
作者&投稿:芒码 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My buddy's house is sick in DC. We're all going to the pool at some girl's house which the pool is on the roof, insane!


  Day, the Americans, British, Chinese people walk in the big desert, and walked to see a bottle, cork floating out one person.
  The man said: "I am immortal, I can meet each of you three wishes!"
  Americans first cut in and said: "My first wish is to be a lot of money."
  The fairy said: "This simple, to meet you! Talk about the second wish."
  The Americans said: "I would also like a lot of money!"
  Gods to meet his wishes, the Americans added his third wish:
  "I get home!"
  The fairy said: "No problem."
  So the Americans with a lot of money back home.
  The gods asked the British.
  The Englishman said: "I want beauty!"
  The gods gave him beautiful.
  The Englishman added: "I would also like beautiful women!"
  Gods also meet him, gave him beauty.
  The British finally said: "take me home."
  The gods sent home to the British asked the Chinese people want.
  The Chinese say: "first bottle Erguotou it."
  The gods gave him. Asked him, What is the second wish.
  The Chinese say: "Another bottle of Double pot!"
  The gods asked what is his third wish.
  The Chinese say: "I quite like the Americans and British, you put them Dounong back."
  Americans and British popular incredible, but could do nothing, the three men had to continue to walk.
  I walked on and saw a bottle, open the plug and then emerge one person.
  The man said: "I was just fairy apprentice magic did not he high-strength, we can only meet each of you two wishes."
  Americans and Britons Total Total to let the Chinese people say, so one would then get him back. So the Chinese people, said: "That first bottle Erguotou it."
  The gods meet his wishes.
  Americans and Britons urged the Chinese people "said the second wish.
  Chinese people drinking Erguotou no hurry, do not panic on the fairy said: "OK, all right, you go."
  Americans and Britons angrily followed the Chinese people to continue the journey.
  I walked to see a bottle, open the cork and then began giving one person.
  The man said: "I am a fairy apprentice apprentice, I can only meet each of you one wish."
  Americans hastened to assure said: "I never want to see that Chinese people."
  The fairy said: "Yes."
  Gods and then turned around and asked the British: "What about yours?"
  The British said hastily: "I do not want to see that Chinese people."
  The fairy said: "Yes."
  Then the fairy turned around and asked the Chinese people: "you?"
  The Chinese say: "They are not."
  Ever since the Americans and British teeth followed by the Chinese people.
  I walked to see a bottle, open the cork and then began giving one person.
  The man said: "I am that fairy apprentice apprentice apprentice, I can only meet three of you two wishes."
  Americans and British in unison and whispered: "Chinese people say what are not."
  The man said: "Yes."
  Then the man turned around and asked the Chinese people: "What are you saying?"
  The Chinese say: "Let them went back to their homes, do not follow me suffer."

不是夸奖人的话。相当于英语里面的mother fucker。





看看是不是朋友说的!现在的人有的说话不讲究,这样的算开玩笑,要是关系不怎么样的 那就要给他"颜色

美国教育非常强调“分享和轮流”,在学校如果两个孩子对同一个玩具感兴趣,老师也会强调轮流玩。不会出现一个玩具一直被某个孩子霸占的情况。养成了这种“轮流坐庄”的好习惯,即使家里有再多孩子,也会自然、公平地分配自己的时间、玩具,也就不用妈妈插手操心因分配不均而产生的家庭矛盾了。3. 父亲角色的参与Susan有...

国籍:中国 出生日期:1994年 哥哥是周厚安,著名音乐人周华健的女儿,母亲是康粹兰,康粹兰(Constance)是一名美国人。周厚恩在台湾就读英国学校。在学校自组乐团当主唱。1995年,周华健为女儿周厚恩写了一首《女儿歌》。周厚恩不仅继承了妈妈的美貌,而且还得到了爸爸的音乐天赋,没事的时候她也爱唱...







埃隆马斯克不是基督教徒,是伊斯兰教徒。也是一名足球运动员,英文名字:Ailong Mask。身高 1米75,体重 75kg。是一名混血儿,妈妈是美国人,爸爸是意大利人。拥有双重国籍。1990年11月1日出生于美国新泽西州,毕业于休斯顿大学。2011年前往意大利与佛罗伦萨俱乐部签约。


莲湖区19779766878: 我是一名美国人,它妈的B是垮奖人的话吗?感觉听起来蛮好听的,,,中国朋友帮我翻译下 -
银士欧乃: 不是夸奖人的话.相当于英语里面的mother fucker.

莲湖区19779766878: 我和我的妈妈我们之间很合不来,她是一个比较强势的人,对你好时候俩人很好,但是可能以为一点小事就会闹 -
银士欧乃: 我很同情你,因为我媳妇也是这样的性格,让人很难接受,没什么好办法,她把你唠叨烦了就躲开她,她说话没人听她也就不说了,她毕竟是你妈,你要动手可就是你的不对了.

莲湖区19779766878: 男友的妈妈在美国,申请的是携带子女!男友已经签证成功,在这种情况下我们结婚的话是否会影响他出国? -
银士欧乃: 有很多人都误解了这段时间不能结婚的含义,其实这里说的不能结婚,并不是美国方面不允许.你们现在还是中国人,...

莲湖区19779766878: 什么是美国独特的现象?它是怎么来的?你认为它仍然存在于今天美国社会呢? -
银士欧乃: 美国的独特现象是指白人一方面为自己的自由平等而努力奋斗,另一方面却又剥夺印第安人的自由和平等,奴役他们. On the one hand, the English and other Europeans went to North America for seeking freedom. But on the other hand , these ...

莲湖区19779766878: 世界上第一个发明电脑的人是哪位? -
银士欧乃: 世界上第一台电子计算机其实是ABC(Atanasoff-Berry Computer,阿塔纳索夫-贝瑞计算机) ENIAC是第二台. 以前的资料声称第一台电子计算机叫 ENIAC(中文名:埃尼阿克) (电子数字积分计算机的简称,英文全称为 Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer),它于1946年2月15日在美国宣告诞生. 承担开发任务的“莫尔小组”由四位科学家和工程师埃克特、莫克利、戈尔斯坦、博克斯组成,总工程师埃克特在当时年仅24岁. 出自:百度百科.

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