作者&投稿:祢宏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Animal body language 翻译 上海教育出版社出的~

上海教育出版社出的翻译:Shanghai education press come out

1 the host announced activities opening speech .5 minutes (for example: the respect fellow leaders, teachers, dear students, good evening everyone! Today we are very happy to come from the Canadian teacher, explain to us about how to learn English content, we welcome speech ) President .5 minutes you ask me answer ( 30 minutes ) the teacher came to power, the first self-introduction. Then the moderator station volunteers came under foreign teaching and puts forward some questions about English study. ( 1) Chinese students and Canadian or you have encountered in other countries, students learning what is different, what is lacking? ( 2) . " How to improve your English? ( 3) to see a movie to study English to have the help? 4 heart guessing: guessing activity time in about 20 minutes. Two. Host 2. ( mainly responsible for time control and guessing score ) three. The contestants were divided into four groups (n = three ) of four. One or two groups of mutually between three or four sets of PK, PK, the former two groups a host of random field extraction of six, divided in three or four groups; after the foreign teachers and Sun Jing each scene out of two students. Miss Sun Jing and her own selected two students a group of foreign teachers, and their team of 3 PK five. The rules of the game: ( 1) each having 5 minutes reading time. ( 2) the contestants through body language. ( 3) the contestants through the description of the word attribute for simple description such as animal, action, shaped objects. The derivation of the word explanation but not available. ( 4) can be used to explain. ( 5) can choose to skip this word. ( 6) within a specified time guessing many is the victory. Six. Reward and punishment rules: 1 last will be punished - Church teachers a Tang or dialect. 2: to obtain reward. It's you students to perform. Toss game ( 20 minutes ) Rules: please teacher ( ball, ball is placed inside the small gift balloons instead ) received the ball to come on stage to answer the teachers questions. Answer the right can be punctured balloon with gifts, as their answer bonus. 1 by the emcee about the beginning of the game and rules for 2 minutes ( including native. ). 2 foreign teachers selected by tossing a person, the chosen one to answer teacher extraction has prepared questions ( 5 minutes ). 3 by the host said " thanks to the chosen people to participate in, and please teacher throw a ball " ( 1 minutes ). 4 by Sun Jing teacher drop selected second individuals, the chosen one to answer teacher Sun Jing extraction problems ( 5 minutes ). 5 by the host said " thanks to the chosen people to participate in, and please teacher throw a ball " ( 1 minutes ). 6 by the host selected third people as well as the ball. ( 5 minutes ). 7 the host announced the end of the game. ( 1 minutes ). The secrets inside ( 20 minutes ). Time of about 20 minutes. Two. Support control in two minutes. Three. Table hang 6 balloons, each balloon has a problem or a gift, with a balloon to answer a question. There was a question to the teacher to sing a song, in order to increase the probability of, let me out of six balls with three, the other three balloons are let me sing. Second ball by teacher Sun Jing to tie, tie up by Mrs. Sun Jing answered 7 host said end - English Association, and invited a send teachers and teacher Sun Jing song, together hand in hand singing tonight unforgettable [ ]. Network department started playing a memorable night for this song! Other people can leave. ( 10 minutes )



Dods使用面部表情,声音,肢体动作和尾巴沟通。当狗很高兴,它的耳朵会站起来,它的眼睛将被打开。狗将树皮兴奋,摇它的尾巴,并可能会在圆圈或跳转向上和向下向您显示,它希望发挥。狗是害怕将奠定其耳朵返回并关闭它的眼睛。狗可能会显示它的牙齿和降低其体内,使其接近地面。狗也可以颤抖(????)或发抖,它将把它的尾巴之间的腿。当狗是愤怒,它会盯着你,显示其牙齿和咆哮(????).一条狗的身上将直立( ֱ ????)和狗会尽量使自己看起来像大的可能。尾部将站直了身体。

大象也使用噪音和身体语言表达自己的意见。大象的嗅觉是高度发达的。大象可以闻又象是如何的感觉,甚至说如果是生病了。大象的鼻子,或树干,还用来制造噪音和迎接其他大象。不同的声音有不同的含义:它们可以是指“我饿了” , “我很生气” ,或“很高兴见到你! ”大象的身体语言,包括耳朵信号和姿态。如果象差的耳朵,它的意思是“小心! ” ,以表示友好,大象将涉及对方的树干和立场接近,把他们的额头在一起。




What kind of animal is it?是什么意思
What kind of animal is it?译文:它是一种什么动物呢?希望能帮上你,满意请采纳。谢谢!

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farm animals作文四年级
第一篇:As we all know,animals are our friends.I like every animal.But I like dogs best.Dogs are not only very lovely,but also very helpful.That's why we all feed dogs at home.I often share happiness and shorrow with it, which belongs to me three years ago,called"Betty...

Do you now that animals have love for each other and their children...
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原文 Sam had a dog.Its name was Tod.It was very helpful,but it ate too much..So he didn't like it.He wanted to kill Tod. He tied Tod in a bag and put it in the small boat.He rowed the boat to the middle of a big river. Just as he threw the poor animal into...

One day when court was held, Zhao Gao let someone bring a stag to the court and, with a broad smile on his face, he said to Emperor the Second of the Qin Dynasty:"Your Majesty,here is a fine horse I'm presenting to you." Looking at the animal, Emperor the Second...

集宁区17155851668: 有关动物的英语文章十五篇带翻译 -
柯和银治: I like rabbit the best among all the animals.It has long ears,red eyes,beautiful fur and four short legs .It is cute and shy.It likes eatting cabbages and carrots.And there are white,grey and black rabbits.在所有的动物中,我最喜欢兔子.它有两只长耳朵,红眼睛,漂亮的毛皮和四只短短的腿.它很可爱和胆小.它喜欢吃大白菜和胡萝卜.有白色、灰色和黑色的兔子.

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柯和银治: There is an animal who lives in the ocean. It doesn't have brain, nervous system, nose, eyes, and circulatory system. That will be strange because most of the animals have features. This animal is a bell-like shaped body with a lot of ...

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柯和银治: 1.Cats Cats are cute animals,they are very special as well.It has pointy ears, round eyes,little claws,and short but soft fur.Cats like eating fish and mice.They like to keep themselves clean, they do that by licking their fur.Also they are nocturnal animals,...

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柯和银治: Good morning!everyone,I am XX,fromXXX,i am so happy to have a change to tell all of you my favorite animal—— panda. She comes from China, why did I love her? Because she is very cute, but she was very shy. Her body stout like bears, but the ...

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柯和银治: Why should we protect wildlife animals?Do you know of any endangered animals? Why are they in danger? I think there are many endangered animals in the world, such as tigers and pandas. When farmers cut down trees, tigers can no longer hide...

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柯和银治: (My favourite animal) 我最喜欢的动物 第一篇: As we all know,animals are our friends.I like every animal.But I like dogs best.Dogs are not only very lovely,but also very helpful.That's why we all feed dogs at home.I often share happiness and shorrow ...

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