纺织机械专业英语翻译 高手帮忙 急!

作者&投稿:通竖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
纺织机械专业英语翻译 高手帮忙 急!翻译成英语~

A, and wool system: 1, will parcels of raw materials in the open charter flights opened bag. 2, the raw material after the bag is opened by the carrier air duct into the impurity hatchet man machine, get rid of the noise in the material grass. Three, the raw material conveying duct sent to the fiber have the loose machine, will play loose of raw materials. 4, the raw material conveying sent to rotate the refueling ducts, add $hair oil. 5, plus $hair oil by duct transported to the raw materials of the mixed MaoCang, in the various different raw material mix. 6, general mix MaoCang have 2, raw material is sent to the first mix MaoCang to transport to again after the second MaoCang mix further mix. 7, mixed good materials sent to store the duct hair storage to save, the general in 12 hours (also called stuffy hair). 8, after MAO's raw material storage stuffy by duct transported to the feed MaoDou carding machine. You can comb yarn. And hairy system work cycle ends.
Second, to felt machine: tops after dyeing different degree will forms adhesion, form size is differ, the reasonable range of MAO, and that felt. But if the needle comb machine comb, and will to comb the needle plate needle machine caused damage. Go to a machine that felt for tops and design of the needle carpet comb machine. It can be effective comb carpet and, in no damage to the equipment.
Three, spandex (elastic yarn) and yarn machine: and yarn machine is will the two or three root yarn into one share, and then into the cone yarn winding equipment. And elastic yarn in and (spandex gauze), as the elastic yarn elongation and other yarn, using general and yarn machine and and will be making the yarn after different, because this and and elasticity of yarn tension institutions and and and general yarn tension institutions are not the same. This can and and elastic yarn and yarn machine also called spandex yarn and yarn machine.
Four, a set of PiGun machine: jammed, and yarn machine with skin wheel, logitech to draft. Skin round after certain hours use need to change. Set PiGun machine is pressed into the skin PiGun roller of a machine.
Five, grinding PiGun machine: PiGun pressure into the skin after the roller, PiGun outer periphery of the irregular, and external circular and axis also won't mind, so must use ground PiGun maintenance after grinding can use it. PiGun use certain time, PiGun surface will appear wear deformation, also must be the grinding.

实验执行了在一个放电小孔机器DK730 (制造在中国, 由作者修改) 。机器的工作台特别是被设计接受一个超音波振动单位, 并且机器的钳位被设计接受高压气体当它转动。在实验, 工具电极是一个圆柱形管子以10 和9 毫米外面和内在直径, 各自地。高压气体被提供了入运作的空白通过工具电极内部孔。有气体烘干机在压缩机和管理者之间消灭水位影响蒸气包含在压缩的气体对用机器制造的特征。45 # 钢和铜被选择了作为制件和用工具加工电极, 各自地。空气和氧气气体被选择了当气体媒介。 超音波发电器(中国制造) 有100W maximumpower 以一个可调整的频率在rangeof 17-23 千赫。被测量的高度振动在虚度光阴期间是0.006mm 在50W 和0.012mm在100W 。频率被使用在实验被设置了在20.3 千赫(被控制通过调整的瘤) 。气体的重音能连续是变动从10 到500 kPa 。电压由电源提供能被步20V改变从100 到300V 。 MRR 被测量了使用一个拨号盘测量仪以准确性0.001 毫米。深度渗透的率被测量了与拨号盘测量仪和MRR 由乘计算以被击穿的开口的断面。表面坎坷被测量通过一种Talysurf 4 _ 表面测量仪器(制造在英国) 以相对准确性百分之五(5%) 。 晶体管脉冲发生器电源共同地现在被使用如同UEDM 力量供应商。它变换AC 供应从扼要和提供长方形电压信号波形依照被显示在图2 。相当数量材料从制件被取消取决于electrodischarge 电压、潮流和时间的特征。当前时间图被显示在图3 。间隔时间在交换发电器之间断断续续是作为脉冲期间(茶匙) 当间隔时间在交换发电器之间和打开为下脉冲脉冲间隔时间(钛) 。燃烧延迟时间(td) 是在期间电压依然是在燃烧电压的价值的时期当潮流停留在零。当火花点燃,电压下落。卑鄙电压价值从燃烧topower-off 是放电电压(Ue) 。潮流尖锐上升跟随燃烧。潮流的平均值从燃烧阶段力量阶段是放电电流(Ie) 。


