
作者&投稿:柘府 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

it has caused - which has caused
that去掉构成定语从句。因有as. 关系代词引导定语从句,后主句前没有that.但些句也可写成 It is known that ,,,,
influence--influences因主语为单数。One serious problem
think that - who think that加引导词来引导定语从句。或把动词think改为thinking作定语。
computer- computers
full - fully
watching- watch
uniform- uniforms
(because) we need their skin for clothes, (and)we need their meat for food.

说 to go to see sth 并没有错,
但习惯说法是 to go and see sth ,
简单的理由是避免与前面的 to 重复。

1.Ought you smoke so much?
【解释】在you后面加to,这道题考查的是情态动词Ought to的用法,表示客观上的必须。这句话采用了翻译疑问句,更增强了语气,表示说话者不想让听话者抽那么多的烟。

2.If Fred didn't leave here before five,he mustn't be home yet.

3.I'm doing home.I didn't want to but I must, because my mom asked me not to go out after dark.
【解释】把must改为have to。这句话考查的是情态动词must与have to的区别。must解释成为说话者的主观情感,“自己必须....”,出于自愿。而have to表示客观上要求“不得不去做某事”,出于被迫,而非自愿。

4.after I've finished my course,I'll can speak English fluently.

5.I can be seeing the top of the tower in this bedroom.
【解释】把be seeing改成see。考查的是情态动词can的用法,表示“可以”。

6.He can't be working at this hour!
【解释】hour改为time/moment.情态动词can't be working表示对现在正在进行动作的否定猜测,所以时间必须是此时/此刻。

7.Mary Black ought to not be home by now.
【解释】把not放在to之前,考查的是情态动词ought to的否定形式,应该是ought not to。同时还应注意,这一类由两个词组成的情态动词或者半情态动词的否定形式:have to---haven't to/ don't have to, had better---had better not do, used to---usedn't to/ didn't use to。

I have no friends to talk.

friend 应该没有必要加复数 用friend就可以了

I have no friends to talk with/to

I have no friend to talk

1.英语中,改错题作为试题的一部分,分值越来越高,句子改错是一道拉开分数距离的题,许多同学因为这道题丢了许多分。下面是收集整理的一些英语句子改错方法,大家一起来看看吧!1、The children were running on the playground as fast as they can.改:can-could 解释:主句是过去进行时,从句也应该...

语文句子改错题目  我来答 首页 在问 全部问题 娱乐休闲 游戏 旅游 教育培训 金融财经 医疗健康 科技 家电数码 政策法规 文化历史 时尚美容 情感心理 汽车 生活 职业 母婴 三农 互联网 生产制造 其他 日报 日报精选 日报广场 用户 认证用户 视频作者 日报作者 知道...

修改语段 改错 共8处错误

1.I used【to go down(A)】to the bank of the stream and【chose(B)】little【flattened(C)】stones to throw across the water, which moved【as swiftly(D)】as swallows.B 改为choose 因为and连接前面的go是动词原形,并列谓语动词时态要一致。我过去常常沿着小溪的岸边漫步,选那些光滑的...

1.To my opinion中to 改为 in 【注解:in my opinion 是固定用法表示 “在我看来\/以我的观点来看”,后引出观点】2.Travel by plane 改为to travel by plane或traveling\/travelling(“l”双写单写都可以) by plane 【注解:分析句意可知,Travel by plane 此时作主语,所以用动词不定式或V-ing...

第一句:as a teenager 和代词 our不匹配,需要改为as teenagers thus 是副词,相当于in this way。但making 要改为 to make,表示目的。整句修改:As teenagers, it is of importance to improve our ability of living independently, thus to make our lives more meaningful.第二句:This ...

1.knowledges=>knowledge 不可数名词。2.which=>where, place 是地点 用where修饰。3.ourselves=>yourself, 这句主语是you, develop的对象是you,所以用yourself。4. from =>by\/through, 通过实践应该用介词by\/through。5.studying =>study, study作为谓语动词。6.learn=>learning, 这里的learn不是...

