
作者&投稿:戎玲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
几道英语题 谢谢啦~

walking , know
完形填空:1 A 2 D 3 D 4B

The people in America speak( English ) .

Pandas live in ( China ) .

Big Ben is an old clock in (London ) .伦敦

Canadians speak ( English ) and( French ) .法语

Kangaroos live in ( Australia )澳大利亚.

The people in New Zealand speak( English ) .

The British speak ( English )英语 .

The Great Wall is an old building in( China)中国 .

( Russia 俄国) is the largest country in the world.



1.Will you please leave a m_essage__ on the desk if you go out.
2.The dead l_eaves___ on the ground also keep the water from running away.
3.You can't drie the car because you don't get a driver's l_icence____.
4.Some of the students feel tired after the whole day's work,but the r_est____ are OK.
5.Mr Li is good at teaching ,he can make his students l_augh___ in class.
6.The twin sister are the best w_aitresses____ in the restauraunt.
7.Do you know the importance___ odf eating a balanced diet.
8.All the workers were under great pressure____,working day and night.
9.Yang Liwei s_ucceeded___ in circling the Earth 14 times by spaceship——shenzhou 5.
10.I p_referred__ staying at home to going out when I was young.
11.Everything has a hard beginning_____.

1.message 2.leaves 3.licence 4.rest 5.laugh 6. waitresses 7.importance
8.pressure 9.succeedded 10.prefer 11.beginning


为你解答。1、I borrowed Eric a pen yesterday, but he didn't return it to me.解释:borrow改为lend,借出东西给某人。2、I wish I had 5 millions yuan.解释:million改为单数,具体的数目不加s。3、There is else nothing left to drink.解释:改为nothing else,else要放在不定代词之后...

两道英语选择题,请教答案和做法 检举 | 14 分钟前 提问者: 缘寒夜孤星 | 悬赏分:5 | 浏览次数:11次 I don't know__the word__first letter was given is.A.what;what B.what;whose C.that;what D.that;which 答:这是一道为训练句子分析能力而设计的英语练习题,不适用于正规考...

如果你继续练习说英语,那么将来你说的英语一定会很好地被别人所理解。\/别人一定能听懂你说的英语。3.选择C have sb do sth 固定搭配,表示“让某人做某事”这道题的意思是:你准备让谁帮你打这封信?——我的秘书 希望有帮到楼主,若有疑问,欢迎hi我,祝英语学习一帆风顺O(∩_∩)O ...

为你解答。1 The music will help (to relax).2 I have found that lost watch.(改为一般疑问句).Have you found that lost watch?3 You should finish all your homework (in half an hour). (对划线部分提问)How soon should I finish all my homework?4 It has been famou for ...

几道英语语法题 求详细解释。。
(to which) = it is subject to (the loads and condition).固定短语be subject to... 遭受...7. B 固定短语reconcile oneself to sth 甘心\/甘受\/甘愿...其中to是介词,后面加名词their defeat 如果你满意我的答案,敬请采纳,这是对我们答题者劳动的尊重,多谢!参考资料:英语牛人团 ...

My watch ___ the correct time.A says B speaks C talks D tells 解答:答案为 D, 意思 显示, 我手表显示正确时间: 接具体时间需要你用SAYS, 抽象内容用TELL My watch ___ three o'clock now.A tells B says C talks D speaks 解答:答案为B,...

1.You will find it hard to get up in the morning.You will find__it_easy_ to do homework_ (做作业).you will find _it__helpful_to study English__(学英语).(find+it+形容词+to do 发现做某事怎样,to这里是动词不定式后面的动词用原形)2.It's not good to sit in front...

3.I‘d like something to read during the journey, and (anything) will do.翻译:旅途中我想找点什么书来看,可惜没有找到。4. A good book is (one ) which benefits readers.翻译:一本好书应该能使读者受益。你是理解which引导的定语从句的,这里明显是受到前面选择题something的影响,前面...

评题:这是2006年高考英语试题及答案(全国卷I)之23题。其实题句中的that指什么,句子中没有交代,全靠生活常识去判断,不管这前句中的flag用单数还是复数,不会是指旗子。也不是指整句话的意思(本来就是一省略句)所以判断为插旗这件事。what we did this moring 今天上午我们所做的事。2. ...

1.___himself,he hurried to the office without breakfast,or he would have late.A Dressed B Having dressed C Dressing D To dress 答:C 译:他一边穿衣服,一边急着去公司上班,连早饭都没吃,不然他准迟到了。析:本题考非谓语动词作状语。dress是及物动词,跟sb.\/ oneself作宾语,...

新都区19327429500: 几道英语题! -
禽从蒲郁: 1.改错:I have yet finished my work so far. [yet -- already]2.We haven't seen her since five years.[ since-- for]3.I stayed at the home yesterday afternoon. [去掉 the]4.Hey,Mike!I saw you in television last night. [in -- on]5.I have been to there. [去掉 to ]6....

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禽从蒲郁: 1. without 句意:我将会变得很生气如果某人没经过我的同意拿走我的书2. by 令TOM惊奇的是 商店的女孩错误的将钱给了他3. On 有具体数字拉 所以用 On 4. for be used for 用来做...5. by...

新都区19327429500: 几道英语题... -
禽从蒲郁: 1,signal2,against3,fireworks(firecracks)4,prepared5,invent1,playing Chinese chess2,the son of heaven(不确定)3,stele4,pick up (是捡起么?)

新都区19327429500: 几道英语题目 -
禽从蒲郁: 1 heard from2 think about3 have sent back to

新都区19327429500: 几道英语题. -
禽从蒲郁: The box is my teacher's. [A ] 2、 Excuse me , what's the time?[A ] 二、按要求写词.there

新都区19327429500: 几道英语题 -
禽从蒲郁: 1.Remember to2.What should we do 3.How much time;take

新都区19327429500: 高手们 请教几道英语题 -
禽从蒲郁: 1.答案是C.that代替前面的the weather2.答案是B.没吃早饭在这里要用介词.3.答案是D.Let's ...这个句型的反意疑问句要用shall we?4.答案是C.win的动作已经发生过了,第二个空要用介词.5.

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禽从蒲郁: happygo on a tripthank you forwhat do you think of / How do you likegood for .. / to the advantage of

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禽从蒲郁: 1.We have (an Art Festival) at our school each year. (what festival do) you (have) at your school each year? 2.I was born (in 1990). (when were) you born. 3.Jane thinks B...

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禽从蒲郁: Lucy got hungry and tired after a long walk in the streets.Ato 改为 for

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