
作者&投稿:蔚温 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

well-mannered 英['wel'mænəd] 美[ˈwɛlˈmænəd]
adj. 有礼貌的;
[例句]Well-mannered as usual, I see.


[英][ɪl 'mænəd][美][ˈɪlˈmænəd]

This rude, ill-mannered individual who assumes he has the force of the law behind him

Chantal would have considered it ill-mannered to show surprise.

method ,way,manner,有什么差别,用法有什么不同?
manner”方式”:1 可指使用某一方法过程中所表现的好的或坏的方式.It's not the method itself ,but the manner youmake use of the method that is responsible for the failure .不是方法本身,而是你使用这方法...

2、Chasing a dream is chasing his own bad luck. In the street full of sixpence, he looked up and saw the moonlight.追逐梦想就是追逐自己的厄运,在满地都是六便士的街上,他抬起头看到了月光。3、When it comes to love, if you think about self-esteem, there's only one reason:...

用英语写小短文 150~200字 100分送上
asking me over. I hope we’ll be able to get together again before long…” Consolidation in a wider range of common acquaintances also occurs, in expressions such as “Say hello to Jack for me” or “Remember me to John”. In Chinese society, during the closing phase of and encounter,...

Homophones This is a list of British-English homophones. See the explanation page for details of the inclusion criteria. accessary, accessory ad, add ail, ale air, heir aisle, I'll, isle all, awl allowed, aloud alms, arms altar, alter arc, ark aren't, aunt ate, eight auger...

4.【下飞机】用deplane,例句还是这样的:“You will be able to deplane momentarily(您很快就能下飞机了)”英文人听到这句表示十脸懵。5.【等火车】用“wait on a train”而不是“wait for a train”,英国人的美国朋友想表达火车没到站,一直在等车,英文人以为他朋友在车上等,但是车却困...

(1),表选择关系或对等关系的连接词:either…or…, neither…nor…, or, as well as, and, both…and….(2),表因果关系的连接词:therefore, so, as a result, as the result of, because of, due to,owing to, thanks to等。(3),表时间顺序的连接词:the moment, as soon as...

Different countries different cultures
The ways people eat, that is, the table manner, really distinguish a lot. The reason for this is probably because of the different dining tools and menus.Easterners use chopsticks, or sometimes even grasp rice straightly with hands as Indians do. The thin and long chopsticks cannot be used ...

汗马之劳用英语怎么说 汗马之劳英语翻译?
16. That doesn’t cost you anything.16. Not a string. Just a favour.译文:没什么企图 举手之劳 {\\3cH202020}Not a string.。16. it requires very little of me and will mean the world to him.16. – Thank you Cora, we’ll do our best.16. Miss May, you don’t have to...

Elvis dances around in the same manner Forrest did. A woman in the audience screaming and applauding. ELVIS (sings) You ain't nothin' but a hound dog... 甘太太 This is not children's eyes. Mrs. Gump walks away, pulling Forrest with her. Forrest stops and takes one last look. Elvis...

商务英语300句:Unit 12 Terms of Payment 支付条款
Con- sult your banks and you’ll see that they are ready to offer you this service. A: Do you mean to say that I can open a letter of credit in yen with a bank in London or Bonn? B: Sure you can. Several of the banks in London such as the National Westminster Bank and ...

三河市18889346773: 英语怎么说“素质”,或者说外国人用什么表达“素质高”和“素质低... -
易炉长富: 最接近的词还是manners吧.素质高略等于good-mannered,素质低略等于bad/ill-mannered. 通俗点的说法就是polite和rude.至于其他语境中的素质,例如指人的专业、工作能力,可以用ability, capacity,competence等表示.这方面说人素质高可以说(highly) competent/capable等,素质一般用mediocre等,素质低incompetent等.

三河市18889346773: 英语怎么说“素质”,或者说外国人用什么表达“素质高 -
易炉长富: diathesis 英 [daɪ'æθɪsɪs] 美 [daɪ'æθɪsɪs] n.素质,因素 双语例句 It is very important to enhance the diathesis of the college students and construct a harmonious society. 提高大学生的素质和构建和谐社会很重要.Result This practice improved nurses diathesis, as well as quality of nursing. 结果提高了护士的综合素质及科室的护理质量.

三河市18889346773: rude 的近义词 -
易炉长富: ill-mannered adj. 粗野的, 无礼貌的 impolite adj. 不礼貌的, 粗鲁的 discourteous adj. 失礼的, 无礼貌的 boorish adj. 粗野的 crude adj.天然的, 未加工... vulgar adj.通俗的, 粗俗的 insolent adj. 粗野的, 无礼的 offensive adj.令人不快的, uncouth adj. 粗俗的, 怪异的 disrespectful adj. 无礼的,

三河市18889346773: good mannered什么意思 -
易炉长富: good mannered 良好的举止 双语例句1 Apart from his appearance, he has a good temper and good mannered.长相之外,脾气很好,举止得体.Good communicative skills, sociable, good mannered, self-motivated,team player, enthusiastic, ...

三河市18889346773: 售后态度不好的英文翻译 -
易炉长富: bad attitude after serviceterrible attitude after serviceill-mannered after service

三河市18889346773: 为什么good - mannered和well - mannered 都对的?词性怎么分析? -
易炉长富: good-mannered反义词是bad-mannered well-mannered反义词是ill-mannered 相比而言,前者强调一个人性格中彬彬有礼(但可能在某种场合下表现得不够礼貌),强调的是一种品质,而后者强调一个人的行为,说明这个人表现地很有礼貌,可能这个人平时并不有礼貌

三河市18889346773: 英语俚语天天说 第169期:不给小费就是野蛮人吗 -
易炉长富: It's true that tipping, which is not a common practice in the Chinese mainland, is a headache for many Chinese tourists. Caring too much how they are seen by locals, they tend to tip too generously and causally. As a result, Chinese tourists easily fall ...

三河市18889346773: rude的过去分词是什么? -
易炉长富: rude [ru:d] adj. 粗鲁的, 无礼的, 猛烈的, 残暴的, 粗鲁无礼的adj.(形容词), rud.est Relatively undeveloped; primitive: 未开化的;原始的: a rude and savage land; a rude agricultural implement. 原始的野蛮之地;原始的农业工具 ...

三河市18889346773: 帮忙翻译 紧急~~~ -
易炉长富: 不同的国家,不同的人有不同的方式.我们必须找出他们的风俗,以致他们会认为我们是ill-manners.这里有实例,好教育的人做或不做.如果你去一个中国家庭,你应该先敲门的声音.当门打开的时候,你会不会移动之前主人说:“请进来.”后,你进入这个房间,你不应该坐下来,直到主机请你坐下.当一杯茶放在茶几之前或发送到你的手中,你会说:“谢谢你.”又领受与两只手,不是一只手,否则他们会认为你是无礼的.进屋子之前在日本,这是礼貌脱掉你的鞋子.在欧洲国家,如果鞋子变成很脏,这并没有结束.马来人家庭,客人从未完成餐桌上的食物.他留下一些表明他已经够了.在英国,客人常把酒喝光或食物来表明他很享受它.这将使主人,非常愉快.

三河市18889346773: rude的中文意思 -
易炉长富: 如果和oil连用表示原始\未开发的意思.rude oil 原油.如果用在其他地方表示粗鲁

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