
作者&投稿:郅炉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.Tianjin China, (Jin for short)it is situated in the eastern part of the North China Plain, covering an area of 11,300 square km. and with a population of six million. It is also a key hub of land and sea communications. Its port consisting of Tianjin, Tanggu and Xingang Harbours is an important Chinese Sea port.

Tianjin City is a famous historical city. The best known scenic spots and historical sites include Ning Garden, Tianhou Temple (Temple of Heavenly Empress), Dule Temple in Ji county, The Great Wall at the Huangya Pass, the Panshan scenery area etc.

Famous scenic spots: Panshan Mountain
The ancient name of Panshan Mountain was Xuwu Mountain. Panshan Mountain is sinuous and tortuous, has no fixed direction and its form looks like a dragon, so it is also known as Panlong Mountain (coiling dragon mountain). It is located in the north of Guanzhuang Town, Jixian County, Tianjin City, and 12.5 kilometers northwest to the town. It is one of the southern branches of Yanshan Mountains. The average height of Panshan Mountain is 400 to 600 meters above sea level.

The highest peak Guayue Peak with an area of about 20 square meters is 864.4 meters above sea level, and its slope is more than 35° in general. Panshan County features a typical geographic characteristic of spherical weathering, with many craggy stones and steep peaks. The vegetation type mainly includes the coniferous forest of Chinese pines. Panshan Mountain is famous for its high mountains, deep valleys, oddly shaped stones and pines, crystal clear springs, beautiful trees, temples and ancient towers. It is reputed as the No. 1 Mountain in East Beijing and one of the 15 most famous mountains in China.

There are many sites in the area of Panshan Mountain, including the famous Three Spiral Positions (pine resort in the upper spiral position, stone resort in the middle spiral position and water resort in the lower spiral position), the Five Peaks (Guayue Peak, Zilai Peak, Zigai Peak, Jiuhua Peak and Wujian Peak) and the Eight Stones (Xuankong Stone, Yaodong Stone, Liangjia Stone, Jiangjun Stone, Jiamu Stone, Tianjing Stone, Hama Stone and Mang Stone), altogether four scenic spots and more than 30 views.

Tiancheng Temple, Yunzhao Temple and Wansong Temple
These temples are situated within the scenic spots of Panshan Mountain. The emperors of past dynasties cut the mountains and built temples in Panshan Mountain; they constructed more than 160 temples and towers, including the most famous 72 Buddhist temples and 13 exquisite pagodas. Most of them have not been repaired for many years and only the original foundations are extant now.

Tiancheng Temple
It is also known as the Fushan Temple. It was first built in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) and expanded and repaired in the Liao Dynasty (916-1125), the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). The main buildings include the Great Hall, the Side Hall, the Sanjian Hall, and the Jiangshan Yilan Pavilion, etc. The stele Record of Touring the Panshan Mountain prepared according to the order of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty was erected in front of the eastern Side Hall of the Main Hall, and a gallery of over 40 meters long stands there too.

Yunzhao Temple
The temple is 800 more meters above sea level and located near the apex of Panshan Mountain, so it is the temple with the highest elevation in the mountain. Since it is situated near the summit of the mountain and the clouds always cover the temple, so it is also known as the Yunzhao Temple (Cloud-covered temple). The temple was first built during the Tang Dynasty, and is composed of the Great Hall, the Side Hall, the Sutra-Keeping Hall and the Temple Gate, etc. Three golden Buddha statutes with a height of 4 meters are enshrined in the Main Hall, and the Thousand Buddha Niches are located on the four walls of the Main Hall, etc. The eastern part of the Yunzhao Temple relies against the Guayue Peak (the highest peak of Panshan Mountain) on which the Dagoba of Dingguang Buddha is standing upright.

Wansong Temple
The Wansong Temple is the largest temple in Panshan Mountain. Since the famous senior general Li Jing of the early Tang Dynasty once lived here, it was known as the Li Jing Temple before the Qing Dynasty. The time when it was first built is unknown, but it was repaired during the Wanli reign of the Ming Dynasty. Since there were many ancient pines around the temple, Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty granted a tablet to call it as the Wansong Temple (ten-thousand-pine temple).

The earthquake in Sichuan is something that moved me deeply today. A terrible disaster which really touched my heart, and I still cannot recover from the pain that i feel inside. It is necessary that all Chinese help their countrymen, the victims. Everyone can contribute by dispatching aid where it is needed. I have no money but I am going to join the young volunteers tomorrow.

auction 是拍卖的意思 所以第1句话 你只要回答一个有价值的名次即可,比如 cars,jewelries都可以 第2句回答一个人就行 因为没有语境,所以我也不知道回答是谁。第3句是问拍卖的作用你可以回答:It can sell things for people who want to buy good things but don't know the prise.第4句:Beacause it can sell things quickly and fairly.不是opening bid吧,应该是bid opening 是开标的意思。英文翻译
1.to open (sealed) tenders; to open a bid

拆开标单。通常由招标人召集投标人当众举行。 minimum raise 应该是说拍卖的底价升高了吧,或者就是说有人拍得价钱比底价高了。。。 你这些话都没语境的 不好说得!这是一篇文章里的吧?

1.Which do you think more important during
chinese and English?
2.How many English words do you know?
3.Do you think English is much easier than
4.Do you think English is easy to show what we are thinking?
5.Do Englishmen is much smart?



