
作者&投稿:养迫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It is neccessarry for us to say hello to teacher when we meet them .

when you meet teacher you should greet to him

如果有帮到您 请给予好评 如果还有问题 请重新提问哦 谢谢拉#^_^#祝您愉快

Say hello to the teacher

回答:You should say hello to the teacher

Say hello to the teacher

greeted( said hello to) the teacher 如不明白请追问,要是满意请【采纳】祝学习进步

常见的问候语就是Good morning \/ afternoon \/ evening. 意思是早上好\/中午好\/晚上好。关系比较好的老师,你也可以简单说:Morning, Mr. \/Ms. XX. 或者 Hello, Mr. \/Ms. XX.等,显得比较轻松。或者你可以进一步问候老师近况如可,或者今天怎么样,比如:How are you? “你好吗?”最经典的问候...

We should say hello when we meet our teachers

可回复how do you do,表示你好。也可以这样回答:1、I'm fine, and how are you? 我很好,你好吗?2、Pretty good, and how do you do? 很好,你呢?3、I'm not good enough.我不是特别好。4、just so so 一般般。根据实际的情况来回答。

In the school, see the teacher politely say hello, students between refined and courteous

say hello to

We don't be late for class. See the teacher, say hello to the teacher! Our classroom must be kept clean, tidy and clean. Teachers are not allowed to eat in the classroom. Not allowed to listen to music and talk loudly in the classroom, also not allowed to bring mobile ...

“见到老师问好是有礼貌的行为 。”英文怎么翻译啊
回答:it's polite to say hello to your teacher when you meet he\/ she

南宫市13121407678: 见了老师要问好,用英语怎么表达 -
邓芝盐酸:[答案] You must“say hello” to teachers.

南宫市13121407678: “见到老师要问好”译成英文 -
邓芝盐酸:[答案] say hello to your teacher when you meet him/her.

南宫市13121407678: 见了老师要问好的英文初一水平 -
邓芝盐酸:[答案] 见了老师要问好 When you see a teacher, you should say hello to him.

南宫市13121407678: “看见老师要问好”翻译成英语 -
邓芝盐酸:[答案] Please say " Hello " ,when you happen to the techer .

南宫市13121407678: 见到老师要问好用英语怎么说 -
邓芝盐酸: greet your teachers when you meet them.

南宫市13121407678: 见了老师要问好用英语怎么读 -
邓芝盐酸:[答案] Remember to say hi when meet across your professors/teachers.

南宫市13121407678: “见到老师要问好”译成英文 -
邓芝盐酸: say hello to your teacher when you meet him/her.

南宫市13121407678: 我们遇见老师要问好英语翻译 -
邓芝盐酸:[答案] We should say hello when we meet our teachers

南宫市13121407678: 认真听老师讲课、按时完成作业、见到老师要问好. 用英语怎么写 -
邓芝盐酸:[答案] 1.Listen to the teacher carefully. 2. Finish your homework on time . 3.Say "hello" to teacher.

南宫市13121407678: 我们见到老师必须要问好.怎么翻译? -
邓芝盐酸:[答案] 我们见到老师必须要问好. We have to say hello when seeing the teacher.

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