
作者&投稿:梁泽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
请英语高手帮个忙,翻译这段话啊?One may fall in love with many peo~

One may fall in love with many peo

Sensely, I like you fell in love with you there is no reason, no reasons inexplicable, I like you fell in love with you to see you that day sensely, I like you fell in love with you in the dark, listening to yourthe voice

Dear Ms. or Mr.:
我很荣幸地向您推荐我的学生xxx。 I have the honor to recommend my students xxx.
我从2005年起就认识了xxx,那时我担任8年级1班和4班的数学老师,而他在8年级3班。 那为什么我会很熟悉这个优秀的学生呢? So why I would be very familiar with this excellent students?
当时我们学校开设了数学兴趣活动班,主要讲授历届数学竞赛中的趣题,学生可以自愿报名参加。 At that time we set up a mathematical interest in school activities, classes, mainly teaching mathematics competition in the interest of successive questions, students can voluntarily attend. xxx同学由于对数学有着浓厚的兴趣,每周都准时参加活动。 xxx classmate has a strong interest in mathematics, on time every week to participate in activities. 由于学生不固定,因此每次上完课后都需要有学生自愿留下来打扫卫生。 Because students are not fixed, so each needs to have the students attracted by the voluntary post-stay cleaning. 不过,每次活动完后都到了晚饭时间,因此只有很少的学生愿意留下来,而xxx就是其中之一,而且是坚持时间最长的一个学生。 However, each event has exhausted all went to dinner time, so only a few students are willing to stay, while xxx is one of them, but also insist on the longest a student. 每次打扫完卫生之后,他都会再问一点课外的疑难问题,然后跟我一起讨论问题。 After each cleaning End of Health, he will ask the difficult questions that the extra-curricular, and then discuss issues with me. 这样,我就渐渐熟悉并了解了这个学生。 In this way, I would gradually be familiar with and understand the student. 初中毕业后,尽管高中学习生活很忙,他都坚持打电话或是写信给我,每封信我都妥善保存,从中可以看到他刻苦上进的一条轨迹。 After graduating from junior high school, despite the busy life of high school, he insisted to call or write to me, every letter I have properly preserved, from which you can see his hard a trajectory of upward mobility. 因此,我对xxx同学的初中和高中的学习都很了解。 Therefore, I am xxx middle school and high school students to learn a very good idea.
在初中和高中阶段,平日的数学学习,对xxx同学而言不存在任何困难。 In the junior high and high school on weekdays, the mathematical study, pairs of students in terms of xxx there is no any difficulty. 他很注意超前学习,而且有着很强的自学能力,在9年级时就自学了高中数学的绝大部分知识,进入高中后,他又自学了大学微积分的绝大部分知识。 He was careful ahead of learning, but also have a strong self-learning ability, in the nine-year high school math when the vast majority of self-knowledge, high school, he also taught himself calculus of the majority of university knowledge. 因此他的数学成绩无论在班级还是年级上都名列前茅。 So his math class or the grade in terms of both the top. 举个例子来说吧,2005年国庆后,那时他们还没有学到圆,我讲的《关于圆的综合问题》引起了他的极大兴趣,他向我所借书籍,我借给他了两本书。 For example it, after the National Day in 2005, when they have not learned circle, I say "on the round a comprehensive problem" has aroused great interest of his, he borrowed books to me, I would lend him two books. 四周后,他做了厚厚的一本读书笔记,硬是把两本书看完并完成了书上附的所有习题,这对任何没有学过圆的同学来说绝对是一个巨大的挑战,不过xxx同学用事实证明他成功地接受了这次挑战。 Four weeks later, he made a thick one study notes, obstinately read two books and completed all attached to the book Problem, which has not learned any of the students circle is absolutely is a huge challenge, but xxx students with facts to prove that he has accepted this challenge successfully. 不仅如此,他还经常能提出一些远比书上简洁的多的解法来。 Not only that, he often able to propose a number of far more books, more than simple solution to. 我认真看过他的读书笔记,心想以前带过的不少青年教师也没有他这么认真。 I have seriously seen his reading notes, thinking that before with many young teachers have been without him so seriously.
xxx同学不仅对课本内的数学有着极大的兴趣,他对许多课外知识都有着浓厚的兴趣。 xxx students not only math textbooks have a great interest in his many extra-curricular knowledge, all have interest. 在看过一期介绍时光隧道的电视节目后,xxx同学对此很感兴趣,翻阅了大量书籍,希望能了解更多。 After seeing a television program introduced after the time tunnel, xxx classmates am very interested in reading a lot of books, hoping to find out more. 为此他看完了爱因斯坦的《狭义相对论浅说》和牛顿的《自然哲学的数学原理》。 To this end, he read Einstein's "special theory of relativity light said," and Newton's "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica." 我知道作为一个中学生要搞清楚这个问题是很吃累的,但经过一个学期的努力,他的研究性学习论文还是写出来了,尽管还是很幼稚和不足,但毕竟经过了一次科学研究的体验,他的这种专心致志,锲而不舍的精神,对一般中学生而言还是难能可贵的。 I know that, as a high school student to understand this issue is very tired to eat, but after a semester of work, and his research study papers, or written, though still very naive and inadequate, but, after all, a scientific research experience after He's such a dedicated, persevering spirit of the general secondary school students is commendable.
在高中阶段,xxx同学又完成了两篇数学的研究性学习论文,两篇文章都在对已有问题的分析和总结的基础上,提出了自己对问题的看法,蕴含了一个中学生强烈的创新意识。 In high school, xxx students also completed two mathematics research study papers, two articles are already in the analysis of the problem and summary based on the issues put forward his views implies a strong innovation and high school students consciousness. 后来他的两篇论文都在国家级的学生数学杂志上发表了。 Later, his two papers at the national level in mathematics and a journal has been published. 在10年级时,他以135的高分(满分150)获得了广州市数学竞赛的第一名;在10和11年级时,他又都获得了全国希望杯数学竞赛的铜奖;在12年级时,他又获得了全国数学竞赛广东赛区二等奖。 In the 10 grade, he had a score of 135 (out of 150) received the first Guangzhou Mathematics Competition; in grade 10 and 11, he had won the National Unity of Hope Cup Mathematics Contest Bronze Award; in 12th grade When he received the National Math Competition, Guangdong Division Award.
xxx同学有志于攻读理工科,根据我的了解和观察,他只要选定了一个方向,就肯定能成为该专业最优秀的大学生之一,肯定能在相关领域做出出色的贡献。 xxx students interested in studying science and engineering, according to my understanding and observation, as long as he selected a direction, you certainly can become the profession, one of the best students will certainly be able to make outstanding contributions to related fields.

