哪位英语达人能帮我把这个视频中的英文对白打下来 能打多少打多少 谢谢

作者&投稿:司马怜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

As the terrible war against the Lich King continues,the proud defenders of Azeraf fight to secure a lasting peace. But there can be no peace, when the world itself is devoured by rage. An ancient evil has risen determing to shake Azeraf to its foundations. And the world will never be the same, as the elements battle for supremacy. Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms have been transformed.

Ancient lands have been torn asunder, unleashing widespread destruction. But newfound life has also awakened. New conflicts erupts, as old enimies vie for control of the world's diminished resources.At the heart of the ocean, the Maelstrom churns endlessly. Many islanders at the Great Sea have been driven from their homes, seeking sanctuary from the relentless upheaval. These scattered refugees find themselves shipwrecked upon the Lost Isles, locked in battle against an unfamiliar enemy. But in their hour of greatest need, the goblins of Kezan have found new allies in the Horde.

As destruction goes the far corners of the world. The Greymane Wall, the fortified entry to the human kingdom of Gilneas has been shattered. Yet, those who were once human have become something more. As the vile Forsaken march south to Gilneas. An ancient ally resurfaces to bring the savage worgen into their alliance, as the world teeters on the brink.

And the mortal struggle for dominace turns to one of mere survival. the world's champions have adapted to to new pals of glory, standing vigilant against those who would devour civilization, and venture boldly into the unearthed forgotten bastions of antiquity.

The world has been broken. A new age has begun. The alliance and Horde can only cling to hope.Deathwing has returned.



主持人: welcome back to (没听出来,可能是这个节目的名字)it’s time to meet the lastest dazzling music export from New York. She’s typically one of the biggest star of music and fashion of 2009. Of course we’re talking about Lady Gaga. We are very lucky cos see her on the (没听出来这词)

Lady Gaga: Hi, how are you doing?

主持人: Great to meet you, thanks so much for coming on. And you’re going to perform your single, that song alive just in a few minutes of time. Let’s do the quick chat first so. This is your year, isn’t it? When your time has come , everyone can feel cos your song streams well, rush at the world, so this is in this country either, is it?

Lady Gaga: it’s really amazing that I’ve been working for a very long time and I just very love music and fashion, and art and performing and so just thanks everyone in the U.K for being so supportive

主持人 You are number one already, so we love your music . So describe the electric pop, what is it and what’s its influences do you think?

Lady Gaga: Well, it’s, you know, electronic pop music, it’s , it gets some dance influence, a little bit techno, a lot of synthetic (后面两个词没听出来,后面紧接的一句也没听出来), In New York city I went to a lot very great parties and cool DJs.

主持人:Now your office is fantastic you’re wearing when you (这句话有几个词没听出来) cos fashion is a big deal as well not only music.

Lady Gaga: Thank goodness! Thank goodness it’s a big deal!

主持人:And you design your own clothes as well?

Lady Gaga:Yeah, we made these actually, me in house, we made this one ,and it’s inspired by (没听出来,可能是一个人名)dress,

主持人:Yeah, beautiful, maybe not for shopping, but certainly performing well.

Lady Gaga:I won’t go shopping in that,certainly.

主持人:Why not? Good feel!Ok, let’s listen to the single now, here it’s Lady Gaga with her number one single---“Let’s Dance” , Ok, go!

主持人首先恭维了一下她。说今年就是她的一年,不仅歌唱事业风靡全球,而且也是不折不扣的时尚达人。Lady gaga 回答说这些都令自己惊叹,但也经历了很长时间的磨练。她只是纯粹地爱着音乐,时尚,艺术,表演,英国的粉丝都很支持自己。

