
作者&投稿:于轰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

flexible end baffle high level openning device
roller bed end baffle openning device

roller bed flexible end baffle


Flexurane或者polyurethane +Injection molding+(machine可有可无)


foaming machine 这个最好

父母是最好的老师 Parents are the best teachers 在大多数情况下,孩子最早的老师都是父母,他们是最关心孩子发展的。Most times, the first teacher of a child is her parent. The parents are the ones who care most about their children's development 孩子的问题是千变万化的,提高父母的认识...


One two three four!Thinking about a thing I heard Just the other day, but it hasn't gone away Subconsciously it's digging down deep Making me weak, my matryoshka!Shaking hands clutch a present for the world But the solid ticks keep me plastered to my seat It's a secret ...

你也就会一直觅寻我 My phone going to ringing from night through to morning.通宵电话响不停 When I'm always left.当已永远离开之时 I'm missing you.却还依旧想念你 Still I know I'll front.我还是知道得觅寻 Someone who is better than you.比你更好的人。满意请采纳,谢谢!

1.峨嵋山位于中国西南部的四川省,距成都156公里,走高速公路需1.5小时。Mountain Emei is situated in Southwest Part of Sichuan Province of China with a 156KM distance away from Chendu and 1.5 hours's drive by expressway 2.主峰金顶绝壁凌空高插云霄,巍然屹立。The main peak with gold...

The triangular fraud: refers to the act for the purpose of illegal possession, with dummy fact or conceal the truth of the way, make the victim outside of the third person in the wrong understanding, and, in turn, to dispose of the property, make the victim property losses ...


Less Is More (海明威的艺术创作主张,less(简约),more(给你更多的想象空间),这样的话不懂英语的会说语法错误,懂英语的知道它的出处。Simple Is More (这个沿用上一个的套路,只不过用simple 代替的 less,英语一般般的比较好理解,这个版本的好处是稍稍有点rhyming effect)Simple but Unique,...

New media is a relatively concept of traditional media. It's established on the new technologies of digital information, Internet and mobile communications which is charactorized in real-time, interactive, personalized, virtualization and etc. It‘ more and more in line with people's ...

Employ channel is one of the auxiliary organization recruitment behavior. A good recruitment channels should have the following characteristics:A recruitment channel has a purpose. Recruitment channels to choose whether to meet recruitment requirements.Second, the economy of the recruitment ...

包头市17838647398: 求英语比较好的大神翻译,主要是一个机械产品名称:发泡机,英文翻译 -
众侄医痫: 你应该把它翻译成注塑工艺机械,前面加上要注入的物质:譬如 Flexurane或者polyurethane +Injection molding+(machine可有可无)

包头市17838647398: 求英语大神翻译!别拿翻译软件来啊! -
众侄医痫: Dear xxx,I have a family of three: my father, my mother and myself. I don't have brother or sister. In Chinese cities, most people of my age have no brother or sister. But I guess you may have brothers and/or sisters.This is a picture of my family.xxxxxx Have a nice day!Yours truly,XXX

包头市17838647398: 求英语大神.翻译.跪求.重赏 -
众侄医痫: 【Promise】 承诺 by Jessica Sills由 杰西卡.希尔斯 作 As you sit in silence 当你静默地坐着wondering why 思索着,不得答案I'll be your shoulder to cry on 我愿作你的靠肩until your tears run dry 陪你泪眼阑干when you've been hurt 当你受到伤害...

包头市17838647398: 求翻译最好英语大神人工翻译~ -
众侄医痫: 您好:去疯狂,去愚蠢,去怪异,不管一切.因为生命太短,以至于不能及时行乐.如果对你有帮助,请采纳!祝你学习更上一层楼,数学辅导团为你解决疑问!

包头市17838647398: 求英语不错的大神翻译一下 -
众侄医痫: 我们在一个广场休息,过了一会,我们注意到有一个耍蛇人,他一见我们就拿起了一个长长的管乐器并掀开筐的盖子,当他吹奏第一支曲子时,蛇随着乐器的摆动而扭动.当耍蛇人换了一首曲子时,蛇还在慢慢的“舞动”着,显然它分辨不出音...

包头市17838647398: 求英语比较好的大神帮我翻译下
众侄医痫: 你好!我的译句如下: I like you but can't match you. I'll try to change myself in order to have you with me one day.

包头市17838647398: 求英语好的大神来!帮忙翻译个句子,非常重要,所以请一定给好生翻译一下!用了n个翻译器翻译出来都怪怪的,所以只能求英语好的人来帮忙了!谢谢!... -
众侄医痫:[答案] Your love worth more than life to tell. Your love means everything to me.

包头市17838647398: 求英语大神高手翻中文,别翻译器敷衍,加分跪求英文好的大神啊
众侄医痫: they envied me for you,they thought I was comfortable. 因为你, 他们觉得我很自在所以羡慕我. If only they know that I am too far from happiness. 可他们根本不知道快乐已和的绝了交 they imposed you on me,they imposed me on you. 他们认为我俩...

包头市17838647398: 求英语大神帮忙翻译
众侄医痫: 应该是:You are an apple in my eyes. 直译是:你在我眼中是个苹果.就是你在我眼中是个宝贝的意思.最好的翻译是:你是我的掌上明珠.

包头市17838647398: 求英语大神翻译这些句子1. 那个歌手很努力,但是还是没有得到人们的认可. 2. 用了他的方法,我的学习效率提高了. 3. 他是我最羡慕的人,因为他有很多成绩... -
众侄医痫:[答案] 那个歌手很努力,但是还是没有得到人们的认可.That singer has been striving very hard, but still he is not recognized .2. 用了他的方法,我的学习效率提高了. My learning efficiency i...

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