
作者&投稿:季利 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I have an umbrella
"flowers need water,"said the teacher."Water your flowers every day,or they may die."
"One morning,mother saw Anna out in the garden."What are you doing there,Anna?She asked.
"Watering flowers,"Anna answered.
"But it is raining now!"
"Oh,it doesn't matter,mom.I have an umbrella."


The Great Wall
Yeah, it is about the Great Wall. The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world that created by human being! If you come to China without climbing The Great Wall,just as well as you come to Paris without visiting The Iron Tower, come to Egypt without visiting The pyramids!

第一篇:My favorite food is anything Chinese. I like Chinese food the best out of all other cuisines in the world. You can find many different flavors in different dishes and snacks. It is amazing how the Chinese chefs put together a dish using very basic materials but yielding to a very unique flavor. Shredded pork in garlic sauce, with the Chinese name as Yu Xiang Rou Si, is one of my favorite dishes. You can taste the special flavor in this dish, a little bit sour, a little bit sweet, a little bit salty, and the best thing is that there's no fish involved in this dish but you can kind of taste the fish flavor!第二:My Favorite Food
Among all the food including snacks, I like chocolates and hamburgers most.
Chocolates make me feel like I am flying, it's a kind of sweet feelings, and every time I have them, I enjoy them. While hamburgers, the cheese, the chicken, and the bread in it all together just like a sweater, makes me feel warm, and also full.
I like the kind of food which makes me feel satisfied, just likechocolates and hamburgers.
(hehe, hope you like it) 第三:My favourite food/ dish is MMMM (write your favourite!). It is because MMMM has a very good taste. Not to mention its taste, it has a very high nutritional value. It is easy to prepare, easy to get in market. Comparatively, I found that food such as XXX, YYY, QQQQ are not as good because they do not carry the special (sweet/bitter/sour/spicy/salty) favour that I can find in MMMM. 第四:The dictionary is a living teacher. Whenever you meet with an unfamiliar word or a new expression, you can look it up and get a clear explanation or illustration of the word or expression. Every student, whether in school or at home, is likely to have one copy at hand. Being convenient, inexpensive and full of information, the dictionary indeed is a great aid to language learners.
The constant use of various dictionaries will help develop your language skills. The more you use them, the more skillful you will become in using them. Sooner or later,you will be so skilled that, for an unfamiliar word or a new expression you can quickly locate the page, scan the entry and find the exact information quickly.
However, as a language learner, you should not depend too much on dictionaries. Basic language skills do not come from dictionaries, but from practice. Only through regular practice in listening, speaking, reading and writing can you understand and master the language.

第一篇:My favorite food is anything Chinese. I like Chinese food the best out of all other cuisines in the world. You can find many different flavors in different dishes and snacks. It is amazing how the Chinese chefs put together a dish using very basic materials but yielding to a very unique flavor. Shredded pork in garlic sauce, with the Chinese name as Yu Xiang Rou Si, is one of my favorite dishes. You can taste the special flavor in this dish, a little bit sour, a little bit sweet, a little bit salty, and the best thing is that there's no fish involved in this dish but you can kind of taste the fish flavor!第二:My Favorite Food
Among all the food including snacks, I like chocolates and hamburgers most.
Chocolates make me feel like I am flying, it's a kind of sweet feelings, and every time I have them, I enjoy them. While hamburgers, the cheese, the chicken, and the bread in it all together just like a sweater, makes me feel warm, and also full.
I like the kind of food which makes me feel satisfied, just likechocolates and hamburgers.
(hehe, hope you like it) 第三:My favourite food/ dish is MMMM (write your favourite!). It is because MMMM has a very good taste. Not to mention its taste, it has a very high nutritional value. It is easy to prepare, easy to get in market. Comparatively, I found that food such as XXX, YYY, QQQQ are not as good because they do not carry the special (sweet/bitter/sour/spicy/salty) favour that I can find in MMMM.


我最喜欢的食物就是薯片。可是,妈妈说它是垃圾食品,小孩子吃了会不健康。其实不健康的是里面的添加剂。今天,我就为大家介绍一种健康薯片。 据说,薯片发源于美国。从前,有个人在一家餐馆里点了一份烤土豆,等厨师端上来时,顾客发现这土豆一点儿都不好吃,建议将土豆片切薄一点,多烤一会儿。第二次的土豆片虽然够...

我最喜爱的食物作文 篇1 说到我最喜欢的食物,当然是北京烤鸭!!每次我出去吃饭,我都厌倦了这道菜。这个星期天,我和妈妈去吃饭小区附近的一家餐馆,我坐下来,北京烤鸭这道菜。过了一会儿,服务员用鸭,鸭皮一点点棕色,上面闪烁着耀眼的光泽小刀轻轻切开结束了,你可以看到黄鸭,令人垂涎欲滴。

我最喜欢的食物作文1 我喜欢吃的食物有很多,像面包、水果蛋糕、汉堡包,但我最喜欢吃的就是水果蛋糕。 水果蛋糕是用水果、面包、奶油做成的。它全身是圆形的,黄色的,上面有许多水果,看起来美美的,吃起来满口香,还有一种橘子味,甜甜的。该吃水果了,一吃,那香味一起进入我的嘴里,那种香甜的味道就更浓了。 调皮...

