一道英语题(写出汉语) __cc__p__tion __(_______)__

作者&投稿:勇胞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

越南:河内Ha Noi,
阿富汗:喀布尔Kabul (the capital of Afghanistan) ,
挪威:奥斯陆 Oslo ,
瑞典:斯德哥尔摩 Stockholm,
奥地利:维也纳 Wien ,
波兰:华沙 Warsaw ,

1 not only unnable to read ,but aslo unnable to write
2 These dirty schoolbags need washing . ( need doing sth /need to be done 固定搭配)
3 He is running so fast that I can't catch up with him. ( so .....that .)
4 This is the restaurant /hotel ( wich was) built last year
5 He realized that he had made a terrible mistake .
6 If you had worn more yesterday ,you wouldn't have caught a cold. (虚拟语气if had done ...wouldn't have done sth)


accompanation (n)陪伴 accompany的名词形式

22. 剪纸是一门民间艺术,它的历史至少可以追溯到唐朝。剪纸是用剪刀剪成或锋利的双面刀刻出来的。24. 今晚我们请到了从伦敦远道而来的贵宾与我们一起共度中秋佳节,我为此而深感自豪与荣幸。25. 谦虚是中国人极其尊崇的传统美德。该思想源自于我国古代哲学家孔子 --- 三人行,必有我师焉。择其...

1.It's 10:00 p.m.The shop is _closed___(close)now.根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。1.The pies___looks tasted___(看上去不错),and I want some more.2.Uncle Jim will arrive ___in the morning of June 8th___(在6月8日早晨).翻译下列句子。我有一座前面带花园的大房子。I h...

1.over 飞过大桥 2.between 站在两个人中间 3.in 坐在房子里 4.off 脱掉大衣 5.on 坐在草地上 walk across the street:过马路 jump off the tree:从树上跳下来 1.第一个空什么都不填,第二个空with 2.at,in 3.at,at,in,to,on,in,in,with,in 个人意见……

1. ⑴Please show me your ID card.⑵ What do you think of my new house?⑶ Don’t take photos in the museum.⑷ That song makes me feel sad.⑸ I have great fun walking the dog.2.⑴ How many books can you borrow me every time?⑵ What did you do last Sunday?⑶ How ...

请参考:下列各句中有什么错误,找出并改正 1 If you don't take the sleeping pills,you will be awake all night.2 He was busy planting trees on the hill.3 I'll give my parents a ring as soon as I get there 根据汉语意思完成下列各句 1 Alice was lying in bad because she( ...

1、(American )are from the United States。 They speak English。2、We had a great fun (walk ) along the river yesterday evening。注意:这里要的是名词,walk就可以 3、The weekend is coming。 But I have (nothing )to do。 Why not go hiking。4、The (elephant ...

根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词:1.他将离开北京到上海去。He is __leaving___ Beijing ___for___ Shanghai.2.明天去钓鱼怎么样?__How\/What___ ___about___ ___going___fishing tomorrow?3.祝你假期玩得愉快。Have __a___ __good\/nice\/wonderful\/great___ ___time___ on y...

1、你沿着解放桥向前走就可以到那里 GO down along Jiefang Bridge and you will get there.2、你喜欢看恐怖片吗?Do you like watching thrillers?3、上个月我们举行了一次聚会。We had a party last month.4、昨天他们在北京胡同骑车。They rode their bike in Beijing Hutong ...

1.A box has a top, a bottom and four___sides___(侧面)2.Let's learn English step___ by step.Take it easy.其中的“step by step”表示一步一步来的意思。3.应该选A。意思是:我哥哥喜欢开着灯睡觉。

1. That you speak like that is really very stupid.你那样说真是太傻了 2. That his parents demands to him is very strict.他的父母对他要求非常严格.3. The Cathy mother allows her to go out together with her friend..Cathy的妈妈允许她与她的朋友一起出去 4. The student ought to...

赤峰市18875924873: 一道英语翻译成汉语题
虫蝶玉川: So we decide to write to each other every day.

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虫蝶玉川:[答案] 我跟楼上的不一样啊!一、1:go fishing 2:spend 3 hours 3:read and writ 4:A beautiful day 5:buy this book for you 6:come back 7:wear a yellow hat 8:practice English 9:Watch video 二、1:sixth 2:third 3...

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虫蝶玉川:[答案] I am always quite happy with my classmates.

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虫蝶玉川: 1.他现在正在学习英语. 2.汤姆和她的朋友去了中国.

赤峰市18875924873: 一道英语题(根据汉语提示完成句子)1.他是你的父亲吗?不,不是.是我的叔叔._____ ____ - your father?No,_____ _____._______My ______.2.她是我的好... -
虫蝶玉川:[答案] Is he he isn't, He's, uncle She's, good friend

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虫蝶玉川: have to seesee a doctor 是看医生 go to the doctor 是去医生那里 两者都有去看病的意思. 我觉都行 must 是 必须的意思 have to 是 不得不的意思 其实不必太过追究了.

赤峰市18875924873: 一道英语题(根据汉语意思写单词) -
虫蝶玉川: Teenagers aren't allow to wear earrings 望五星采纳~

赤峰市18875924873: 一道英语题,会的请帮个忙!一道英语题:根据汉语提示完成句子:令我惊讶的是他竟然死而复生了To my surprise,he______ ______ ______ ____ - .会的请... -
虫蝶玉川:[答案] came back to life rose from the dead

赤峰市18875924873: 一道英语题根据汉语意思完成句子我们班大多数学生乘校车上学.In our class____ ____the students go to school- _school bus.(一个空填一个词) -
虫蝶玉川:[答案] most of by

赤峰市18875924873: 英语 1.(组成单词)(写出汉语意思) 2.去海滩(英汉互译) 1.miafly( ) ( )2.bememr( ) ( )3.unberm( ) ( )4.ghtri( )( )上面有一道,不要落了! -
虫蝶玉川:[答案] family 家,家庭 member 成员,队员,组员 number 数字,号码 right 对的,右边(的) go to the beach

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