Dear Ms. or Mr.:
I have the honor to recommend my students xxx.
At that time we set up a mathematical interest in school activities, classes, mainly teaching mathematics competition in the interest of successive questions, students can voluntarily attend. xxx classmate has a strong interest in mathematics, on time every week to participate in activities. Because students are not fixed, so each needs to have the students attracted by the voluntary post-stay cleaning. However, each event has exhausted all went to dinner time, so only a few students are willing to stay, while xxx is one of them, but also insist on the longest a student. After each cleaning End of Health, he will ask the difficult questions that the extra-curricular, and then discuss issues with me. In this way, I would gradually be familiar with and understand the student. After graduating from junior high school, despite the busy life of high school, he insisted to call or write to me, every letter I have properly preserved, from which you can see his hard a trajectory of upward mobility. Therefore, I am xxx middle school and high school students to learn a very good idea.
In the junior high and high school on weekdays, the mathematical study, pairs of students in terms of xxx there is no any difficulty. He was careful ahead of learning, but also have a strong self-learning ability, in the nine-year high school math when the vast majority of self-knowledge, high school, he also taught himself calculus of the majority of university knowledge. So his math class or the grade in terms of both the top. For example it, after the National Day in 2005, when they have not learned circle, I say "on the round a comprehensive problem" has aroused great interest of his, he borrowed books to me, I would lend him two books. Four weeks later, he made a thick one study notes, obstinately read two books and completed all attached to the book Problem, which has not learned any of the students circle is absolutely is a huge challenge, but xxx students with facts to prove that he has accepted this challenge successfully. Not only that, he often able to propose a number of far more books, more than simple solution to. I have seriously seen his reading notes, thinking that before with many young teachers have been without him so seriously.
xxx students not only math textbooks have a great interest in his many extra-curricular knowledge, all have interest. After seeing a television program introduced after the time tunnel, xxx classmates am very interested in reading a lot of books, hoping to find out more. To this end, he read Einstein's "special theory of relativity light said," and Newton's "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica." I know that, as a high school student to understand this issue is very tired to eat, but after a semester of work, and his research study papers, or written, though still very naive and inadequate, but, after all, a scientific research experience after He's such a dedicated, persevering spirit of the general secondary school students is commendable.
In high school, xxx students also completed two mathematics research study papers, two articles are already in the analysis of the problem and summary based on the issues put forward his views implies a strong innovation and high school students consciousness. Later, his two papers at the national level in mathematics and a journal has been published. In the 10 grade, he had a score of 135 (out of 150) received the first Guangzhou Mathematics Competition; in grade 10 and 11, he had won the National Unity of Hope Cup Mathematics Contest Bronze Award; in 12th grade When he received the National Math Competition, Guangdong Division Award.
xxx students interested in studying science and engineering, according to my understanding and observation, as long as he selected a direction, you certainly can become the profession, one of the best students will certainly be able to make outstanding contributions to related fields.

