
作者&投稿:纪严 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

How to keep healthy
What is the most important thing in the world? I think it is health.

You can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can survive. But if our health was taken away, we would surely die. That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly.

In order to eat healthily, I usually avoid eating food high in fat, like French fries or cookies. I also eat little meat. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins.

Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body. Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy.

What's more, I think friends are an important part of one's health. Many studies show that people with a wide range of social contacts get sick less than those who don't. I always feel better when I am with friends than when I am alone. When I am with my friends, I always laugh. Laughing is also an important part of health. I like to laugh with my friends.

By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at a proper weight and keep healthy. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. These things sound easy to do, but not many people can manage them. I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy.

How to overcome my difficulties in learn-我在学习中是如何克服困难的 When it comes to difficulties of English study, Different people have diverse opinion, such as hard of hearing, less word, confusion of grammar, even poor writing skills etc. As for me, beside what have mentioned above, I have no enough time and energy to learning, which due to a fulltime work and a lot of housework. How to solute these problem? I think strong will is a key to success. Thus, some measures must be taken as following are. To begin with, I make good use of all available time. I usually study my English until 11 o’clock at night. Then, I make a record on new words with MP3 so that I can review new words on the way both from home to unit and from unit to home. Furthermore, the most important way is, I always make good notes in the class, and review carefully again and again after the class. Finally, I make some simulated composition through the way that translate English composition into Chinese then translate it into English and imitate it time and again. It just as proverb goes “slow and steady wins the race”. Eventually, I have a great progress in my learning English. Certainly, the progress is limited. So I still eager to attain some available advice from teacher and classmates

"What you do is useless." When my father said this sentence, I was drawing.
"What is the useful?" I refute. Perhaps, for parents,learning, learning and learning is the most value of the world of things. But that is really the life I want?
I remembered when the computer first appeared isregarded as useless things. Even arrogant predictions thatthe world needs only three computers can, personalcomputer era will never appear.
But now? The computer to create more value than the imagination of people.
Father didn't answer me, just tell me I should do their own thing, he said I was high school, primary school and junior middle school how can like that have nothing to do all day?
But I want to tell you, this is not really have nothing to do,this is really good, I love painting, as I love family.
The physics teacher said, if a body to do work is not used in the corresponding aspects, then it is doing. But I reallyare doing useless work? I don't want to follow the pattern of the wind, in the face of this face, struggling in the sea, such as waves in the boat, floating and heavy.
In today's society, people are asking what is useful. Money?Power? Academic achievement? Or social skills? In fact,these should have its own value, does not allow people tosay whether it's good or bad, as long as you like, able to bring their own positive energy, are valuable.
But my father did not understand, teachers do not understand.
I struggle with the sea, watching the clouds of the sky,watching the stars of the night. I yearn for my sky, when can I fly like an eagle in the free world?
Youkenda nun view, investment funds to Mars project is tantamount to the money made useless. However, theuseful and the useless power, wasn't able to see it. When the plane just appeared, people laugh, it is not possible tomass production, the Wright brothers is regarded as the world's most stupid brother. But later proved them all wrong.
Liang Xiaosheng says there are three chinese. One is thedigital China, one is the network of China, is a side of china.Only the three together is the real life. The development of science and technology drives the civilization, the development of civilization and promote the social progress,the progress of the society and promoting the development of science and technology. Technology and life is closely related to the. When the electronic products such as mobilecomputers have infiltrated into our lives, we found the way of life in unconsciously be changed.
Every morning the first thing is to paint.
It has become my habit, has become my hobby.
Perhaps in the future I can become a physicist, to depict mylife with the language of light. But I can sketch a world of my own with a brush. I see is me now, but I can see my future.
Is not the result.
At least I didn't let you down, my father.
It is a pity that people have to drift with the tide, the peopleadhere to give up their own ideas, sometimes many viewappears to be ridiculous, but after the time to prove that it is the most valuable. The thing itself is with the side of contradiction, people because of the insistence and development in contradictory only to promote life.
Like a knife, a sword, also halberd. Sometimes truth is in the hands of a few not because most people mistake. But because few people look more long-term. I'm not criticizinghuman play in the role of life, but I'm sure the huge benefit of science and technology bring to life. Whether humans would eventually go to a kind of end, it will be a ray of the people along the light of hope.
Never die, never lose hope.
"Are you still doing useless work?" My dad went into the room to ask me.
Knock off the last type, I think, the advantage of the computer so I don't need to write these words, I now domaybe and life has nothing to do, but I like. Maybe one day in the future, I will thank you for doing useful work himself.
Do you want to do things in the most beautiful youth. Don't regret, will enjoy its benefits.
I'm doing.

给我一篇以物为线索的作文600字,要真实感人的, 谢谢
1.孤独的风筝(叙事散文 自行车)天空中的风筝狰狞着,嘶叫着;突然,断了线,悲伤地往下掉……——题记 孤寂的风筝也牵挂着无尽的爱,偶然一次在操场上散步,在操场一角拾得一只风筝,风筝的一只翅膀也折断了,身后拖地一卷杂乱的长线,孤寂地躺在那里,我仔细地观察这风筝,竟发现有字:“我不想...