比如说,how are you? 回答:fine ,thank you.第一次遇见的话, hello! i'm xxx ,and you? 然后他会回答你他的名字。where are you from? 意思是你来自哪里? i'm from china,你可以这样回答。然后可以聊一些生活上的东西。比如:do you like chinese food?你喜欢中国菜吗? i like fast...

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热门的英语角话题丰富多样,涵盖了文化、科技、社会、教育等多个领域。以下是一些常见的热门英语角话题:1. 跨文化交流 跨文化交流是英语角中常见且热门的话题。参与者可以分享来自不同国家和文化背景的故事、习俗和观念,从而增进相互之间的理解和尊重。例如,可以讨论不同国家的节日庆祝方式、饮食文化、...

关于英语演讲比赛时的 现场提问
关于英语演讲比赛时的 现场提问 Sorry I beg you pardon. 这个应该是最有礼貌的说法 恩。。其实问的话也就是问些你关于这个内容有的看法啊Theme&Topic讲的明确就可以啦。然后如果有讲述什么例子之类的要明确一下所举的这个例子说明什么或者证明了你的哪个观点。 只知道你的内容是Youth的话不大...

市南区18925851629: 英语课堂提问可以提什么问题?尽量要难多大一点的! -
佐彪轻畅:[答案] What do you do after school? Do you like playing computer games? How far is your school to your home? What do your parents do? What animals do you like?

市南区18925851629: 英语常用 能引起话题的问题(带回答)急!类似How are you的,能够引起一个话题,回答方式有许多的(英文)答得好,及时的, -
佐彪轻畅:[答案] 如果你见到一个陌生的老外可以: Oh,lady.Is your father a thief? 她一定会问:Why?(应该会有点生气) 你快答:Because he stoles two stars into your eyes. 嘿嘿,一个英语教授给我们讲座是说的=.=

市南区18925851629: 英语演讲比赛提问环节可以提问一些什么问题? -
佐彪轻畅: 1、英语演讲比赛都有一定的规则,指的是有提前给定题目的和自定题目的,有时是同时都有的. 2、一般来讲是给定一个范围等,你应该迅速了解主题和内容,不要没有准备. 3、一般提问的问题都是与你演讲的内容有关,所以你要围绕着你的...

市南区18925851629: 英语十个topic话题.话题是一个提问或者是选择.比如 why do you lern English Do you want to study aboad?之类的 -
佐彪轻畅:[答案] 1.do you want to learn a second language? 2.what's your holiday plan? 3.it's your first time come to China? 4.how many years have you learned English? 5.what's your favourite music star? 6.are you good at tennis? 7.have you ever heard that Lina lost ...

市南区18925851629: 英文面试常问的问题有哪些 -
佐彪轻畅: 如果说最常用的英文面试问题一定是“what's your name?”哈哈.OK,正题:1.请用英文介绍一下自己学习跟工作的经历.2.描述一下你的日常工作是怎样的. 3.你有那些优点和缺点. 4.有什么样的职业规划.是不是看起来跟中文面试一样?其实差不了多少吧,只是考察面试者使用英文的能力,本来也不会有什么大的差别.

市南区18925851629: 大学英语访谈的话题可以有哪些? -
佐彪轻畅: 日常的新闻类、生活类、娱乐类话题都可以啊比如美国大选春节电影都行啊

市南区18925851629: 同讲英语的人说话,应提出什么问题 -
佐彪轻畅: 看场合.如果你英语还好,工作场合的话: 初次见面,一般是寒暄,问下姓名、隶属的公司和部门、具体负责的职责这样的话题. 如果不是初次见面,可以问来中国多久了,此行目的,在中国会待多久,打算去哪里等等问题. 问一...

市南区18925851629: 关于学习英语都提出那些问题 -
佐彪轻畅: 英语其实很简单,首先要培养学英语的兴趣与树立“我能学好”的决心,这样的开始会给你很大的帮助. 很多人觉得英语很死,只能靠背,其实不然,英语有时候也很灵活,当然,单词还是要靠你牢牢的背的,但是怎么才能有效且快速的背呢?我有一个很有效的方法,几乎看一遍就可以记住,那就是你要把单词读会,其实学英语我并不会语系,因为我觉得根本没有作用,只要你知道怎么读,就可以把单词拼出来了,方法很简单,但也要靠你用心. 其次来看看课文,课文背诵其实是很多人的难点,因为有的文章生词多且语句长,所以很难背,你可以把他翻译成汉语,这样比较好.考试时会考很多课文里的语法句型,所以一定要熟记课文,并时常温习老师总结的笔记.

市南区18925851629: 最近每天晚上都有外教在电话上教我英语,我该提一些什么问题比较能促进交流促进我口语的提高呢?如题,20分钟的时间,如果我不提问题我们就是读书... -
佐彪轻畅:[答案] 你可以就书本上的话题跟他讨论呀!你发表你的观点,他发表他的观点,对感兴趣的地方,继续议论.对提及的问题,可以问他解决的办法.这一来一往的,你口语的能力不就锻炼了嘛.

市南区18925851629: 英语面试一般都问哪些问题 -
佐彪轻畅: 1.先打招呼,问些基本情况.然后肯定是自我介绍,这个是逃不掉的.2.然后面试官会针对你的自我介绍提问.所以事先要准备好他可能会问的一些问题.3.问你些技术问题,所以技术方面的东西事先要准备好,基础要扎实.回答是思路要清晰.碰到难的问题最好是不要说不知道,尽量将自己理解的东西,进行分析.4.问你期望薪资,要求的待遇等等.

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