes from house to house to find her. He goes to Cinderella's house. The two ugly stepsisters try on the shoe, but their feet are too big. "Can I try it on?" asks Cinderella. "Yes," the prince says, so Cinderella tries the shoe on. It fits her foot. "I have found my princess," the prince says. Soon Cinderella and the prince get married. They live happily ever after.


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亥伊必伏: There is a girl lived in a poor family in the countryside .Even tough she didn't have any beautiful clothes,she was the most beautiful girl in the countryside.She sings well and likes dance,she is always in a happy mood.People call her Cinderella There ...

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