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Some motherboards do not seem to pci lock function, if any, it seems that there are several options for your attention under the keyword: pci, 60. The following are good, I find the overclocking article, I hope you will learn about:

Any one interested in the computer hardware for overclocking enthusiasts are certainly not unfamiliar to us, but more PC users who may not have very clear, so what is the problem of overclocking, or start to say something about it!

In the strict sense of overclocking is a broad concept which means any increase the frequency components of a computer so as to work in non-standard frequency of the behavior and actions should be referred to as overclocking, including CPU overclocking, motherboard overclocking , Overclocking memory, hard drive and video card overclocking, and so a lot of overclocking, and the majority of people on the understanding that they only enhance the understanding of the CPU operating frequency, but this could be the narrow sense, the concept of overclocking. English, overclocking is "OverClock", has also been simplified into OC, who is overclocking "OverClocker", which translated means that go beyond the standard clock frequency, the foreign friends to let that go beyond the standard hardware products to the frequency of work Is the overclocking. As for the origin of overclocking and has been unable to verify who is the initiator is unknown, its origin is probably from the age of 386 living in the past tried, the overclock has been traced to the development or still.

Some say drilling in the CPU overclocking manufacturers in the design and manufacture of loopholes, it was said that in order to drain the CPU performance potential, it is necessary to explain that the two statements, which the CPU needs to start manufacturing. CPU is the crystallization of a high-tech, on behalf of human-to-date scientific and technological strength, it also needs to create the most advanced technology to complete. Since the CPU is always at the forefront of science and technology flow, so even with Intel's strength is still not possible to the CPU production process and to master the complete control, that there are many uncontrollable factors in the CPU to create a mixture of them. This has resulted in a more serious problem - not entirely a CPU to determine the most reasonable frequency. Is a simple example of a production line to create the CPU can only guarantee that the final product to a certain frequency range of operation, and can not be "just" need to be set at a certain frequency. As for how serious the situation deviation, as will the specific production process and the level of the CPU silicon wafer manufacturing quality. Therefore, the CPU down the line to go through every detail of the test, in order to demarcate the end of its frequency, the frequency of calibration by the CPU in the shell that we see on the frequency, the frequency of high and low by CPU manufacturers to Set.

In general, CPU manufacturers will in order to ensure product quality and frequency set aside a little room, for example, can achieve real 2GHz of P4 CPU only into a nominal sales to 1.8GHz, so that the CPU frequency space has become part of the reservation Hardware enthusiasts were the first source of inspiration for overclocking, and their purpose is to put the loss of their properties to recover, it will be developed to the CPU overclocking.

[b] how to overclocking [/ b]

How can we say that we should start by telling you about overclocking CPU frequency settings. The work of the CPU clock speed (frequency) is made up of two parts: the accident rate and to determine the frequency, which is the product of frequency. The so-called external frequency that is the whole system bus frequency, it does not often hear the same as the front-side bus (FrontSideBus) frequency, but by the accident rate as the only front-side bus determines the frequency - the total front-end Line connecting the CPU and North Bridge chip bus. AMD system, front side bus frequency is twice the rate outside, and the P4 platform is 4 times the outside, only in the past the old Athlon and PIII / PII platform, the front-side bus and the accident rate was the same frequency. At present, the mainstream for most of the CPU's FSB 100MHz, 133MHz and 166MHz, Intel-based 200MHz FSB (the FSB = 800MHz) has just released the P4, and AMD's Athlon's 800MHz front side bus has not yet released. The full name of the frequency multiplier is a factor, CPU clock frequency and the accident rate as a ratio between the relationship between the ratio is the multiplier factor, referred to as a multiplier, based on frequency-doubling the number of natural-based figure to 0.5 for the interval For example, this type of 11.5,12,13, the highest frequency doubling to nearly 25. For example, P4 2.8G CPU is the FSB of 133MHz by 21 multiplied by the multiplier received.

Overclocking a whole, is to manually set the CPU FSB and multiplier, in order to make the work of CPU at a higher frequency, however, is Intel's CPU frequency is locked, and AMD AthlonXP also is the only The product is not a small number of frequency lock, so now the majority are from the FSB overclocking to the top tricks, which is to increase the frequency of bus outside the Pi Chengshu to make the CPU frequency can be improved.