DJ:.....It's time to meet latest dazzling music ....she's one of the biggest star and fashioner of 2009. Of course we're talking about lady gaga. We're really lucky to .....Great to meet you,thank you so much for coming on. Are you going to perform your single,that song alive in a few minutes time. Let's just do a quick check first so.
This is your year isn't it? when your time has come,how does it feel cause your song's doing well ...out of the wall
L:It feels really amazing.I've been working for it really long time.And..I really love music and fashion,and art and performing,so thank everyone in UK being so supportive
DJ:well.You are the No.1 already.So we love your music
DJ:describeb as a light tree-pop.what is that and what do you influence to say
L: you know,it's electronic pop music ,it's a godsome dancing influence,and a little bit of techno,a lot of sentesizer very eighties.I listen to the fane a lot in New York city.I went to a lot great parties of cook DJs
DJ:Now your outfit is very fantastic.......of what you'r wearing ,Because fashion is a big deal as well
L:Thank godness it's a big deal
DJ:You design your own cloths as well?
L:Yeah,we made these actually....gaga we made this one and despired by ....dress
DJ:Yeah,Maybe not for shopping,but certainly for performing
Now let's listen to the single now.It's lady Gaga with her No.1 single--Let's dance


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各位英语达人,来帮小弟解决几个英语问题吧~ 谢谢啦
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迪盼胜城: salesman: welcome to the phone mart, how may i help you? customer: iphone 4, where's the iphone 4? i need an iphone 4 salesman: oh i'm very sorry, but we are currently sold out. however we did finally get some more HTC evos in. customer: what?...

南木林县18722258039: 哪个英语高手能替我打出视频中的英语对话字幕啊? -
迪盼胜城: 楼主您好,对白太多 不过都算是些简单的英语 他说自己是:professional 不是你写的那个 意思是他是专业的跳舞的 先是光头评委和Steven的简单询问,然后Steven还是表演,女的评委说对Steven很赞赏之类的话,还不忘调侃那个光头评委.接着光头评委问那个灭灯的那个评委,那个评委表示欣赏不动接受不了.之后女评委给了Steven big yes!~灭灯评委也开始调侃光头.光头之后也表示给yes.黑人上来尝试但是很滑稽,表示做不来这样的动作 大致就是这样 望采纳~~~谢谢

南木林县18722258039: 求英语听力达人帮我把这段视频的英语对白写出来 -
迪盼胜城: 我尽力了,但是只坎坎坷坷写完一半,能力有限.说实话这个太专业了,你要英语秀,也没必要找这样的,这个短片视觉效果是不错,但是用英语说真的是太……-_-!!! The traditional performance laptop that make for gaming, but they are over too...

南木林县18722258039: 请英语达人帮忙翻一下这个视频里的英语?
迪盼胜城: 乙酸钠,水和平底锅 把乙酸钠在沸水里溶解直到溶液饱和为止 不断搅拌 溶解后倒入杯子中 放冰箱里降温 拿出来 倒进小的格子托盘

南木林县18722258039: 哪位英文高手帮忙翻译下~!
迪盼胜城: 先占位,翻完了给你~听起来还算清楚……--------- 我也有好几个词是空耳,因为没有玩过这个游戏,所以对种族啊背景啊的设定不是很清楚,LZ结合画面自己理解吧~ 首先是一个人介绍BattleForge的幕后交响乐制作团队,说明其非常善于捕捉和表现游戏主题,接下来换主创作人员介绍几个主题音乐:nature主题非常soft温柔和非常……原生态?= =b抱歉organic是什么意思我也没法确定…… frost主题很icy冰冷,尖厉(?) fire主题非常具有节奏感(其它没有听清= =b) 不同的主题服务于同一个大的主旨(idea),但是各自有别.完毕~

南木林县18722258039: 哪位达人能帮个忙啊? 帮我把我的摘要翻译成英文的,不胜感激啊!!!! -
迪盼胜城: The financial risk is because is in debt the ownership interest whichfinances causes with to pay off a debt the ability not thedeterminism, also calls the financing risk. In the market economyactivity, the financial risk took one kind of signal, ...

南木林县18722258039: 哪位英语达人能帮我把这句话翻译成英文的? -
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