1 把 for 移到最后。固定短语,这里不能拆开。2 which改成whose。3 that改成which。that不能引导非限定性定语从句。4 which 改成whose。5 which改成that。前面有all,定语从句引导词要用that而非which。6 which 改成who。which不能代指人啊老兄。7 is改成am。定语从句谓语与所修饰的词保持...

英语 句子改错 Error correction 求高手帮做~!
1. There is quite a bit of rain in your part of the country, isn't it?——There is quite a bit of rain…, isn't (there)? (存在句的反意疑问句应该用 isn't there)2. The way we react to other people, the educational training we received and the knowledge we display ...

句子改错,并说出句子错在哪里.1.The tiger is run.2.The fish is swimm...
a letter in the study.现在进行时态的谓语部分的构成是“am\/is\/are+ 动词的ing形式”,am,is,are 要和主语相一致。,0,句子改错,并说出句子错在哪里.1.The tiger is run.2.The fish is swimming.3.What is he do?4.The rabbit are jumping.5.He’s write a letter in the study.

阿图什市15978219084: 英语句子改错 -
塔达克拉: 1.You needn't to(to 去掉) make friends with him.2.We stay happy(happily) together the most of the time.3.Some student (students)often forget their homework at home.4.Seeing(Seen) from the top of the building,our school is more beautiful.您的支持就是我继续前行及帮助别人的动力 愿您与我共同携手传播『 爱心 』之种 望采纳↖(^ω^)↗

阿图什市15978219084: 英语句子改错题及对应答案 -
塔达克拉:[答案] 1) He would never admit to be wrong.(2) She as well as I has a mobile phone.(3) I could do nothing but to tell him the truth.(4) I managed to get there on time,but still late.(5) What he said is diffi...

阿图什市15978219084: 英语改错题,给英文句子改错拜托了各位 谢谢句子改错: 1. I usually have aspirin . 2. Does he has a temperature? 3. I have a bad cold ,either . 这3刀题改错,... -
塔达克拉:[答案] I usually have an aspirin Does he have a temperature? I have a bad cold ,too 记得采纳啊

阿图什市15978219084: 英语 句子改错 -
塔达克拉: 1.go——went

阿图什市15978219084: 英文 句子改错,, -
塔达克拉: 错误是fly, 应该是:flies. what后面跟名词,how后面跟形容词或副词,这里high是副词,所以要用how, what a good boy he is! 这里的a good boy是名词短语,所以要用what

阿图什市15978219084: 英语句子改错. -
塔达克拉: 首先,第二句里里的are应该是were吧?这两个句子错的太远,非动大手术不可.分次作状语,它的逻辑主语就是句子的主语 第1种改发:调整主句的主语1.Arriving home,I found the door locked.2. Looking out of the window,I saw lots of people.第...

阿图什市15978219084: 英语语句改错!
塔达克拉: 1.He's going to show me his new shoes. 2.I hope we had Social Science today.

阿图什市15978219084: 英语句子改错~~(初中)
塔达克拉: 1 caich是你打错了/and改为to2 fifteen改为fifteenth3 buied改为bought4 in改为on5 a去掉,weather不可数6 then改为them7 rain改为rainy形容词在be动词后面8 heavy改为heavily,副词修饰动词9 must后面加be10 but改成except除了6和10有点疑问,其他基本对了,我中考英语可是117呀!

阿图什市15978219084: 英语句子改错
塔达克拉: 1.in改为on ,wich改为with,划掉一个my 2.next后加to 3.没错

阿图什市15978219084: 英语句子改错
塔达克拉: 第一句应该没有错吧.. 1、He is so weak that he can't carry the heavy box .→He is too weak to carry the box. 2、He is not strong enough to carry the heavy box .→He is too weak to carry the box. (这两个改成too to改一句就行了 一样的) 希望对你有帮助哦、

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