The motherboard makers have made a lot of human overclocking, so overclocking way from the previous hardware overclocking now become more convenient and simpler software overclocking. Hard refers to the so-called overclocking through the motherboard above the DIP switches or jumpers to manually set up and the accident rate as CPU, memory, and so on to achieve the operating voltage, and soft overclocking refers to the system's BIOS settings to carry out inside the FSB, multiplier and Some of the parameters such as voltage, a number of motherboard manufacturers also introduced a fool overclocking features (such as the Red Storm Soltek RedStrom) is the main board automatically to 1MHz for the unit to gradually raise the FSB frequency, automatically allow users to find a stable operation of the CPU to the highest Frequency, which is a fool of automated overclocking. In addition a number of players for overclocking, it has launched the board may with beacons DEBUG for overclocking in overclocking with the help provided in the instructions, DEBUG light [map DEBUG] is in an on-board Cards DEBUG, two 7-digit, as Shows that the computer will automatically start the process of testing the order of a good part of the hardware is connected and working properly, if any part of the problem, it will show in the part of the code, so users can easily find the manuals in accordance with the problems Which is part of overclocking easy to find problems to solve the problem. If ultimately there is no problem, through a smooth start, it will show "FF" word, everything will be all right direction.

[b] hard overclocking:

[/ b]

Now jumper pure way of overclocking motherboard does not have a place of their DIP switches are used in such a way, and now is the frequency of CPU, motherboard multiplier settings are automatically detected, the general frequency settings Have been omitted. We have the following EPoX EPOX EP-4SDA + motherboard as an example to explain how to adjust DIP switches for overclocking hardware.


As shown, in this P4 motherboard can be seen on four printed form, look carefully, they represent: SW1 - AGP voltage regulator (AGP 4X); SW2 - DDR memory voltage (VCC2.5 ); SW3 - CPU core voltage (CPU V-Core); SW4 - CPU voltage increase in the amount of (CPU VOLTAGE), in addition to the JCLK1 jumper, you can set the FSB is 100MHz, 133MHz or automatically.


If we use a P4 2.0GA CPU for overclocking tests, the frequency of its norms should be set up 100MHz x 20 = 2000MHz, if the hardware overclocking, the accident rate as needed from the standard 100MHz to 133MHz, and As for the CPU is not able to 133 FSB to work (2.66GHz), that is another matter back to the. From the description on [JP1-1.JPG], we can see that the default position is to connect 3-4, that is, automatically detects CPU FSB, we need to 1 - 2 short, will be mandatory under the 133MHz FSB set !


After the change shown, there is a need to pay attention to the triangle that marked the end of the first pin, the order not to confuse.

In addition to raising the overall stability but also to do a model, we intend to CPU core voltage and memory voltage to increase also, SW1 and the AGP voltage is not changed, so we need to adjust SW2, SW3 and three SW4 DIP-switch. First of all, SW2 memory voltage regulator, DDR voltage as the default 2.5V, we can appropriate up to 2.6V, as shown in the table,


The state will need to default OFF-OFF-OFF into OFF-OFF-ON, the revised figure SW2.


P4 CPU for the standard voltage 1.5V, we intend to overclock the voltage set at 1.65V, CPU voltage in the program, == BIOS settings + SW4 set the voltage (SW3 set to AUTO) == SW3 set the voltage + SW4 Voltage settings (BIOS is set to DEFAULT). BIOS is set to the default voltage, SW3 and SW4 is a need to adjust the settings. SW3 default settings are OFF, we intend to set up the voltage to 1.55V, shown on the main board in accordance with, we need to have a four switch ON under the state of adjustment after a good figure



In addition the SW4-CPU voltage to increase the amount we have to set +0.1 V, therefore, according to the chart below,


We also need to SW4 of the first switch on the ON position, before and after adjustment SW4 figure.



Overclocking hard work on the part of so many, the following do you have to do is to check the hardware to connect the various parts of the preparation for the attempt to boot.

[b] 2. overclocking software:

[/ b]

Overclocking is soft boot after entering the system BIOS, set for overclocking. To enter the BIOS boot is to press the DEL key after key on the F1 or go directly to the motherboard BIOS in a different version of the BIOS into the motherboard means there will be some differences

Award BIOS, as a way into the press DEL key; and most of the Phoenix BIOS is to press the F1 key to enter. Different version of the BIOS, a different software platform overclocking settings, there are some differences in the way, here we are with Award BIOS, AMI BIOS, and Phoenix BIOS of the three most common version of the BIOS, for example, platform, a two-P4 platform, a XP platform, including the presentation of the contents of the manual settings and soft red storm of this method of automatic overclocking.

