帮分析下这两个had 分别是什么:she had had repaired

作者&投稿:智呼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语句子帮我分析下,She had had brain surgery ,两个had的区别~

第2个 had, 是短语 have surgery 的搭配 (类似的有have a cold/headache/toothache...) 因是完成时,所以用了过去分词形式 had
第1个 had 是过去完成时的基本结构所需 had+过去分词




she做主语,saw作谓语,the computer作宾语,went wrong again作宾语补足语,即宾补.以上的是这个句子的主干.she had had repaired作定语,限定the washing machine,had had是过去完成时的标志.整个句子的完全形式是She was much dissapointed to see the washing machine (that/which )she had had repaired went wrong again.

第一个had是完成时的用法,第二个是使役动词,have sth. done 的用法。完整的是:mrs. brown had had her washing machine repaired.

Mrs Brown was much dissapointed to see (that) the washing machine [she had had (which/that) repaired] went wrong again.
had(助动词构成完成时) had repaired (have sth. repaired词组)


1.the washing machine went wrong again.
2定语 she had (过去完成)had(the washing machine ) repaired

have you had ananswer to your letter.请问为什么有两个助动词,请分析...

第一句:Yesterday状语,I主语,had谓语,a picture宾语,taken with two friends 宾补 昨天我请人为我和两个美国人拍了照片 第二句主语Li Gang ,my good friend同位语,is系动词,a teacher表语

请分析一下这句话的语法:I had my bag stolen
这是一种很常见的句型:have\/had+n.+动词过去分词,有完成时意味。句子中I是主语,had是谓语,my bag是宾语,stolen是宾语补足语

Before it could be transported to the United States,a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built.2、这个句子中的had to be found中had是否可以解说成,过去将被完成?那如果用would是否可以替代had to?意思是否是一个意思 The site chosen was an island at the ...

麻烦英语大神帮一下划句子成分l have had the opportunity
l have had the opportunity 我有那个机会。成分分析:I 主语 have had 一起作谓语,前一个have是助动词,构成完成时。后一个had是实义动词,构成完成时。the opportunity宾语

整个句子只是个简单句。(可以说该句有省略也可以说没有省略,一下会给予分析)首先,没有省略:1、both以后的都是做定语,修饰“brothers”。But后面的成分是对前面的“both of them terrible fellows ”的转折;从而说明Jupiter是兄弟中最可怕的。2、句子的主干部分是“Jupiter(主语) had(谓语) ...

是的,给你分析下句子成分哈:We (主语)also(状语) had(谓语) a discussion(宾语) about what investments to make(介词短语做宾补)状语一般由副词来充当,also 是副词,意思是“也,还,同样,并且”。谓语一般由动词来充当,had原型是have。宾语一般由名词来充当,discussion 是discuss(...

It had a market eight times larger tian any competitor ,giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale . 数词+time(s)+lager (Little)than 表示比…大(小)…倍。 “ giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale .”作句子的伴随状语,补充说明前面的句子。翻译:这个...

这句话主语是What,谓语动词有两个had begun 和had ended, as a lonely night 和 as a beautiful experience 作状语,分别修饰两个动词谓语。全句话汉语意思是: 开始时是个孤独的夜晚结束时却是一段美好的经历。

1.This 主语is 系动词 a simple sentence.表语 这是一个简单的句子 2.What I have done 主语 is 系动词 for you.表语 我所做的都是为了你 3.The two children 主语 had never been 系动词 to London before.表语 这两个孩子从来没去过伦敦 4.I 主语 gave 谓语动词 the car 间接宾语a was...

商洛市13543109978: 帮分析下这两个had 分别是什么:she had had repairedMrs Brown was much dissapointed to see the washing machine she had had repaired went wrong again. -
李唐妇炎:[答案] 这样看就清楚了Mrs Brown was much dissapointed to see (that) the washing machine [she had had (which/that) repaired] went wrong again.had(助动词构成完成时) had repaired (have sth.repaired词组)这是一个...

商洛市13543109978: 句子中的had had有这种句子,其中两个had连用,请解释一下两个had都什么成分?比如某从句中who had had an accident -
李唐妇炎:[答案] had done过去完成时,第二个即为have的过去分词.

商洛市13543109978: had had been taken 是什么时态那解释一下两个had分别是什么作用 -
李唐妇炎:[答案] 是过去完成时,不要被两个had迷惑了哦

商洛市13543109978: 这里为什么有两个Had,分别是代表什么了.为什么不是had good news -
李唐妇炎: C.第一个had 是have 的过去式,第二个had是have的分词形式 had 是have的分词形式和过去式 have done sth. 已经做了某事 句意:当我看见她的笑脸时,我知道她已经得知她丈夫的好消息.

商洛市13543109978: He has had trouble with cars and their owners 帮忙分析下句子里的Has 和had 分别什么意义 -
李唐妇炎:[答案] has是表示时态是现在完成时 而had 则是英语中用来表示拥有 遇到的意思 其实原型是have 只是因为 has 是完成时的缘故所以这里用had

商洛市13543109978: The dream he had had for so many years ended there.请帮忙分析一下这个句子的成分?The dream/he谁是主语 had had ended是过去完成时的被动语态吗? -
李唐妇炎:[答案] 这句话的主语是dream,he had had for so many years 是主语的定语,是定语从句作定语.ended 是谓语,there 是地点状语. had had for so many years 是过去完成时,是主动语态.第一个had 是过去完成时的助动词, 第二个had 是定语从句中的谓语动...

商洛市13543109978: He had hardly had time to settle down.这话里怎么有俩个had,帮忙分析下. -
李唐妇炎: 第一个是助动词,构成完成时第二个是谓语动词,意思是有(时间)

商洛市13543109978: 英语句子帮我分析下,She had had brain surgery ,两个had的区别 -
李唐妇炎: 第2个 had, 是短语 have surgery 的搭配 (类似的有have a cold/headache/toothache...) 因是完成时,所以用了过去分词形式 had 第1个 had 是过去完成时的基本结构所需 had+过去分词

商洛市13543109978: He had hardly had time to settle down.这话里怎么有俩个had,帮忙分析下. -
李唐妇炎:[答案] 第一个是助动词,构成完成时 第二个是谓语动词,意思是有(时间)

商洛市13543109978: He has had a letter from Tom.帮我分析一下这句话,用了has又有had -
李唐妇炎: 这句话用了现在完成时,即have/has +v-ed形式,此句中的v(动词)就是句中的have,其v+ed 形式,即过去分词,就是had啦,如果你接触过完成时态,这句话理解和分析起来就不是那么难了!

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