It's +adj of sb to do sth 造句 20个 我给 50分

作者&投稿:时鸦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
It's +adj of sb to do sth 造句 20个 我给 50分~

It's kind of you to say so.你这样说真是太好了。
It's important for us to learn English well.对我们来说学好英语很重要。
It‘s very kind of you to help me.
It‘s difficult for you to deal with the problem.
It’s clever of you to work out the maths problem.
It’s very nice of you to offer me a seat.
It is careless of him to lose so many things.
It’s very important for you to practise your oral English in daily life.
It is impolite of you to fool your teacher. 你欺骗老师是不礼貌的
It is wrong of you to tell a lie. 你说谎是不对的。
It is kind of you to lend me so much money. 你心肠真好,借给我那么多钱 。
It is hard for you to translate the sentence into English. 你把这个句子翻译成英语是有困难的。
It is wise of them to turn down the suggestion. 他们很明智,拒绝了这个建议。
It is wise for them to turn down the suggestion. 他们拒绝这个建议是明智的

当形容词不是指人的品质的时候,用It's+形容词+for sb to do sth.
例:It's easy for me to do that.

当形容词是指人的品质方面的,如bad坏,distingue高尚的,一般句型为:It's+形容词+of sb to do sth.

例:It' very imprudent of him to make a decision without explanation.

it is adj of sb to do 句型中 of后的宾语能与前面的形容词构成主表关系. 这类形容词有:
good(好的),kind(友善的), nice(友好的),polite(有礼貌的),clever(聪明的),foolish(愚蠢的),
lazy(懒惰的), right(正直的)careful(细心的),careless(粗心的),right(正确的),wrong(错误的)
It's too difficult for me to learn English well.

It is kind of you to help me.

It is nice of you to help me.
It is clever of you to work out the problem.
It is very kind of you to help them.
It's very kind of you to look after my cat.
It is kind of you to say so.
It is very rude of her to say such words.
It’s foolish of him to go alone.
It's very nice of you to help me.
It’s clever of you to work out the maths problem.
It’s foolish of you to do that.
It’s wrong of the other children to make fun of you.
It is kind of you to tell me the truth.

It is+adj.+of sb. +to do sth中的adj.跟sb.有关,
你会发现在这个句型中你把sb.和adj.提出来可以造个句sb. is(are) adj.
如It's very kind of you to help me.
把里面的sb.和adj.提出来可以发现you are kind是说得通的.


it is very kind of you to help me!

It's nessecary of you to lear English well

t这个字母怎么读:英[tiː;].美[tiː]一、基本释义 n.英语字母中的第二十个字母;T(丁)字形(物)He wore a T-shirt that had been tie-dyed in bright colours.他身穿一件颜色鲜艳的扎染的T恤。t是拉丁字母中的第20个字母。今日的字母T由腓尼基语的象形字母变化而来。早先的字...



t有以下意思:1、t是拉丁字母中的第20个字母 2、氚的化学符号(氢的同位素,它的原子核由一颗质子和二颗中子组成)3、表示温度的符号 4、物理学中表示周期的符号,或拉力也是磁感应强度的单位 5、在遗传学中表示胸腺嘧啶(Thymine)6、在生物化学中是苏氨酸(Threonine,Thr)的一字母缩写 7、在国际...


t是属于拉丁字母里面的一个字母,排名第20位。4、游戏里面 t在游戏里面代表肉盾,通常用来拉boss的仇恨,不容易被击败。相关内容解释 t是拉丁字母中的第20个字母。今日的字母T由腓尼基语的象形字母变化而来。早先的字形恰似如今的字母X,叫做taw,意为"记号"(mark)。Taw是西方闪族语字母表和希伯来字母...

t的意思是多方面的,具体取决于上下文和语境。以下是一些可能的解释:1. 字母t:t是英语字母表中的第20个字母。它通常发\/t\/的音,如在“time”(时间)和“table”(桌子)等单词中。2. 时间:t可以表示时间,如在物理公式中,t通常代表时间。例如,速度公式v=s\/t中,t...


