's home与the home of的区别?

作者&投稿:矣侮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ ‘s 用法,一般是针对有生物的说的.如John's home.
of用法,一般是针对无生物说的,如the door of our classroom.
John's home; the home of monkeys

正定县19378108072: 's 和of所有格的用法区别/ be about to ,be going to ,will -
毕往抗骨: 1.名词的格 在英语中名词有三个格:主格(作主语),宾格(作宾语)和所有格.其中只有所有格有形式变化. 名词的所有格:名词中表示所有关系的形式叫名词所有格.所有格的构成有以下几种: 1. 表示有生命的东西(人或动物)的名词...

正定县19378108072: with one's help 与with the help of sb的区别 -
毕往抗骨: 当要表达“在某人的帮助下”时用with one's help.当要表达借助某人/某物时用with the help of sb/sth. With one's help意思是“在某人的帮助下”,其中的one's是形容词性物主代词或名词所有格. With the help of则是加名词性物主代语或名词. ...

正定县19378108072: 在家的英语怎么说? -
毕往抗骨: 在家的英语翻译是stay at home. stay的英式读法是[steɪ];美式读法是[steɪ]. 作动词意思有停留;逗留;保持.作名词意思有停留;逗留. home的英式读法是[həʊm];美式读法是[hoʊm]. 作名词意思有家;家庭;收容所;栖息地;发源...

正定县19378108072: the和this可以互换吗? -
毕往抗骨: Jason's classmates heard the bad news. 这里可以用'this'代替,但是用'the'更通顺. 虽然这个句子可以互换,但有些句子就不可以了. 希望这个答案解答了你的疑问,学习愉快!

正定县19378108072: it's one's first time to do /doing有什么区别 有get married with sb吗 -
毕往抗骨: 先回答第二个问题吧,西方人没有中国人"嫁给谁"的说法,marry是与xx结婚的意思,男女通用,至于你说文章里出现,那是错的 marry相关词组不很多,有marry up--结婚, 结合, 配合 marry off --嫁出女儿 让儿子结婚 一般来说用to do较多些:The first time to use xx. The first time to come. 其实英语当中很多语法没那么严格 doing表示正在做或已做过的: first time doing this job

正定县19378108072: 7. 下午我回家了,并很快做完了我的家庭作业. (do one's homework) -
毕往抗骨:[答案] One possible version: Last Sunday was my happiest day of the week. I got up at eight o'clock in the morning. I was listening to music when Wang Yu called me on the phone. She invi...

正定县19378108072: I go to Tom's home when I - _ - ___ - ____ - ____ - 当我家庭作业需要帮忙时,我就去汤姆家 -
毕往抗骨:[答案] 你好,同学 答案:填have difficulties in homework 即:I go to Tom's home when I have difficulties in homework. 解析:have difficulties in ( doing ) sth. 在某方面有困难,需要帮助 希望能帮到你,祝更上一层...

正定县19378108072: 用下列句型造句.copy one's home work argue with sb about sthoffer sb sthexplain sth to sb be nervouscommunicate with sbinstead;instead of(两种)get ... -
毕往抗骨:[答案]You should not copy Linda's homework I won't argue with you about it any more. They haven't offered me the job yet. Mr.Lee explained the question to me. I am so nervous to speak in public. They often communicate with each other If you don't have a pen,...

正定县19378108072: She may have missed the train, in - ------ - case she won't arrive for another hour. -
毕往抗骨: 答案C 此题容易误选 A,因为不少同学认为在定语从句中能用做定语的关系代词的只有 whose.其实除 whose可用做定语外,which也可用做定语,只是含义上有差别:在此情况下,whose的意思相当于one's,而 which的意思则相当于 that或 this.

正定县19378108072: .Without the air to hold some of the sun's heat,the earth at night - --,too cold for us to live. -
毕往抗骨: 这是个与现在事实相反的含蓄虚拟条件句.Without the air 相当于一个条件句:If there were no air be freezing cold 冰冻一样地冷 此题为上海高考英语试题(97.24)

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