
作者&投稿:撒祁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求 帮我修改一下雅思作文 求高手 能给分数和点评一下吧~

6分 ,if you lived in north you stomatch would turn at the sight of fish.胃stomach 这句怎么俩动词。有些句子看不懂,不过套句用的多,说理过于简单,我认为有点牵强,

重点弄错了吧。。。是要你总结global water use by sector的main features, 然后还有brazil and congo的consumption 。。 你第一句话就没指出你文章要写的全部内容。。。只说了consumption, 然后就急转直下开始介绍water use in worldwide ? 太跳跃了吧。。。。

The graph and table above show details of the usage of global water in different field, as well as the water consumption in Brazil and Congo in 2000. Firstly, the graph displayed the global water mainly use in three aspects -- agriculture, industry and domestic, 然后写图

While the water consumption .........
Finally, 总结2图的共同点或差异点,或者对比2图得出上面结论等等......

但是要我批改你作文的话就不行了。。。我语法就算个渣渣。。。。只能给你这样的建议了。。。毕竟好几年没考过雅思了。。。但是 英语写作技能还是知道点点的。。。

Some people say that computers can translate all kinds of languages. and that(根据句意,此处因果关系不是很明显,改为并列。Therefore改为and that)children do not need to learn foreign languages anymore. What’s your opinion?

It's true that (用It's true ...承上启下)modern technology,especially computers(especially computers放在这里不产生歧义)have totally changed our ways(approach改为ways) to study,. Rather than messy ink and pen, computers can help us finish our assignments faster (quick指某个动作的快), (neater是 形容词,用在这里不合适,省去)(and在此多余的,删去)with more accuracy. Translation is among these. Actually, some people think computers can almost translate all kinds of languages, so(thus改为so), children no longer have to learn foreign languages. I’m against it for the reasons as follow:

First of all, it is clear that computers can’t translate all kinds of languages especially some languages which are rarely spoken. Moreover, computers have a reputation for poor translation quality. We all know that languages are combination of characters, culture and emotions. Computers,to some degree(on the opposite side 改为to some degree更贴切), are just cold machines.

In the second place, without studying foreign languages, it is hard for children to understand different culture embedded in them. As I mentioned before, languages are intimately bound up with culture. According to some linguists, there is mounting evidence that learning languages brings( produce改为brings) physiological changes in the brain, which could affect one’s thoughts(用复数) and perception. That is why western often shares(三单) different views with Chinese people on the same issue. So the choice of giving up learning foreign languages may deprive children of different ways of looking at the world.

Based on the arguments above, despite the fact that computers are able to( do删去)translate some languages, I stick to the belief that children should learn foreign languages.


1.approach to改means of
2.especially computers提前,放在modern technology后面,否则会让人觉得是用来限定study的。这里存在一个就近原则
5.almost 和 translate交换下位置
2. languages are combination of characters, culture and emotions改成a language is combination of characters, culture and emotions
3.cold machines这说法太中式了,你跟外国人说外国人绝对不懂。你是想说冰冷的机器吧,说emotionless machine就行呗





Nowadays, modern technology (especially computers), have totally changed our approach to study. (Unlike) messy ink and pen, computers can help us finish our assignments quicker, neater and (more accurately). Translation is among these. Actually, some people think computers can almost translate all kinds of languages(and therefore) children no longer have to learn foreign languages. I’m against it for the reasons as follow:

First of all, it is clear that computers can’t translate all kinds of languages especially some languages which are rarely spoken. (Meanwhile 觉得更像并列关系), computers have a reputation for poor translation quality (如果我写这句话会写成:Even if they can translate one language to another, computers do no have a reputation of high translation quality).

Finally and most importantly,)we all know that languages are combination of characters, culture and emotion. Computers,(however,) are just cold machines. (这句不加在第一个理由那段吧,因为逻辑上不是同一件事) Without studying foreign languages, it is hard for children to understand different cultures embedded in them. As I mentioned before, Languages are intimately bound up with culture (and thoughts). According to some linguists, there is mounting evidence that learning languages produce physiological changes in the brain, which could affect one’s thought and perception. That is why (eastern and western people often have different or even opposite views on the same issue). So the choice of giving up learning foreign languages may deprive children of (having) different ways of (viewing) the world.

Based on the arguments above, despite the fact that computers are able to do translate some languages, I stick to the belief that children should learn foreign languages.

Secondly, to learn a foreign language is ultimately for the purpose of communicating with others, especially in a face-to-face meeting. It is weird to imagine that two people use computers instead their mouths to talk with each other. And even for reading foreign articles, one can better appreciate them if he or she know this language.



