the guys are gonna laugh me off the team.这句话什么意思?

作者&投稿:仰清 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


She was the only woman tough enough to make me read Beowulf and think for a few stupid days that I liked it.
她是唯一一个能使我去读beowulf 并且让我怀念那些犯傻的日子的厉害女人。

2.“how dare you say ‘aim’s’ to me! I’ve taught you better than that.”

3. and if I go around saying ‘it isn’t’ and ‘they aren’t,’ the guys are gonna laugh me off the team.”

4.Refusing to lower your standards to those of the crowd.

5. It takes guts to say you’ve got to live and he somebody fifty years after all the football games are over.”

the guys are gonna laugh me off the team.的意思为:会笑我的团队的人。

laugh at 嘲笑 ; 取笑 ; 笑话 ; 因
laugh off 用笑摆脱 ; 一笑置之 ; 把 ; 一笑了之
laugh over 笑着谈论 ; 边想边笑 ; 笑着品题辩论 ; 想着
the last laugh最后的胜利
burst out laughing突然笑起来;不禁大笑

They were persuaded onstage for a laugh.

laugh sb off:逗笑某人



原文是“Miss Bessie,” I said, “I’m trying to join the football team, and if I go around saying ‘it isn’t’ and ‘they aren’t,’ the guys are gonna laugh me off the team.”


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夫朱乳酸:[答案] 你的这段英文 必须有一定的背景才能翻译的更好 我简单的用咱们汉语的习惯给你翻译一下.你看是不是这个意思 我希望你们能和我一样来重视这件事情. 因为这事件一旦发生就不能改变. 虽然你们一直在这寒冷,坚硬的地板上, 但是所有你们现在做的...

任丘市17774709429: 请翻译几个难度为中考英语D篇的句子,谢谢 -
夫朱乳酸: 这是个人的翻译,您看看是不是这个意思,要是能帮上您,请给我一个回复,谢谢! 1.她是唯一顽强的女人,她让我读懂了《贝奥武夫》,并且在我认为愚蠢的日子里喜欢上了它. 2.你怎么敢说“瞄准我”!我已经教过你比这更好. 3.如果我一直不停说“它不是”和“它们不是”,这帮家伙一定会取笑我,让我离开团队. 4.不要降低你在众人面前的水准. 5.真的需要足够的勇气你说“当年那些所有的足球队在五十年后已经烟消云散了,而你却依然活着.”

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夫朱乳酸:[答案] Saterday,I took part in the school organization of volunteer.All the guys devided into two group got into the community to help old peoples who alone.All the kinds of houseworks we could do it,cleaning,washing,cooking.We are very efficient. ...

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