16锭 20组 = 1个机台
13锭 20组 = 1个机台
17锭 20组 = 1个机台
25锭 20组 = 1个机台 用于人形/齿形花边的编织
32锭 10组 = 1个机台
33锭 10组 = 1个机台 用于人形/齿形花边的编织
48锭 10组 = 1个机台

16纺锤20个集合= 1张桌
13纺锤20个集合= 1张桌
17纺锤20个集合= 1张桌
25纺锤20个集合=之字形/Ric Rac编织的1张桌
32纺锤10个集合= 1张桌
33纺锤10个集合=之字形/Ric Rac编织的1张桌
48纺锤10个集合= 1张桌



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1、熟悉机械设备及有关零部件的图纸设计、安装和试运行;1、Familiar with the drawing design, installation and commissioning of mechanical equipment and their related parts.2、能根据生产及安全要求制定机械设备的操作规程;2、Capable of making procedures for the operation of mechanical equipment ...

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机械制造专业英语翻译Lesson 5 springs的翻译
机械制造专业英语翻译可译为:English translation for students in mechanical manufacturing major.Lesson 5 springs 译为:第五课 弹簧 (spring 意为“春天,弹簧,泉水”,这三个意思。 但是这里是复数,可译为“弹簧”,或“泉水”。因为你们是机械制造专业,我觉得应译为“弹簧”)...

盂县13566165129: 纺织机械英语翻译求救 -
尹房妥布: A. Material handling and transport for spinning 原材料处理与纺纱传送 Card cans 1000x1200 mm with casters 138 pcs——带架子的梳条筒 1000x1200毫米 138个 Cans 470x1070 mm without caster 3051pcs——不带架子的条筒 470x1070 mm ...

盂县13566165129: 急!!!纺织专业英语翻译
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尹房妥布: Stirred tank reactor is by the two parts of the mixer body and a kettle body, mainly in the head and cylinder body composed of, for the medium and low pr...

盂县13566165129: [求助]纺织机械的翻译
尹房妥布: 应该是two picot kanshi(champion) 这是一种织花边的机器 客户指定用这种机器,可是不知道名称

盂县13566165129: 纺织机械英语翻译(非常感谢) -
尹房妥布: 双幅 | 单码自动纠偏| 两用一体机 all-in-one machine of dual purpose for double width and one size automatic correction. 双幅 | 单码 | 自动纠偏两用一体机 all-in-one machine with automatic correction of dual purpose for double width and one-size

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尹房妥布: 水冷电缆 Water Cooled Cable 水冷铜管 Water Cooled Copper Pipe 导电横臂 Electric Conducting Cross Arm 安全要求 Security Requirements 极圆弧外表面吻合程度 The Fitting Degree of Electrode Circular Arc Outer Surface 密封性 Sealing ...

盂县13566165129: 专业机械英语,求翻译高手来帮帮忙...........
尹房妥布: 机器翻的,什么玩艺儿! 如果选择低强度螺栓与600类法兰连接并配用适当的密封垫圈,那么就要求螺栓的扭力超过其屈服点,至少也要超出其弹性范围,其道理简单解释如下:螺栓如果安装和加载适当,就相当于一个弹簧.为使法兰连接保持...

盂县13566165129: 机械专业的翻译,请高手帮忙翻译下,谢谢了
尹房妥布: 吉米,感谢您的电子邮件.我想要在右手驱动的1500 -2500公斤能力的涡轮式发动机轻型柴油货车.在澳大利亚我们要求非常严格的废气排放控制和安全测试.安全测试可能包括碰撞测试.我想看看我们是否能够合作的运作.感谢和问候罗素

盂县13566165129: 请帮忙翻译一下机械方面的专业英语,谢谢!
尹房妥布: The driving wheel is mounted with an expansion plate and a compression plate. The expansion plate has centrifugal balls inside. Along the outline of the driven wheel there's a friction wheel which has centrifugal friction modules inside. The driven wheel is connected with the gear box with gears.

盂县13566165129: 求英语高手翻译关于纺织的论文摘要!!急急急,在线等.不要在线翻译的. -
尹房妥布: the degumming of the mulberry silk is the hot issue in the research fields of silk, the popular degumming methods includes chemical additives for degumming, biological protease degumming, high temperature and high pressure water degumming, ...

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