
作者&投稿:逯娥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语作文竞选music monitor的自我推荐~

New Year is especially fun for kids.That's because we get presents and treats,including red envelopes filled with money.We also get to set off fireworks.But we never forget that this holiday is a time to give thanks.We feel grateful for our family and the things that we have.Finally,we think about the future and the great year ahead.

Dear Brown,
It is my pleasure to recommend Li Ming, my good friend, for his application to work in your company. His qualifications are University. His major is Networks engineering program. He is fluent in foreign languages and understand the japanese point of He is an enthusiastic and progressive young man with high potentiality. He is not only quick at learning but also good at solving difficult problems with logical mind. I am sure that it will benefit your company if he can work for your company. I strongly recommend him to your company.

  18th August

  Dear Mr. Lu

  We are writing to recommend Li Lei as our monitor. We think he will be an excellent monitor because he has so many good personal qualities.

  Firstly, he is always ready to help others. And he often explains the hard math problems to the students with great patience. Secondly, he is very confident, clever. He believes that he has the ability to do the extra work. Thirdly, he is a person with great patience, and he never forgets the things he has to do. More importantly, he is very energetic. During this summer holiday, he took part in a meaningful activity-- Walk for Children. He thought that it was a good chance to learn team spirits.

  I think that LiLei has all the qualities to be a good monitor .I hope you can agree with me.

  Yours sincerely 这是推荐当班长的,你可以修改一下。

小明,小雪和小亮分别竞选班长,文艺委员和体育委员,他们的竞选结果有多少种可能?请全部写出来。  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 该不该让孩子很早学习人情世故? 匿名用户 2014-12-17 展开全部 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 为你推荐: 特别推荐 一分钟的MBTI性格测试靠谱吗? 新冠如果...

求一篇高二英语作文 急急急?!!谢啦 题目去下 假如你是高二某班班长李越...
Thank you!Dear classmates,In recent PE classes, I have noticed some of us slip out of the playground and return to the classroom. When asked for the reason, they explain they are going back to study. It sounds reasonable, but I don’t think such actions proper.As students of...


同学们,大家好:周六我们办将进行一次班级外出旅游;上午八点在学校大门口集中,吴老师会和我们一起去;!我的计划是这样的:我们会先坐车去ABC公园.喜欢各种不同的体育活动,经常锻炼;希望大家能 礼貌待人,乐于助人

我希望用我的经验带领同学们上好一节体育课!!在紧张的学习环境,给他们带来快乐!!希望老师能给我当我们的体育班长 ,若能当上,我将全心全意为大家服务!! 申请人:XXX 就这样写!!一定ok!!

http:\/\/www.jasii.com\/trans\/zych\/24.htm(个人履历类英文词汇 )grade 年级 class 班级 monitor 班长 vice-monitor 副班长 commissary in charge of studies 学习委员 commissary in charge of entertainment 文娱委员 commissary in charge of sports 体育委员 commissary in charge of physical labor ...

语文老师:“春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干”。您的谆谆教导,无私奉献必将成为我们不竭的学习动力!送上最诚挚的祝福:教师节快乐!数学老师:“成功=您的教导+我们的努力”。您把公式填了一半给了我们,我们也会出色地完成另一半送给您,相信我们!送上最诚挚的祝福:教师节快乐!英语老师:“We ...

I once served as the monitor in the class, vice President, learning committee member, athletics member of committee and so on 望采纳,谢谢


求英语翻译 急急急急急急
班长:Monitor:﹒负责计算机系的日常事务,整理学生学务资料。参与修订计算机系管理条例。In the department of computer science, is responsible for the daily affairs, finishing students student affairs material. Participate in the computer science department revised regulations.体育部部长:Sports ...

埇桥区17278214984: 英语作文、写一封推荐班长信、1.她自信、上涨演讲并善于交际2.她聪明好学,成绩优秀,乐于助人3.她做事有条有理,擅长……4.写一事例80词左右开头:... -
繁蚂得力:[答案] Dear… I'm writing to recomment Helen as our new monitor.She is confident and she is good at talking to others.Also,she is ... she is willing to help others.She does the things all in order.Once a time,I saw her sitting on a chair and did her homework.The ...

埇桥区17278214984: 关于写自己推荐自己当体育委员的推荐信70词英语 -
繁蚂得力: 18th AugustDear Mr. LuWe are writing to recommend Li Lei as our monitor. We think he will be an excellent monitor because he has so many good personal qualities.Firstly, he is always ready to help others. And he often explains the hard math ...

埇桥区17278214984: 英语作文请你给班主任写一封推荐信,推荐 Li Lei 当班长.信中要对Li Lei进行全面介绍.1.有许多个人特质:自信、勤奋、好学.2.乐于助人,常为我们讲解难题.... -
繁蚂得力:[答案] Dear Mr.Lu We are writing to recommend Li Lei as the monitor.He is unique with selfconfident,hardworking,keen on learning.He is always happy to help others and he often helps us to solve the difficult problems.He is kind and generous and he can pay ...

埇桥区17278214984: 我想自我推荐当班长 -
繁蚂得力: My name is Zhangming,a fifteen years old boy.I study well,and I am good at English and Chinese. I always take part in the school activities positively and has been awarded many times.I am respectful to my teachers,and friendly to my classmates.

埇桥区17278214984: 英语作文,三篇请你给班主任写一封推荐信,推荐limei当班长.信中要对limei进行全面介绍.1.有许多个人特质:自信,勤奋,好学.2.乐于助人,常为我们讲解... -
繁蚂得力:[答案] name@@@ to@@@@@@@ To whom it may concern: It is my great pleasure to recommend Mei Li to you,as she was one of my finest students in our department. i'm sure she can help you. Mei Li began attending my English classes in the ...

埇桥区17278214984: 英语作文学校的体育俱乐部想要招收新学员,你也想参加,请你写封自我推荐信,向教练简要介绍自己在体育活动方面的爱好(50字左右) -
繁蚂得力:[答案] To introduce myself(介绍我自己) Hello,every one!(大家好) My name is **** . (我叫****) I'm a 15 years old boy. (我是一个15岁的男孩)(具体情况自己改) I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao.(我住在美丽的Rizhao城)(你可以把Rizhao改成...

埇桥区17278214984: 英语作文,三篇 -
繁蚂得力: name@@@ to@@@@@@@To whom it may concern: It is my great pleasure to recommend Mei Li to you, as she was one of my finest students in our department. i'm sure she can help you.Mei Li began attending my English classes in the ...

埇桥区17278214984: 一篇英语小作文
繁蚂得力: Dear (teacher's name): I am writing this letter to recommend Li Lei as our monitor.She has many personal qualities.She is confident and hard-working.She likes studying.She is very helpful and she often explains difficult problems to us.She is kind....

埇桥区17278214984: 小升初小学生自我推荐表 -
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