Award BIOS (SiS645 chipset - P4 platform)

We intend to soft overclocking this CPU or P4 2.0GA, opened the opportunity to press the DEL key to enter the main BIOS menu, BIOS main menu screen shown in Figure


Soft overclocking settings in the right column of the first line of "Frequency / Voltage Control", as we enter the menu, after entering the main screen figure.


First of all, we have to adjust the CPU FSB, the use of the keyboard on the "up and down" so that the cursor keys to move to the "CPU Clock" above, and then click the enter key, the figure will appear on the menu,


Would like to enter manually set the CPU FSB values in the range of values to allow the importation of between 100-200, can increase the frequency of 1MHz per linear overclocking, the CPU to maximize the potential of mining. In principle, for the first time since the CPU overclocking is not clear whether the CPU can work under the high accident rate, the accident rate as the value can be set to 3-5 MHz to raise the level slowly to test this model to a direct FSB set to become the standard 133MHz FSB, the FSB set up right after the figures and then determine the enter key.

The second step then set about the frequency of memory bus, which is in the "CPU: DRAM Clock Ratio" to choose


There is a set of FSB and memory bus frequency ratio, you can choose "4:3" "1:1" and "4:5" Three, if you are using the DDR333 memory, it's standard operating frequency Can be achieved 166MHz, we have just been set up to become the FSB 133MHz, so the choice of "4:5" so that memory is also running at the highest level, if you are using the DDR266 memory, you can set up a "1:1 "Let the two work simultaneously, you can also set up a" 4:5 ", and then combined with a number of voltage memory, try overclocking memory.

The third step is to adjust the CPU core voltage, if you want to be in a high CPU frequency, usually need to add a little appropriate voltage to ensure the stable operation of the CPU. This is in the "Current Voltage" set up inside the project, in Figure:


P4 CPU core rated voltage of 1.5V, usually no more than the voltage of 1.65V are safe, of course, overclocking is to increase the voltage to ensure the stability of the work under the premise of keeping as much as possible the voltage, which is cooling from the side In order to consider the CPU's temperature as much as possible at a low level under control. Voltage can be a little bit of trying to gradually raise, do not have to rush in one step, we are here to try to make a choice 1.55V. Please note that more than 1.70V voltage for the North-core P4 is dangerous and is likely to burn CPU, therefore, should not increase the voltage too high!

The third step is not necessary, is to increase to the DDR memory power supply voltage, DIMM modules default voltage of 2.5V, if memory quality is not good, or are overclocking the memory, then that could be appropriate to increase memory voltage, Canada Do not try to pressure the rate of more than 0.5V, later, might damage memory. As we are here is to use DDR333 memory, it is entirely possible, under normal operation in 166MHz and therefore only indicative of the increased choice 0.1v, as shown in Figure.


Finally, there can also see the AGP graphics card to enhance the operating voltage of the options, if you are overclocking FSB as the standard, also worked for overclocking graphics card, then consider an appropriate increase in the number of AGP Voltage, AGP default Voltage of 1.5V, here we are also indicative of the increased 0.1V, the end user the best check again have the wrong setting.


If correct, then you can press ESC button, a menu from this. CMOS into the final set and then quit, restart.

If unsuccessful overclocking, or restart the machine did not light up, then the need to turn off the computer, use the CMOS jumper on the motherboard to clear CMOS, and then re-boot settings; Another method is to turn off the computer, which has been holding down the keyboard Insert Boot button until the light of the release later, the two methods can be overclocking so that the failure of the computer re-lit.

[b] AMI BIOS (Intel 845PE chipset - P4 platform) [/ b]

Above, we have introduced the P4 CPU overclocking soft approach, partly to introduce a fool of automated technologies overclocking - the Red Storm. The technology is a motherboard manufacturer to develop an automatic overclocked function, use it, the board will be to increase the amount of 1MHz, and gradually increase the FSB to automatically detect the CPU's maximum operating frequency stability, and allow users to try again removed from the FSB repeatedly restart, remove troubles, such as CMOS, it said that this was a fool of overclocking technology, some photo-similarity in the ordinary cameras and the differences between the camera manually.





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