“T”是同性网络用语中常见的缩略词之一。它原指“娘炮”一词,后演变为指同志群体中的“女性角色”,通常用于描述同志男生中比较柔软、娇羞或者略带娘娘腔的人,类似于日语中的“腐女”概念。然而,须要注意的是,“T”这个词有时也可以作为贬义词使用,被某些人用来攻击和歧视同志群体中较为 feminine ...

t是吨---质量单位,公制一吨等于1000公斤, t是英文ton的头文字。单位换算:1,000纳克(ng)= 1微克(ug)1,000微克(ug)= 1毫克(mg)1,000毫克(mg)=1克(g)1,000克(g)=1千克(kg)1,000千克(kg)=1吨(t)

永德县19854294423: It's +adj of sb to do sth 和 It's for sb to do sth有什么区别? -
奚夏盐酸: It is+adj.+of sb. +to do sth中的adj.跟sb.有关, 这个adj.是用来形容sb.的, 表示某人这么做真是太adj.了. 你会发现在这个句型中你把sb.和adj.提出来可以造个句sb. is(are) adj. 如It's very kind of you to help me. 把里面的sb.和adj.提出来可以发现you ...

永德县19854294423: It is +adj +to do 有这个句型么? -
奚夏盐酸: It's + adj. + (of / for sb) to do sth. 译作“(某人)做某事是…的”.It 是形式主语,不定式结构是真正主语.of / for后面的sb是不定式的逻辑主语.1. 当形容词是可修饰人的形容词,即sb和adj.有主系表关系时,sb前用of.如 It's clever of you to ...

永德县19854294423: It's+adj. for sb. to do sth.这个句型什么意思? -
奚夏盐酸: It's+adj. for sb. to do sth.:做某事对于某人来说是… 【例1】It's necessary for us to have healthy eating habits. 拥有健康的饮食习惯对于我们来说是必要的. 【例2】It's important for us to protect the environment. 保护环境对zhidao于我们来说是重...

永德县19854294423: It's+adj.+of sb+to do sth是什么意思 -
奚夏盐酸: 你好, It's+adj.+of sb+to do sth 是一种固定句型 表示:某人做某事怎么样 例如: It's kind of you to help me . 你能帮助我真是太好了. It's silly of him not to forgive others for their mistakes. 他不肯原谅别人的过错真是太傻了.

永德县19854294423: 请帮我用it's+adj+of…造几个句子,要快, -
奚夏盐酸: it's kind of you to give me the pen it's so nice of him to lend me money it's polite of her to say hi to's good \(im)polite,kind,nice, brave, wise, clever, stupid, foolish,...这些形容词都是用来形容人的

永德县19854294423: it's+adj+of+sb -
奚夏盐酸: It形式主语 is是BE动词 adj形容词,形容人的品质 of介词,固定的 sb,某人,该品质的对象

永德县19854294423: it is +adj+of sb.+to do sth.怎么用 -
奚夏盐酸: It's+careful(clever,kind,good,right,wrong等)+of sb.+to do sth. It's +difficult(easy,hard ,important,interesting等)+for sb.+to do sth.例如: It's kind of you to help me. It's hard for you to learn English well. 当形容词是表示人的性格特点和品质方面的词就常常用of sb,除此之外一般都用for sb.形式.

永德县19854294423: 请问:It's+adj+?是for还是of ?+人称+to do,谢谢! -
奚夏盐酸: 2个都可以;看adj是什么了;表示“人的品质”的形容词就用of;一般就用for.所以用for居多.例句:It is kind/good/nice/cute of you to help me. It is convenient for him to get the job.

永德县19854294423: It's+adj+for/of+to+sb的用法,如果放enough上去,如何放? -
奚夏盐酸: 于是 应该是It's adj for/of sb to do sth (俩介词相连是不可能的亲).然后of的话,应该是说自身的性质,也就是你给外界带来的影响.比如it's so nice of you to come.这句话是你特别好,所以用of.for的话就是外界对你带来的影响.it's hard for me to read this book.这句话是看书对你的影响(难)所以~亲你懂得~然后enough一般情况下肯定用for咯.It's enough for me to marry her~

永德县19854294423: It's +adj of sb to do sth 造句 20个 我给 50分 -
奚夏盐酸: It's kind of you to say so.你这样说真是太好了. It's important for us to learn English well.对我们来说学好英语很重要. It's very kind of you to help me. It's difficult for you to deal with the problem. It's clever of you to work out the maths problem. It...

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