Dear Ms. or Mr.:
I have the honor to recommend my students xxx.
At that time we set up a mathematical interest in school activities, classes, mainly teaching mathematics competition in the interest of successive questions, students can voluntarily attend. xxx classmate has a strong interest in mathematics, on time every week to participate in activities. Because students are not fixed, so each needs to have the students attracted by the voluntary post-stay cleaning. However, each event has exhausted all went to dinner time, so only a few students are willing to stay, while xxx is one of them, but also insist on the longest a student. After each cleaning End of Health, he will ask the difficult questions that the extra-curricular, and then discuss issues with me. In this way, I would gradually be familiar with and understand the student. After graduating from junior high school, despite the busy life of high school, he insisted to call or write to me, every letter I have properly preserved, from which you can see his hard a trajectory of upward mobility. Therefore, I am xxx middle school and high school students to learn a very good idea.
In the junior high and high school on weekdays, the mathematical study, pairs of students in terms of xxx there is no any difficulty. He was careful ahead of learning, but also have a strong self-learning ability, in the nine-year high school math when the vast majority of self-knowledge, high school, he also taught himself calculus of the majority of university knowledge. So his math class or the grade in terms of both the top. For example it, after the National Day in 2005, when they have not learned circle, I say "on the round a comprehensive problem" has aroused great interest of his, he borrowed books to me, I would lend him two books. Four weeks later, he made a thick one study notes, obstinately read two books and completed all attached to the book Problem, which has not learned any of the students circle is absolutely is a huge challenge, but xxx students with facts to prove that he has accepted this challenge successfully. Not only that, he often able to propose a number of far more books, more than simple solution to. I have seriously seen his reading notes, thinking that before with many young teachers have been without him so seriously.
xxx students not only math textbooks have a great interest in his many extra-curricular knowledge, all have interest. After seeing a television program introduced after the time tunnel, xxx classmates am very interested in reading a lot of books, hoping to find out more. To this end, he read Einstein's "special theory of relativity light said," and Newton's "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica." I know that, as a high school student to understand this issue is very tired to eat, but after a semester of work, and his research study papers, or written, though still very naive and inadequate, but, after all, a scientific research experience after He's such a dedicated, persevering spirit of the general secondary school students is commendable.
In high school, xxx students also completed two mathematics research study papers, two articles are already in the analysis of the problem and summary based on the issues put forward his views implies a strong innovation and high school students consciousness. Later, his two papers at the national level in mathematics and a journal has been published. In the 10 grade, he had a score of 135 (out of 150) received the first Guangzhou Mathematics Competition; in grade 10 and 11, he had won the National Unity of Hope Cup Mathematics Contest Bronze Award; in 12th grade When he received the National Math Competition, Guangdong Division Award.
xxx students interested in studying science and engineering, according to my understanding and observation, as long as he selected a direction, you certainly can become the profession, one of the best students will certainly be able to make outstanding contributions to related fields.

还是拜托你们学校的英语老师还是好一点 ,呵呵


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固定的 第二项和三项根本不能做从句 只能做状语 译为 当有必要的话 如果有此可能的话 第四项 只是语气词 语境不对 对上下问没有够成衔接 你看其他三个选项 可以知道这句话的意思的 if so 即if it is so 中间常省略 是常用的状语从句 多代表 根据上层意思 所做得结论 多读英文方面的...

掌握一些重要的和常见的句型是必要的也是基本的,目的就是为了理解句子。在这里建议你一定要学会分清主谓宾定状补等句子成分,另外自己积累一些英语文化,因为在英语中有相当部分词组甚至句子是不能从字面上理解的。很简单的例子:black and blue是青一块紫一块的意思。提高阅读理解最重要的技能就是善于...

for a holiday.10选A,carry out one's promise表示遵守约定,keep a promise才是固定搭配,而break是打破,不合语境,work out是计算,也不对 11选D,用排除法,前面三个语法错误,has died表示什么已经消失了。我觉得最后一道题选D,因为其他词组我没见过这样单独使用的。终于搞定了,好累啊 ...

