
作者&投稿:恽殷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

说实话,你写的基本没有语法错误,但没有什么出彩的地方。Nowadays more and more people get overweight,we can learn that exercise is the best way to lose weight and keep fit.People need to play sports because it is a good way to relax. When we are tired of work or study, we can play football, basketball, table tennis and so on to relax ourselves. It can not only relax our brains and eyes but also helps us to build our bodies. I think it's really helpful to both our health and our study or work. Besides, It can help us make lots of new friends and communicate with each other well. What's more, it is good for teamwork when we play sports. And it can also make us feel comfortable and refreshed.

Besides, people tend to be positive toward this world after they read(no "s" ) good news stories of celebrities ,especially of their idols. If one reads his superhero goes to the gym every morning, he or she is likely to get up early and to work out either. Young people tend to imitate the behaviors of others. And typically, those iconic figures possess some good qualities, such as(:) persistent(persistence) and diligent (deligence) , that the public like. For instance, Michael Jordan, a well-known basketball player, affects many teenagers. They are greatly inspired by Jordan when life is at low ebb. Some of my classmates subscribe their idol’s Facebook account and read any reports or posts of their idols now and then to obtain positive energy about them. By watching their videos, my classmate Joe told me that he realized the joy of fighting and became more industrious in his academic performance. Obviously, it is beneficial for people to know what happened about the people they care about. Form the above analysis, I believe people should read news and current events everyday and do not get rid of this part of their daily life, since they could become more wise and have a positive outlook on life.

Hello (everyone.I) am XXX, my 20 years (old,) I come from XXX, a very beautiful coastal (city.I )am the only daughter in my family, (My) parents love me too much .Personality, I move off if the rabbit, such as Department of static son, cheerful with others, be able to communicate, but also be able to seriously deal with the completion of my task. At positions, and create maximum value for my own are my goals. A strong sense of responsibility on the job, an industrious, steadfast, focused on team spirit and collective concept. I believe that as long as seriously, there is no job should not competent
I have wide spread interests, I am curious about (everything.But) my favorite things are: listening (to music ,) (Go) shopping, as well as other things related to (fashion.I )deeply love the fashion, I continuously thought decorating oneself is a way to expresses (oneself,) showing oneself is the best choice to prove your existence. I have a unique angle of view to look at (something ,) and (is) enjoying every day positively and (upwardly.when) I have never blindly pursue fashion tidal current and lose myself, but can burn joyfully during the pursue .My English is not good, but I am take much ffort on (it.Moreover )I believed I cannot let you be disappointed, I will try my best to achieves it well .Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to stand here, thanks a lot!
Hello everyone. I am XXX, my 20 years old; I come from XXX, a very beautiful coastal city. I am the only daughter in my family, my parents love me too much .Personality, I move off if the rabbit, such as Department of static son, cheerful with others, be able to communicate, but also be able to seriously deal with the completion of my task. At positions, and create maximum value for my own are my goals. A strong sense of responsibility on the job, an industrious, steadfast, focused on team spirit and collective concept. I believe that as long as seriously, there is no job should not competent
I have wide spread interests, I am curious about everything. But my favorite things are: listening to music, go shopping, as well as other things related to fashion. I deeply love the fashion, I continuously thought decorating oneself is a way to expresses oneself; showing oneself is the best choice to prove your existence. I have a unique angle of view to look at something, and am enjoying every day positively and upwardly. When I have never blindly pursue fashion tidal current and lose myself, but can burn joyfully during the pursue .My English is not good, but I am take much effort on it. Moreover I believed I cannot let you be disappointed, I will try my best to achieves it well .Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to stand here, thanks a lot!

Hello,everone.My name is XXX,I`m 20 years old girl and I come from a very beautiful coastal city.I`m the only child in my family,so my parents love me so much.My personality characteristics,as an old saying goes:If the rabbit from moving, such as the Department of static son.I can communicate with people easliy and also complete my assignment seriously.In the position,produce the maximum value in myself is my goal.I have a strong responsibility and down-to-earth effort, I also pay attention to team work and collective spirit.I believe,as long as treat conscientiously, I can competent every job.My interests are widely, I am curious about everything.But the most favorite things are listen to the music,go shopping and all the things about fashion.I deeply love fashion,I continuously thought decorating oneself is a way to express oneself, showing oneself is the best choice to prove your existence.I have a unique view to look things,and enjoy every day positively .I never blindly pursue fashion ,but I will burn happily during the process.I know my English is not good,but I will give much effort on it.I believe,I can not let you down,I will try my best to make it better.Thank you very much for give me this opportunity to stand here,thanks a lot!




