
作者&投稿:滑堂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  Since my dream is to be a magician.On the stage,self-confident smiling,will be fine,mysterious,happiness to the audience,my dream,although not as great as doctors,but I believe,as long as have a dream,and strive for is the best.I hope my dream will depend on efforts to achieve.I think whether do magic,are not great bring joy to others

I want to be a teacher in the future. It has been my dream since grade one. Every time I see teachers teach in class, I desire to become one of them. Actually my mom always encourages me to become a teacher since it is her dream when she was young. I have to study hard now to become a teacher and nothing can be the barrier blocking me.

My ideal - Magic
I want to be a magician not lie, sometimes, I also wanted to be a magician because I want to use my magic to change this planet.

Sometimes, I want to be a magician because I want to use my magic to make the sky bluer, the water clearer. Why? Why are people so treat nature. Is there no one to organize it? No, it is not so The People are not so cruel, I had to try to stop the door too, but to no avail, if I really was a magician, I will use my magic to change these to make painful changes and now these things, I will with the magic of these garbage thoroughly eliminated, it will not pollute the air as early as soil. Let 'pollution' word will disappear forever in the dictionary.

Sometimes, I also wanted to be a magician, because I want my magic to make every corner of the globe have become green. There are lots of people in order to cut off money to the trees. Perhaps they only take into immediate benefits, but they do not really know the consequences of it? or knowingly? these lost forever make it back. If I really am a magician, I will use my magic to make these with my spells to impress these people, and we hope that they can work together to create a beautiful home.

Sometimes, I also wanted to be a magician, I want my air of magic to change my home, campus, put me into a campus surrounded by trees one looked out. The sky is so blue, blue sky By shining, the grass is so green. tree is so tall. If I were a magician, I used my magic, the sun painted on a smile.

This is nothing but a fearless imagination, I just want to tell you, everyone of us is magical magician, with our hands to change our beautiful homeland! Let our homes more beautiful, beautiful!

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假如,我是说假如你12年考军校没中(11年你是不能参加的,因为第一年不能考的),想退伍就要等到12年底,只能参加13年的高考了。说那么多,主要告诉你,关系在部队能用的上,但主要靠自己有能力,关系才能帮到你,现在不像以前了,有个关系就能提干。希望能这些话能帮到你 ...

二十年后回家乡 时间过得可真快啊,眨眼间二十年过去了,我已经成为了一个画家。“独在他乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。”每当我想起这句诗时,总会思念起家乡,牵挂起亲人。今天,我终于干完了手上的活,准备回到我的家乡——温州。 经过长途跋涉,我终于回到了温州,可是,温州来了一次翻天覆地的大改变,我简直不...

20年后的家乡优秀作文2 二十年后的我,成为了一名远近闻名的舞蹈家。这天早晨,我坐上研发的磁悬浮列车,回到了我的家乡——温州。 刚下列车,我就听到了一个熟悉的声音:“奕涵,我在这边。”我转头一看,原来是煜婷在叫我呀。我急忙跑了过去,走在路上,煜婷谈起了她这二十年来的经历:经过她的不懈努力,也和我一...

我想提前20年明白一些道理:同学不可能帮我一辈子 不可能陪伴一辈子迟早...

二十年,这个约来得好快,我们好像还没来得及准备好一个像样的礼物送给母校,送给老师!赴约的时间就已经到来。光阴似箭,弹指一挥间!当我们师生彼此相聚。似乎又没有太大的改变,那同窗共读的情景似乎就在昨天。。。 二十年,这个约好沉重。每当想起这个二十年后的聚会。“举杯赞英雄,光荣属于谁?”我们就不敢有丝毫的...

想象一下,二十年后你回到母校,见到久别的老师,同学你会说什么?_百度知 ...
20年后一切都是那么科学化,我乘着x——510新型无污染利用光行驶的小汽车,不一会,就到了我的母校——二小。映入眼帘的是两个站岗的机器人。我走上前,被一个站岗的机器人拦住了,我向他介,绍道:“我是20年前六(2)班的学生” 机器人打断了我的话说:“杨阳对吗?”说过从它的嘴里吐出了一...

我真希望2032年的今天,是这样的一个美好的场面! 3. 作文《20年后的家乡》 20年后回家乡 20年后我以成为世界首富了。刚刚在美国五角大楼内和美国总统签订投资80000亿美元的合作合同,又马上坐着我公司自主研发的B——003号超高速直升机飞往我的家乡——漯河。 下了直升机我发现家乡的变化可真大!那光洁的蓝天...

虽然,这是我的一个想法,我想通过我努力学习,将来可以发明出这样的一个房子。 我想发明一个房子四年级作文2 我小时候的梦想就是当一名发明家,如果我现在是一名发明家,一定发明一座‘机器房子’。 我在想,机器房子有什么功能?假如我现在有一座‘机器房子’,它一定有很多功能。 我们先到大门,有一个功能,得有人脸...


...可以去帮我代给一个人一句话吗??我愿意用我20年的生命作为代价_百 ...
因为他们两个的参照系不再相同,只需改变运动方向我们就可以把阿尔法和贝塔的时间分离开来。当贝塔在2020年回到地球上来时,将看到阿尔法庆祝50岁(老了20年)生日,而这时对他自己来说才刚刚过了12年,他才只有42岁。这不是一个智力测验。时间的伸缩已经被真实的表所测量到。1971年,美国华盛顿大学的哈费勒(J.C. ...

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阙露虫草: My ideal - Magic I want to be a magician not lie, sometimes, I also wanted to be a magician because I want to use my magic to change this planet.Sometimes, I want to be a magician because I want to use my magic to make the sky bluer, the water ...

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