帮个忙 用英语怎么说

This summer vacation I watched the animated cartoon "Tennis Prince", inside likes the talent two weeks not helping. He always in the smile, lets the human feel that is very kind. He always considers for others, always does not think itself. When his friend family member is ...

龙湖区17343774232: 请英语高手进来帮忙 -
蔚梦卓迈: 我在思考问题.(think) Leave me along, I'm thinking. Don't bother me, I'm thinking. Don',她不断地以头撞墙.(hit) That womam is crazy, she kept on hitting her head on the wall, the children are sleeping. 2.别打扰我;m thinking. 3.孩子们不断地蹦...

龙湖区17343774232: 请英语高手帮个小忙2句子一般由主语`谓语`宾语`定语`状语和补语构成.请试着划分下列句子的成分.1.The books lying on the floor are mine.2.Suddenly it began... -
蔚梦卓迈:[答案] 1.The books 做主语lying on the floor 做定语are 系动词作谓语mine做表语(表语和宾语的区别:表语是用来说明主语的身份、特征和状态的,它的位置在连系动词之后.宾语表示动作的对象,是动作的承受者,英语的及物动词...

龙湖区17343774232: 请英语高手帮个忙,帮我翻译一段话,请不要出现语病哦,最好口译,谢谢!看了你的留言,我很报歉.我一直都认为我在你心中没那么重要,原来我错了.我... -
蔚梦卓迈:[答案] After reading your message,i felt so sorry~i should've made such a huge mistake that i thought i was not that important in your heart for so long.The each word you said to me that "we will be friends forever" which i am to keep in mind forever.You will be ...

龙湖区17343774232: 请英文高手帮下忙,翻译一下,不胜感激 -
蔚梦卓迈: 朋友:我很感激您能够用英文信件和我交流.谢谢.您的价格合理,但是我妻子改变了主意,不打算立即搬家到美国.我们本打算立即到美国去,但她现在决定在北京做一份咨询工作,所以她会继续待在北京至少4-5个月.我很抱歉我匆忙将房屋闲置的信息在市场上公开,以至于给您(和其他人)带来的不便.当我们一切就绪,准备售房的时候,我一定会在第一时间与您联系.如果到那时您还有兴趣购房,我们会很快将售房事宜办妥.再一次对您和您家人造成的不便表示歉意.祝好 Jas

龙湖区17343774232: 请英语高手帮我一个忙,我急 - Who should I give the prize to? - To whoever work out the problem.为什么to后用whoever而不用whomever啊. -
蔚梦卓迈:[答案] 因为 who should I.to的who是非正式用语.可以用whom代替.你说的没错.是to的宾语. 但是第二句中的whoever是work out the problem 的主语 所以不能用whomever,宾格.

龙湖区17343774232: 英语高手,想请你帮个忙,翻译两段话. -
蔚梦卓迈: 话呢? the BAOAN art city lie BAOAN no.25 CBD in ShenZhen. The total area of It is 20000 square meter,total investment is more than 120 million. Opening is at November,2010. 太麻烦了后面

龙湖区17343774232: 请英语高手帮个忙!
蔚梦卓迈: 出于礼貌,你应该先说please. 如果你此时想让对方先走出去,你可以接着you go first 或after you.

龙湖区17343774232: 请英语高手帮个忙. -
蔚梦卓迈: 小明坐在我后面Xiao Ming sits behind me, Xiao Hua sits in front of me, Xiao Gang sits on my right side. 小刚坐在我的右面 Xiao Li sits next to me.小丽紧挨着我旁边坐. 保证正确!,小花坐在我的前面, Xiao Hong sits on my left side, 小红坐在我左面

龙湖区17343774232: 请各位英语高手帮个忙哈 -
蔚梦卓迈: 1. The Heart what looks to be, the stage what widely to be.2. I want acheive my dream, but I failed to find my power stage, let me know how can I realise my dream.

龙湖区17343774232: 请英文高手帮个忙!
蔚梦卓迈: In the future world. human beings will begin to build houses, big supermakets and so on on the moon. Then the earth will have more space. And many people will begin to live under water. That will be very happy. What's more, many dailiy living ...

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