《追逐梦想 全力以赴》尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们 大家早上好!非常高兴我们又相聚在这美好的早晨。今天我演讲的题目是《追逐梦想 全力以赴》同学们看过山东综艺台的节目《快乐向前冲》吗?参加节目的选手都是来自各行各业的普通人,但他们都有非凡的自信和勇气。特别是月冠军、季冠军、年冠军的挑战...




1、 有你我会感到开心,有你我会感到快乐,有你我会感到我进步.老师,有你的日子真好.我的小学老师是廖老师,我总感 觉她是那么亲切,那么和蔼可亲.您对我们非常好,每天的深夜,总能看到您的办公室的灯还亮着,偶尔还能听见...


我的 帮我找一篇以保持自己的水准为话题的作文,具体内容如下 【顶楼】有一位教授,带着他儿子到市场去买水果,在水果摊上挑选水果时,小贩很不耐烦地说:“先生,你到底买不买?不要这样挑来挑去的。”教授礼貌地回道:“要买!要买!”接着把挑... 【顶楼】有一位教授,带着他儿子到市场去买水果,在水果摊上...


贺兰县13390759635: 以做事要有方向性,不做无用功为话题的作文 -
宗海甘油: 你做的事都是没用的.”爸爸说这句话的时候,我在画画. “什么才是有用的?”我反驳.也许,对家长来说,学习,学习再学习才是世界上最有价值的事情.可是那样的生活真的是我想要的吗? 我忽然想起电脑刚问世的时候也是被看作没用的东西....

贺兰县13390759635: 帮我写一篇以“做事情要讲究方法”为题的八百字作文,现在很急要 -
宗海甘油: 俗话说,既要埋头拉车,更要抬头看路.说得直接点,就是做事情要讲究方法,只有方法对了才能事半功倍,否之就是做无用功.今天算是尝到了这个滋味.我要做一个文档清单汇总,开始我把同事发给我的清单全部累积起来,列出一张长长的...

贺兰县13390759635: 什么是有用功、无用功和总功? -
宗海甘油: 所谓有用功就是要看作用的效果,作用的效果靠的是重物的重力势能提升来实现的.所以有用功一般都是重物的重力势能提升.拉力乘相应的长度得出的是总功,也就是输入的能量.如果只给出了高度,要算总功的话,显然是要乘绳子股数的.

贺兰县13390759635: 做无用功的必要 800字作文 有人买了一件珍贵的瓷器,店员用破布帮他缠了起来, -
宗海甘油: 正面:防患于未然 米粒之珠也放光华 反面:有人在上面,下面必有一帮垫脚的 革命尚未成功,同志还需帮踮脚 奇葩:无亦所有(珍贵的瓷器也就是尘埃浮云,什么淡泊名利啦,什么闲云孤鹤啦,神么采菊东篱下的悠然啦,拉上去套一套.什么有文人范就写什么,写的越骚老师越喜欢)

贺兰县13390759635: 以顾客为主的写一篇质量在我心中的文章 -
宗海甘油: 质量管理哲学家,菲利浦·克劳士比曾说过:“做任何事情如果没有用,就不去做;做无用功是浪费;答应过的事就要去做,而且绝不能打折扣,就是可靠的;对人来讲,是可靠的人.对企业来讲,是可靠的组织.只有可靠的、讲信用的人或组...

贺兰县13390759635: 不做无功是什么意思? -
宗海甘油: 曾经有一个老翁,他很苦恼,因为在自已家前面有一块大石头,每次都堵住了他出行的道路,严重影响他出行的心情.为此,他花了一夜想出了办法——祈祷.他祈祷上天冲掉这块大石头,为了赶快解决这个大麻烦,他可谓是五花八门的功夫都...

贺兰县13390759635: 最近看《道德经》有些困惑的地方,求指教!道德经一直提倡无为、守虚?
宗海甘油: 老子在《道德经》第六十三章曰:“为无为,事无事,味无味.”其意是说:以无为的态度去有所作为,以不滋事的方法去处理事物,以恬淡无味当作有味.采取..

贺兰县13390759635: 帮我想一句警示的话,意思就是,只要做有意义的事,就可以避免做哪些浪费时间的事,用来放在书桌前,有点艺术的 -
宗海甘油: 假如生活欺骗了你不要心焦,也不要烦恼,阴郁的日子里要心平气和,相信吧,那快乐的日子就会来到.

贺兰县13390759635: 明确最终目标,消除无用功何意? -
宗海甘油: 明确最终目标,那就是让你制定一个目标,一定要明确的,要切实际的.消除无用功就是不要再做没有用处的事情,这只是浪费你的时间,浪费你的精力.

贺兰县13390759635: 领导让我做的工作,带有一点欺骗我的意思,让我做无用功的工作怎么办 -
宗海甘油: 领导让自己做的工作,感觉有一些欺骗的意思,让自己感觉到无用功的工作,可以抽空找领导沟通一下,委婉的沟通,不但可以让领导明白你的意思,也可以让自己答疑解惑.这样做,对以后的工作都会有很大的帮助.但是一定要学会委婉的表达,多倾听.

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