将下面这段文字翻译成英文 要很地道的英语语法

作者&投稿:谭倩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


甲苯和乙醇都是有机合成中常用的原料,同时也是化工工业中用途非常广的有机溶剂。常压下,甲苯和乙醇会形成共沸混合物,共沸温度为76.9℃,共沸组成中乙醇67.8wt%,常规精馏无法清晰分离。本文采用萃取精馏的方法分离甲苯-乙醇共沸物系,并使用Aspen plus模拟软件进行工艺流程模拟与优化。
首先运用Aspen plus绘制甲苯-乙醇二元物系的气液平衡相图,进行初选萃取剂;采用Flash模块绘制等相对挥发度曲线和残余曲线,选择合适萃取剂并判断其可行性,正丁苯和正丙苯均能有效提高甲苯-乙醇挥发度,达到分离效果。
然后运用Aspen plus对正丁苯和正丙苯作萃取剂分别进行流程模拟,考察了原料和溶剂进料位置、回流比、溶剂进料流率等参数对产品纯度的影响规律,得到合适的操作参数。计算结果表:正丁苯作萃取剂时,萃取精馏塔塔板为20块,萃取剂和原料进料位置分别为第8块和第19块,回流比为1.1,溶剂进料流量为220kg/hr;溶剂回收塔塔板为24块,进料位置为第8块,回流比为2.4,甲苯和乙醇产品的质量分数都达到了99.9%。正丙苯作萃取剂时,萃取精馏塔塔板为35块,萃取剂和原料进料位置分别为第16块和第32块,回流比为2.4,溶剂进料流量为220kg/hr;溶剂回收塔塔板为30块,进料位置为第12块,回流比为4.8,甲苯和乙醇产品的质量分数都达到了99.9%。
Toluene and ethanol are commonly used in organic synthesis of raw materials, but also the chemical industry is widely used in organic solvents. Under normal pressure, toluene and ethanol will form an azeotropic mixture, azeotropic temperature of 76.9 ℃, azeotropic composition of ethanol 67.8wt%, conventional distillation can not be clearly separated. In this paper, toluene - ethanol azeotrope was separated by extractive distillation and the process flow was simulated and optimized using Aspen plus simulation software.
Firstly, the gas - liquid equilibrium phase diagram of toluene - ethanol binary system was used to extract the initial extraction agent. The relative volatility curve and residual curve were drawn by Flash module, and the appropriate extraction agent was selected and its feasibility was determined. Benzene and n-propylbenzene can effectively improve the toluene - ethanol volatility, to achieve separation effect.
The effects of parameters such as raw material and solvent feed position, reflux ratio and solvent feed rate on the purity of the product were investigated by using Aspen plus for the extraction of n-butylbenzene and n-propylbenzene as extraction agents. The appropriate operating parameters The Calculated results table: n-butyl benzene as extractant, extractive distillation tower tray 20, extractant and raw material feed position were 8 and 19, the reflux ratio of 1.1, the solvent feed flow of 220kg / Hr; solvent recovery tower for the 24, the feed position for the first eight, the reflux ratio of 2.4, toluene and ethanol products have reached 99.9% of the mass fraction. When the extraction agent is used as the extractant, the extractive distillation column is 35, the extraction agent and the raw material feed position are 16th and 32th respectively, the reflux ratio is 2.4, the solvent feed flow is 220kg / hr, the solvent Recycling tower plate for the 30, the feed position for the first 12, the reflux ratio of 4.8, toluene and ethanol products have reached 99.9% of the mass fraction.
Finally, the energy consumption and economy of the two extractants were compared, and n-butylbenzene was more suitable for the separation of toluene-ethanol azeotrope.

Dear XX
I will give it to you, if there are any in my heart a soft place, this is my only way to prove it, please do not refuse my good intentions, as this is only on a small gift. Last month I received three letters, Nancy said she had to leave back to the United Kingdom, Canada, and you know how much I love her! Therefore, I will probably leave China, when you receive this letter, I probably have it on the plane. Perhaps one would say that this sapphire is Nancy and I, we love to witness, I have in my hands but it has witnessed too many sad and terrible thing, it is like on my side in the I have to remind those memories of the things I want to forget, oh, no, Agatha, you accept it now, perhaps many years later you will get married, your children and grandchildren will need it, and I hope it I can replace I will bless you for your blessing of the United Kingdom
You XX
As for the knife, do not care about it, I have all the things frankly to the Police, and the sharp I hope it will over time disappear, it is hoped that this matter has been settled so, you in China things no one should be aware of, please rest assured that all to me. If successful, then I will and Nancy settled in the UK, give birth to children, if possible, I hope we still have a chance to meet this life.

Dear XX:

I will give you, if you have any in my heart a soft, this is my only way to prove it, please do not refuse me kindness, as this is a small gift. I received three letters in last month, Nancy said that she would leave Canada back to England, you know, how much I love her! So, perhaps I will leave China, when you received this letter, I probably already on the plane. Perhaps you will say the sapphire belongs to me and Nancy, is our witness of love in my hand, but it has witnessed many terrible and sad thing, it on my side like reminding me that I had to recall to forget things, oh, no, you take, add it, maybe you will get married in later years, your children will need it, hopefully it can replace I bless you I will pray for you in the UK
You of XX

As for the knife, please don't care about it, I will have everything to the police, I wish it to the sharp will disappear as time goes by, I wish it so settled in China, you should also, no one knows, please feel free to take everything to me. Hopefully I will settle in England and Nancy have children, and if possible, I wish we still have a chance to meet.

Dear XX:

I will give it to you, if there are any in my heart a soft place, this is my only way to prove it, please do not refuse my good intentions, as this is only on a small gift. Last month I received three letters, Nancy said she had to leave back to the United Kingdom, Canada, and you know how much I love her! Therefore, I will probably leave China, when you receive this letter, I probably have it on the plane. Perhaps one would say that this sapphire is Nancy and I, we love to witness, I have in my hands but it has witnessed too many sad and terrible thing, it is like on my side in the I have to remind those memories of the things I want to forget, oh, no, Agatha, you accept it now, perhaps many years later you will get married, your children and grandchildren will need it, and I hope it I can replace I will bless you for your blessing of the United Kingdom
You XX

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俞葛易路: Traveling provides us with a first hand experience about the world. It is more proactive and much more fun than just reading the books. People need to occasionally break away from their daily life in order to expand their vision. When you have an ...

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俞葛易路:[答案] i know that there are some awuful thing happened between you two,but clam down,sit down and have a good coversation 加油! ANSWER?ASK ME!

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