 Excellent English and communication skills both written and verbal
 A half years+ experience in project management, a half years CMMI Level5
 Adaptable, can work well under pressure, with good teamwork spirit

1,英语优秀,IELTS xx或 CET 6(对方看中的放第一条,写出你的成绩)

这么简单 3点,就行了。我是HR,也会觉得这种简历比较务实。


重点是 了解对方需要什么

my 20 years old【错了,应是i'm 20 years old】

I move off if the rabbit, such as Department of static son【这句看上去怪怪的,如果是给中国人看的就算了,如果是老外,我看免了吧,实在是很中国式的英语啊~用一两个实际点的形容词去形容你的性格就好】

but also be able to seriously deal with the completion of my task【直接用but also 么?用as well好点吧】
and create maximum value for my own are my goals【and 改成to】
have wide spread interests【去掉spread,多余的这是】
and is enjoying every day positively and upwardly【去掉is,改enjoying 为enjoy】


Hello everyone.I am XXX, 20 years old, I'm come from XXX,it's a very beautiful city.I am the only daughter in my family, My parents love me very much .Personality, I move off like the rabbit, such as department of static son, cheerful with others, be able to communicate, but also be able to seriously deal with the task. At positions, and create maximum value for mine is my goal. I have a strong sense of responsibile on the job, an industrious, steadfast, focused on team spirit and collective concept. I believe as long as seriously, all job could be competent.
I have wide spread interests, I am curious about everything.But my favorite things are: listening to music , go shopping, and many other things about fashion.I love the fashion deeply , I continuously think decorating oneself is a way to expresses oneself , showing oneself is the best choice to prove your existence. I have an unique angle of view to see something , and I enjoy every day positively and upwardly.I have never blindly pursue fashion tidal current and lose myself, and I can burn joyfully during the pursue .My English is not very good, but I have took much effort on it.Moreover, I believe I cannot let you disappointed, I will try my best to achieve it well .Thank you very much for give me this opportunity to stand here, thanks a lot!

麻烦有哪位英语高手的人帮我把以下的中文句子翻译下!! 注意:要用到括 ...
1 Ever since the mobile phone, he never written a letter to a friend。2Professor Lee at the graduation ceremony made a short speech, his words deeply etched in my memory。3He found that there is strong interest in their oral 4. He suspected a strong interest in foreign ...


英语高人帮忙!急 谢谢!
<your writing一般被理解的是你的写作水平、写作能力,显然楼主不是这个意思,而是那位先生的写某部作品这件事。所以翻译成这个不合适。应当说“your writing work”> Looking forward to your answer.期待您的回音。Best wishes with regards,祝好!(直译过来是“充满敬意的最好的祝愿。”另外,一般不说...

W: I’m divorcing my husband.W:我要和我的丈夫离婚。M: How long have you been married?M:你结婚多久了?W: Thirteen years.W:十三年了。M: Do you have children?M:你有孩子了吗?W: Yes, and I have to protect them from any more harm from my husband’s irresponsibility W:...

【- -还好我是喜欢翻译的人,,求加分。整体来看文章里的主角以前在女子学校上课,估计被人欺负,然后内向喜欢上图书馆,这就是一二段说的。大学和很多人一样没目标,去参加了学生俱乐部。你说机器翻译差,估计就是因为一些人名和书名,然后这个作者用了很多意象- -不直白表达。。。】...

Facing Adversity Ask yourself how you handle adversity. Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?Filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire, and soon the pots come to a boil. In one you place carrots, in the second you place eggs, and in the last ...

英语高人帮忙翻译一下。 翻译较好,加悬赏分至50,谢谢。 要求:不用翻译...
1、负责生产设备紧急异常的处理;Handling emergent abnormalities of production equipment;2、协助生产人员对设备进行保养;Assisting production personnel in equipment maintenance;3、完善生产设备的维护保养计划;Improving the maintenance plans for production equipment;4、配合各个设备的安装调试;Providing ...

有没有人英语水平比较高的 喜欢用英语打字聊天或者语音聊天的?

从1997年诞生已经有9年历史了,足见它的生命力。国际交友中心 地址:rul=http:\/\/friendfinder.com\/go\/g867533-pmem 老牌交友网站,成立于1996年,和亚洲交友中心同属一个网站。这个网站的特点是面对英语国家,里面大部分都是说英语的老外。MSN,ICQ.SKYPE.YAHOO www.icq.com里面有聊天室 ...

