看图 奥巴马带的这个是新百伦手表吗?

作者&投稿:古兔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



In early 2012, we began to see President Obamawearing a plastic sports watch other than the Highgear Enduro Compass watch.Closer study shows that President Obama’s new sports watch is a New Balance N7watch, with a Heart Rate Monitor. It appears that the New Balance has replacedthe Highgear watch, as it has not been seen since we first saw the New Balance.

2012年初,美国总统奥巴马佩戴了一个塑胶运动手表,取代了之前Highgear的指南针探险表。进一步的研究发现,这是新百伦N7 心率表,自从有了这块表之后,我们再也没有看到总统佩带Highgear了。

Determining whether Obama is wearing theHighgear Enduro or the New Balance N7 is not difficult — the Highgear Endurohas an irregular shaped bezel, with the fully integrated strap mountedasymmetrically (toward the left side of the case), while the New Balance has around dial, with a bright red inner bezel, and the traditional strap is mountedsymmetrically. The straps themselves are also easily distinguished, with theHighgear having elongated holes and the New Balance having smaller rally-styleholes.


Obama’s New Balance Sports Watch in Action. Aswe had seen with the Highgear Enduro Compass watch, President Obama seems towear the New Balance N7 watch as his casual watch. We can expect to see Obamawear this as his primary watch while on vacation, where we see him wearing thewatch riding bikes, playing golf or going for ice cream. Obama has also wornthe New Balance N7 watch for rugged assignments, for example helping with abuilding project (above) or skeet shooting at Camp David (below)


The New Balance N7 Sports Watch  is a fairly conventional looking plastic sportswatch, but it does have some distinguishing features, both from a functionalpoint of view and in terms of its design.


The New Balance N7 features a 2.4 GHzdigitally-coded heart rate monitor, that has a chest strap that sends awireless signal to the watch.  The watch has continuous heart ratereading, and can be set to target specific heart rate zones. In addition to theheart rate features, the New Balance N7 has standard sports watch functions,including a range of 100 hours, the ability to time 50 laps or splits and a 30run memory.  The watch can display time in 12-hour or 24-hour formats,shows the day and date, will display a second time zone and has two dailyalarms.  The New Balance N7 is water resistant to 50 meters.

新百伦N7手表支持2.4 GHz数字编码的心率监视器,通过胸带将无线信号发送到手表。手表可以连续监测心率,并且可以个性化设置目标心率区间。除了心率监测功能,N7手表还有运动手表基本功能,包括100小时计时、50圈分段计时、30组运动数据存储、12/24小时制、日期、双时区和两组闹钟,50米防水。


樊城区13415334841: 新百伦最大的竞争对手是谁?耐克?还是三叶草还是.... -
犹贵龙胆: 肯定是耐克啊,都是同级别的又是同行业

樊城区13415334841: 这新百伦是真的还是假的
犹贵龙胆: 假的

樊城区13415334841: 看图猜十个名人一个兔两咕咕头叫?名 -
犹贵龙胆: 1. 马云2. 金日成3. 成吉思汗4. 屠呦呦5. 奥巴马6. 贝克汉姆7. 史泰龙8. 韩雪(有的说是白雪)9. 邓超10.普金 希望我的回答对您有帮助,满意请采纳,谢谢.

樊城区13415334841: new balance美产998码数问题急急急 -
犹贵龙胆: 楼主你好adidas如果是41 1/3的话对应脚长是260mm 话说成NEW BALANCE的欧码是41.5 谢谢! ===================================================== 如有其他问题欢迎及时追问,对此回答满意请记得采纳~~! (请文明答题,请勿盗用本回答内容及提醒栏堆砌字数!) =====================================================

樊城区13415334841: 这双新百伦是什么系列?看图 -
犹贵龙胆: ML574OLR 伦敦奥运系列 望采纳,谢谢

樊城区13415334841: 请问新百伦是正品吗谢谢
犹贵龙胆: 新百伦是正品,但是你这个要去专卖店看是不是真的 买得话有带发票等等的 单凭几张图片谁也看不出来的 谢谢

樊城区13415334841: 这双新百伦是真的还是假的 请大神鉴定 -
犹贵龙胆: 鞋标巨假 这货号的鞋真标长这样素质提问,及时采纳, 有疑问请尽快追问或百度HI留言、私信(记得带问题链接)

樊城区13415334841: 有谁可以帮忙看下这双英国新百伦是真的还是假的?后面有一个小的星座 看图就知 急!
犹贵龙胆: 朋友,得看鞋标图辨别的 给鞋标 分享辨别真假的经验.下面的教程方法,朋友用心钻研钻研,掌握透了以后自己辨别不求人,这才是最最重要的.新百伦鞋标主要是看以下几个方面:(1)中间NB字母分隔线,假鞋通常是B字母没分隔到,或者...

樊城区13415334841: 新百伦 真品还是假的?看图 -
犹贵龙胆: 所上图片看是模糊假的,鞋标上清晰图片. 也可以点我头像看我的 “查看更多资料”里有鉴定真假的教学贴

樊城区13415334841: 我想问一下这是真的New Balance/新百伦吗?带4张照片,谢谢大家了,求帮帮我 -
犹贵龙胆: 楼主你好 不要被小白忽悠了 不过经鉴定,你图上的这枚鞋标的确是【假标!】===================================================== 好歹这种格式的标还是长方形的 附上对应货号的真标供比对 谢谢!===================================================== 如有其他问题欢迎及时追问,对此回答满意请记得采纳~~!(请文明答题,请勿盗用本回答内容及提醒栏堆砌字数!)=====================================================

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