
作者&投稿:楚玲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

tree 复数的话直接在后面加s


hi, i am green tree, i could use in wide range ways,i help to reduce the carbondioxide and produce nice fresh air to everybody in this world, i also help moderating ground temperture,even human cut me down to make funiture, builds, i still the one of most important source. now my problem is keep been cut down but people don't replant me again, this is not only my problem, it would be world problem, i hope people don't aways think how to cut down forest to make money, please also consider about environment problem.

I am a tree, a normal tree. I can do a lot for people. I can clear the weather, balance the atmosphere of oxygen and carbon dioxide, and also gives people the shadow in summer. However, people cut down lots of my friends and doing farm instead. I hope people can stop injure us, and can give us more chances to grow up, and we will do our best to payback.

Ladies and gentlemen: Just as you see ,I am a tree,I am quite common.But I can be used in many way,just as you have done.you cut me down,you burn me for farming or cooking.Have you thought when I disappeared from the world,what thouble that can cause you to death will you face?Have you thought that the most valueable way for me to use?Let me tell you !Just let me stand there,I can make fresh air for you,I can make you feel cool,I can keep the earth from getting warmer!So,please,just let me stand there,I promise I can make a better place for you to live.


等等。2、hickory 山核桃树,plane tree 悬铃树,beech 山毛榉,horse chestnut 七叶树,blackthorn 黑刺李,baobab 猴面包树,elder 接骨木,myrtle 桃金娘科植物,cycad 苏铁,oil palm 油棕榈树,twig 小树枝,bough 大树枝,knot 树节,ring 年轮。在扩展一个带树的句子:There are some trees 。

树用英语怎么说 树英文简介
1、“树”的英语说法是“tree”。2、读音:英[triː];美[triː]。3、含义:作名词时意为“树;木料;树状物,人名;(英)特里”;作及物动词时意为“把...赶上树”,作不及物动词时意为“爬上树;逃上树”。4、例句:You should back that tree with a stake. 你应该用根树桩...

关于树的好处的英语句子 5句! 谢谢
They provide us with wood and other products.They give us shade and they help to prevent drought and floods.They clean the air and bring us enough oxygen.They help keep the balance of nature.The green leaves and the different gestures of the trees add beauty to our city.With ...

1、树的英文单词treetree 英 tri 美 trin树木料树状图宗谱vt把赶上树使处于困境把鞋型插入鞋内例句1He dodged nimbly behind a tree他敏捷地一闪身,躲到了树后2The wolf。2、“树”的英语说法是“tree”一读音英tri#720美tri#720二含义1作名词时意为“树木料树状物,人名英特里”2作及物动词...

As trees are so important, we must do our best to protect them. We must enforce the tree protection laws. We must plant as many trees as possible.Only in this way can we live happily in the beautiful world.请保护树木英语作文 女士们,先生们:我想说一些关于树的问题,我们也...

Most trees and shrubs in cities or communities are planted to provide beauty or shade. These are two excellent reasons for their use. Woody plants also serve many other purposes, and it often is helpful to consider these other functions when selecting a tree or shrub for the ...

树用英语说法为:tree 解析如下:一、音标: 英 [triː]     美 [triː]二、意思:n. 树;树状物 三、词形变化:形容词: treeless 过去式: treed 过去分词: treed 现在分词: treeing 第三人称单数: trees 四、词语搭配:blow down a tree (风)将树刮倒 blow off a tree 从...

你知道,她在敲击于树洞中产生的共鸣声中发现了一些东西。the most it impressed me is the walls are made from trees, the other was not clear about, I feel so tired and went to bed fell asleep.最让我印象深刻的是墙是由树做的,别的就不清楚了,我感到累极了,爬上床就睡着了。

树的作用 用英语回答?
4. 净化空气和水:树木可以吸收空气和水中的污染物,提高它们的质量。5. 提供野生动物栖息地:树木为各种野生动物提供栖息地,包括鸟类、哺乳动物、昆虫和真菌。6. 增强美学和娱乐价值:树木可以增强一个地区的美学价值,并提供娱乐机会,如徒步旅行、观鸟和野餐等。总的来说,树木在维护生态系统平衡和为...

It takes ten years to grow trees, but a hundred years to rear people.2.(树立; 建立) set up; establish; uphold: 建树 achievement; 树雄心 have lofty ambitions; aim high; 树正气 uphold [foster] healthy tendencies 字典上的意思 1\/木本植物的总称. 2\/种植,栽培. 3\/立,建立(树立):树树雄心,...

点军区19465723301: 树的介绍!(英文)字数要少,不可以太多,要小学五年级的水品,谢谢!急! -
庞背真侗:[答案] Tree From Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia Jump to:navigation,search For other uses,see Tree (disambiguation). The coniferous Coast Redwood,the tallest tree species on earth.A tree is a large perennial woody plant,larger than a shrub.Though there is ...

点军区19465723301: 英语树怎么说 -
庞背真侗:[答案] 树 tree 例句: 四月是种树的时候. April is the time to plant trees. 这种树木可见于平原. Such trees can be found in the plains. 她在树底下静静地坐着. She sat very still under the tree.

点军区19465723301: 树木用英语怎么说 -
庞背真侗:[答案] Tree

点军区19465723301: 关于树的优美好句用英语说 -
庞背真侗: Trees are full of green leaves.

点军区19465723301: 五年级用英语说有关树的知识:)急啊:( -
庞背真侗: Trees are tall and green. They can make fresh air. Trees have green leaves. Tree can make us cool. Trees can be made into chairs, desks, windows. Trees can give us fruit. We plant trees to make our world more beautiful.

点军区19465723301: 树木作用(用英语说)问:Why did people plant trees?答5句 (小学水平的) -
庞背真侗:[答案] Because trees make streets more beautiful.因为树让街道更美丽.Beacuse trees make streets less noisy.因为树让街道有更少噪音.Because trees produce useful things like fruit and paper.因为树产生了许多有...

点军区19465723301: 有绿意盎然的大树用英语 -
庞背真侗:[答案] 有绿意盎然的大树 : The trees are green

点军区19465723301: 树用英文怎么说? -
庞背真侗: 树 [名] tree; a surname; [动] plant; cultivate; set up; establish; [例句]树和灌木丛一直长到了水边. Trees and bushes grew down to the water's edge.

点军区19465723301: 一些关于树林的英文词句有没有人可以给我一些描述森林或树的英文词句?要好的词句哦~快 -
庞背真侗:[答案] the forest is cold and nebulous. Everywhere are high trees over 20 metres...

点军区19465723301: 有关树木的英语单词 -
庞背真侗: date 枣椰树 hickory 山核桃树 plane tree 悬铃树 beech 山毛榉 horse chestnut 七叶树 blackthorn 黑刺李 baobab 猴面包树 elder 接骨木 myrtle 桃金娘科植物 cycad 苏铁 oil palm 油棕榈树 treetop 树梢 branch 树枝 twig 小树枝 bough 大树枝 knot 树节...

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