地址是:盐道街中学旁边~、(好像要到他们那儿去交钱 买卡。交作文就直接网上提交就行了,改也是回复到邮箱。)
新奇雅思的电话 好像是86664596



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跪求各位英语高手帮翻译一下海报 在线等 急!!谢谢了
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光山县18390704664: 写了篇雅思大作文,请高手帮忙改一下并判个分~再过两星期就要考试了 -
容巩增抗: 6分-6.5分 总的讲不错了,复杂句写的也可以,可能词汇方面还有一点欠缺,可能看些雅思8分作文来不及了,不过可以再记些经典句子,套用一下.如果考试时候字迹很漂亮的话,可能有印象分哦!加油啊!考试时候好好发挥!

光山县18390704664: 本人写了一篇雅思的作文,请高手批改下,最好给出建议...THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE LIVES BY THEMSELVES INCREASED RAPIDLY POSITIVE OR ... -
容巩增抗:[答案] 平行结构用and连接的时候,要注意结构平行,形式平行,功能平行· 如:they can go to work and competition with men competition是名词,后面怎么跟了介词? 前面是go to 动词结构用and连接,必须也是动词结构的~if引导的条件虚拟,后面的主...

光山县18390704664: 雅思作文,求高人修改.一直觉得自己chinglish很严重,希望可以有高人帮我修改一下.马上就要考试了.Many people argue that in order to improve educational ... -
容巩增抗:[答案] 我觉得第一段 你最好背个通用的开头段,就是基本题目都能套的上的,最好有几个比较难的单词,写作文的时候,直接套着题目默出来,省时间而且分页不低.然后背点像additionally 这样的连接词, not only ...but also..., al...

光山县18390704664: 雅思作文应该怎么修改?我写了一篇雅思的作文,但是不知道能达到什么标准,有什么好的办法吗? -
容巩增抗:[答案] 有些老师的博客 或者空间 你把作文发上去 他会免费给你改的

光山县18390704664: 只求高手帮我改一下雅思作文?不懂行的绕过 -
容巩增抗: Some people say that computers can translate all kinds of languages. and that(根据句意,此处因果关系不是很明显,改为并列.Therefore改为and that)children do not need to learn foreign languages anymore. What's your opinion?It's true that ...

光山县18390704664: 帮忙批改一下雅思大作文~~~~~~~麻烦哪位帮我批改一下雅思大作文,我基础比较差,肯定有很多错误,请解释的稍微详细一点,告诉我属于哪方面的错误.... -
容巩增抗:[答案] 此篇作文的topic是谈论现代科学技术对生活的影响,并要求给出自己的观点.一.1.第一段,呼应题目,按正反两方面论证,并在最后给出自己的观点,很好!通篇的思路也不错,虽然不新颖,但是稳就是高分的基础!文章抛开语法错误(...

光山县18390704664: 求翻译大师帮我修改作文错误这是我写的一篇IELTS的作文,题目就是说:现在的人们都喜欢重复做一些事情,但是有些人认为,改变一下现状或许会更不... -
容巩增抗:[答案] Most people like to do the things which they always do.Little by little,it will become one of their habits.However,others claim that... 用来把句子连接起来 3.experience 在这里应该用 -ing form 不懂怎么解释 4.你有一个毛病,就是句子不会中断,英文叫 run-...

光山县18390704664: 请高人帮帮修改雅思作文!顺便帮忙看看能得多少分! 悬赏20,全部家底! 多谢各位啦!急啊!题目:Tourism is seen as a major i ndustry for many ... -
容巩增抗:[答案] 前面有人改和评过了,老实说不敢苟同,可能是因为他们自己的水平还不如你吧?我有点忙,就帮你改第一段吧,因为感觉问题比较多.NOWADAYS (DELETE In this day and age),tourism SEEMS (DELETE tends) to be a growing luc...

光山县18390704664: 小弟马上要考雅思,由于第一次,没经验,希望高手能帮批改一下作文.Some people think all students should learn a foreign.Others believe that students ... -
容巩增抗:[答案] 其实雅思写作要拿高分,框架和思维很重要.1.简单说来,你的开头需要言简意赅,一提出问题,二列举论点,三简单概括自己意见.2、正文段,开头句需要paragraph本段大意,引领下文,需要简单点,可以使用复杂句型,但不要太长.3....

光山县18390704664: 雅思作文请高手帮忙修改It is very common to see a large number of people doing exercise with their dogs when walking in a park in a nice weather.A pet is ... -
容巩增抗:[答案] If you want to have a good journal,you can going to www.iciba.com 你可以去爱词霸的网站,很好用,如果出国留学的话 你可以试一试的 谢谢

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