哪位英语高人士,能帮我翻译这段话用英语,谢谢了,很急! 太谢谢了 回头...
I hope they are a: respect life, fairness, honesty and trustworthiness, independent, brave and friendly people. I will do, I am confident that these are infected, instead of being taught myself to sit, first, secondly, to let them from daily life experience and understanding of ...

永兴县15825856009: 哪位英语高手能帮我看看这段英语对话有没有翻译错.这是英语口语考试要用的 非常重要
爱新觉罗股牛黄: After I saw the movie,I felt very excited.And after I went out of the movie theater , 改为After I saw the movie,I felt very excited.And after I ran out of the movie theater ,

永兴县15825856009: 请问哪位英文很厉害的大侠能帮我看看这段话里有没有什么语法用词错误并更正吗?如果看出来用心了会追分的In 30 ascitic fluid samples,PMN was ≥250,26 ... -
爱新觉罗股牛黄:[答案] 第一行:correct→correctly(副词修饰动词). 第一段最后一行:and→or(否定连接用or). 第二段第一行: basically →basical(形容词修饰名词). 最后一行:of→for(表示原因).

永兴县15825856009: 请英语高手帮我看看这段话英语什么意思thank you for your extra efforts before holidays!No worries,Frank will bring the service fee request to Ikeda - san after ... -
爱新觉罗股牛黄:[答案] 感谢您节假日前的加倍努力! 不用担心,弗兰克将服务费的要求池田到达后山.请务必将收到报告的费用. 关于酒店预订,我们需要等待企业管方行批准.因此,如果我们能够及时得到批准,我们会要求协助.如果我们不及时完成,我们将组织自属. 感谢...

永兴县15825856009: 哪位英语高手帮我看一下这篇英语作文有没有语法错误啊,下午就要交了LilyLily is a 13 years old girl and she is my best friend.She is very friendly to everyone,... -
爱新觉罗股牛黄:[答案] 应该是she likes 是打错了吧 句子开头都用she 是不是觉得很冗乱呢

永兴县15825856009: 有哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下这段英文:prompt - message - the - mms - you - aretrying - to - download - is - no - longer - available� -
爱新觉罗股牛黄:[答案] 信息提示:你正在尝试下载的彩信已经不可用. mms:彩信(全称是multimedia message) prompt message:信息提示 no longer available:不再可用

永兴县15825856009: 有哪位英语高手能帮我翻译一下这段英文1,非常感谢! -
爱新觉罗股牛黄: 文化的概念显现出复杂和多面性的特点,人们早就从数个学术领域探究过它,如人类学(Pieterse, 1995)、社会学、哲学(Lloyd&Thomas, 1998)以及管理学(Richards,Goedhart, & Herrijgers, 2001).同时另有一些研究分析了旅游者和文化之...

永兴县15825856009: 哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下这段对话,不要翻译器的,最好是地道的美语,谢谢 -
爱新觉罗股牛黄: A It seems that you have already made a new life goal B Of course. The time is running, and people are growing up. However stupid a people used to be, he will be sober one day.A But what's my life goal?应该比较地道了.还有问题追问哦亲~

永兴县15825856009: 那位高人帮我看看这段英文有什么语法错误!In conclusion,the dragon boat event is a traditional Chinese celebration to ward off epidemic diseases and evil ... -
爱新觉罗股牛黄:[答案] In conclusion,the dragon boat event is a traditional Chinese celebration since 278 BC to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu ...is different due to regional differences. 这段,改为:Different age groups of people participate in the event with different ...

永兴县15825856009: 哪位英文高手 帮我翻译下这段英文啊!是用ing形式的吗?有语法错误吗?小弟感激不尽! 在线等啊 急用!Hi, friend, what are you doing?I'm watching TV!... -
爱新觉罗股牛黄:[答案] 你在干什么呢?我的朋友 我正在看电视了!你想跟我一起看吗?看,是一个养蜂人!他正在培养他的蜜蜂了! 我不太喜欢看电视!我觉得比较闷!不如我们一起去溜冰! 好啊,走! 看那个小偷正在偷珠宝店的耳环呢. 我们应该抓住他! 等一下,保...

永兴县15825856009: 哪位英语高手帮我看看这句英语句子是不是错误的
爱新觉罗股牛黄: 没有错啊,意思是 我知道你很羡慕我 可以在know后面加个that,但是也可以省略.

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