英语翻译 要人工的哦 急!!

作者&投稿:轩月 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语翻译!!急!! 要人工的!~

He still holds the record of The Art Auction among Chinese contemporary artists
in the year 1985,the U. S. oil magnate Hamer gave Dengxiaopin Chenyifei's artwork,"the memory of hometown—shuangqiao",as a present.
it shows the westerns an ancient、mysterious and quiet East world ,a world totally different from The West but still can be understood ,be imaginated and be read by them.
during the recent years,he has donated the sales of his work to the "Hope Project" several times and set up the "Mengguang Art Education and Fundation".

啊 自己翻译的 不知道有莫有错的地方 =。=


the life of Beethoven, a life full of misery and tragedy, shows something nobody else can achieve but except himself, which arise our pondering.I think the success of Beethvoen is due to his extrimly strong willpower and spirit of striving. facing hardness without any fear is why he succeed. but we often want to turn to someone for help whenever we encountered any trouble in our daily life instead of facing up to it and make a firm decision to have it settled. moreover, because his oddish temper,few peple willed to make friends with him and he had to face problems alone and to figure them out alone. although he was lonely,he had learned many things others were unable to acquaint. 

only if you were given great and endless courage you could beat any dreadful enemy.

Beethoven's life can be definied as miserable and calamitous. Even so, he achieved something normal people couldn't, which puts me into contemplation. I believe that his success is mainly lie in his supreme perseverance and continuous struggling. In other words, his success comes from his fearlessness when Faced with difficulties. In our daily life, instead of resolving to deal with them on our own and handling them directly,we usually think of asking others for help when we are in face of various hardships . On the contrary, owning to his unique temper, Beethoven had few friends and had to deal with difficulties single-handedly because of his lack of friends. Lonely as he was, he was able to learn much that others couldn't. Given one has enough courage, even the most formidable enemy will be beaten.

Beethoven's lifetime was full of tragedies and calamities.But his achievement is insurmountable towards us able-bodied persons, which raises my meditation.In my opinion, the reason behind Beethoven's success is his supernormal perseverance and fearless spirit when facing difficulties. It is the secret of his success. In our daily life, once we are in difficulties, we always seek help at first place,rather than face the difficulties bravely and resolve the problems with determination.In contrast, Beethoven is an eccentric person with few friends willing to offer help. When he was in difficulties, he could but fight single-handed. Though feeling lonely,he learnt something extraordinary from it. Equipped with indefinite courage, one can beat any dreadful enemies.

Beethoven's life is tragic and calamitous.However,he could manage something which others can not.This point caused me being thoughtful.In my mind,the reason why Beethoven achieved the success is that he had the backbone and spirit of fighting over as a mortal having.Being face the difficulty,he was not afraid at all.This exactly his secret of success.In daily life,when we have something in trouble,we always ask others for help instead of solving it directly and strengthen our determination to get it done.For Beethoven,nobody willing to make friend with him because of his strange personality,in this view,he could only fight against with the hardness by himself.Although he was alone,he lernt something while others could not learnt:As long as a person having limited courage,he will defeat his enemies no matter how strongly they are.

though miseries and disasters frequenting in his lifetime,Beethoven achieved a series of success which are believed beyond mortal's abilities.what on earth can his outstanding achivement be attributed to?it falls me into meditation.as i am concerned ,it is Beethoven's extraordinary preseverence,constant strugglings and defiance of sufferings entrured his success,and eventually differetiated him from normals.by contrast,while in face of difficulties in our routine life, most of us would choose to turn to others for help rather than to bravely confront it and make up minds to solve it .yet out of his speculiar personality,Beethoven seldom had friends,so while in face of difficulties , he could not but choose to deal with them and seek a solution by himself.though deprived of friendship in life ,Beethoven was taught a profound philoshophy of life that any others could not learn:one can beat even the most seemingly formidable enemy only if he has gathered efficient braver y.

康乐县18966747612: 翻译英文`就一句`要人工的哦我期待您的到来,到时候请带上翻译. -
赵叔力达:[答案] I'm looking forward to your coming,while taking your interpreter.

康乐县18966747612: 英语句子翻译,急求!高悬赏!要人工翻译! -
赵叔力达: 我们正要找你们呢,正好你们都在.I'm about to looking for you, you're all right here.明天下午没课,咱们一起去逛街吧.There will be no class tomorrow afternoon, let's go shopping together, shall we?好的,这是好主意,OK, it's a good idea 不过,还是让我们先看一下天气预告吧.However, let's see the weather forecast first.

康乐县18966747612: 急求英语翻译!要人工翻译的,谢谢Time is Precious We are often warned by our teachers not to waste time,because if time is lost,it will never return.I think it ... -
赵叔力达:[答案] 时间是宝贵的我们经常被老师警醒说不要浪费时间因为时间是一去不复返的.我认为这非常正确.时间像什么呢?没人知晓.我们无法看见它或者触摸它,更不能花一大笔钱买到它.时光飞逝.有些学生说他们根本没有足够的时间来复...

康乐县18966747612: 英语翻译~急!!!!靠谱一点的,最好是人工翻译 -
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康乐县18966747612: 英语翻译不要翻译软件的翻译,最好是人工的翻译,急用的 -
赵叔力达:[答案] Sichuan Xinlong Ventilation Air Conditioning Equipment Co.

康乐县18966747612: 哪个中英文翻译网站最好,要人工翻译的 -
赵叔力达: 中英文的翻译网站有很多,但全人工的不多我给您推荐一个,365翻译,是人工翻译的,在线平台可以实时监控,速度很快因为是电子平台的成本低,他们价格也便宜,

康乐县18966747612: 英语翻译不要丢下我一个人.在原地等待.高手帮我翻译下英语.要人工哦.网上自动翻译都不准的勒、 -
赵叔力达:[答案] 不要丢下我一个人. :Do not leave me. 在原地等待 :Waiting for in situ

康乐县18966747612: 把下列句子翻译成英语,.要正确率高.急.要人工翻译,不要电脑翻译.他可能在家我可能去埃及橙汁可能是甜的那个句子可能是难的 -
赵叔力达:[答案] 他可能在家:He might be at home 我可能去埃及:I may go to Egypt 橙汁可能是甜的:Orange juice may be sweet 那个句子可能是难的:The sentence may be difficult 望采纳

康乐县18966747612: 这些教科书是用生命换来的 用英语怎么说急.要人工翻译的 -
赵叔力达:[答案] These schoolbook were commuted by life.

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