我喜欢吃的食物有很多,比如牛肉炖土豆、鱼香肉丝、还有麻辣鸡翅,但是我最喜欢吃的还是妈妈做的香辣肉条。 香辣肉条长长的,而且非常有嚼劲,但是它最独特的地方就是非常辣,每次吃的时候我都会辣出眼泪。 一天,我放学回家刚进屋,就有一种奇异的香味扑鼻而来,我立刻脱掉鞋子走进厨房,哇塞!是我最喜欢吃的香辣肉条,而...

我最喜欢的食物作文1 我最喜欢的食物,不是酸甜可口的凉粉,也不是老家大名鼎鼎的缙云烧饼,而是一种名不见经传的家常美食——番薯羹。 听说以前农村杀猪宴时番薯羹是必备佐餐,它跟那些长的像凉粉一样的东西一点关系都没有,真的。它的制作方法非常简单:取适量肉丝、猪大肠、罗卜丝、香菇和豆腐等等。热油炒后加入烧...


我最喜欢的食物作文1 要是,非要问我最喜欢哪种食物的话,我一般会说都很喜欢。但是,我唯独对一种东西特别狂热,那就是方便面,也就是泡面。 不知为何,虽然泡面很好吃,我也不是没吃过别的好吃的。但是泡面对我来说,却一直像一种很神圣的食物一样,没有任何东西能够超越它,哪怕只是泡面的香味就能令我满足了。



马尔康县19229029457: 我最喜欢的一种食物(40字的英文短文)求大神帮助我最喜欢的一种食物(40字的英文短文) 如果有中文翻译就好! -
肇闸乐唯:[答案] 第一篇:My favorite food is anything Chinese.I like Chinese food the best out of all other cuisines in the world.You can find many different flavors in different dishes and snacks.It is amazing how the Chinese chefs put together a dish using very basic ...

马尔康县19229029457: 我最喜欢的一种食物(40字的英文短文)
肇闸乐唯: 第一篇:My favorite food is anything Chinese. I like Chinese food the best out of all other cuisines in the world. You can find many different flavors in different dishes and snacks. It is amazing how the Chinese chefs put together a dish using very ...

马尔康县19229029457: 用英语写我最喜欢的食物,描写他的外形,40字左右 -
肇闸乐唯:[答案] My favourite food is apple.Apple is very sweet.It's red.But some apples are green and yellow.I like apple very much.

马尔康县19229029457: 关于我最喜欢的食物的英语作文10句话,加翻译 -
肇闸乐唯: My favorite food is Fried potatoes, because potatoes very delicious, very sweet and very delicious, not only the potato is also very good to the health of people, the scientists said, potatoes can restrain the growth of the disease, so I would recommend...

马尔康县19229029457: 请大家以"我最喜欢的食物”写一篇英语短文,不少于八句话,谢谢 -
肇闸乐唯: My favourite food is lemon.Lemon is a very sour food but it's very healthy too.You can see the lemons are yellow or green and they're Elliptic.Some people think lemons are very sour so it's not delicious food.I don't think so.When you feel hot and...

马尔康县19229029457: 以“最喜欢的食物”为题写一篇英语40左右单词作文.还要翻译
肇闸乐唯: My favorite food is a famous Chinese dish called boiled mutton. The boiled mutton combines the perfect combination the taste of tender meat and fresh vegetables with various flavors of the seasonings. The vegetables are light green and soft, ...

马尔康县19229029457: 我最喜欢的食物 40词 英语作文 -
肇闸乐唯: The food I like best:First of all I like sweet foods very much. Among all those sweet foods, I like ice cream the best. There are so many different kinds of ice creams, chocolate, vanilla, strawberries, mango and so on. There are also different types of ...

马尔康县19229029457: 我最喜欢的食物用英语写几句话 -
肇闸乐唯: my favorite food (我最喜欢的事物)如有疑问,可追问!

马尔康县19229029457: 英语作文我最喜欢的食物 -
肇闸乐唯: Fish is my favorite food. I don't know why I like to eat it. I just feel the smell of fish is very delicious. Maybe is heredity, as my father and grandma also like it. What's more, I don't care what kind of fish or what kind of coking style, I like all...

马尔康县19229029457: 英语作文我最喜爱的食物( 40~50)个单词就可以 -
肇闸乐唯:[答案] My favourite food is hamburger汉堡包).It is very nice.My mother ask me to finish my homework on every Saturday.And she takes me to Macdonald's (麦当劳) every Sunday.I have a good time on that day....

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