
作者&投稿:伯子 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一般现在时:I often sing songs in the Music room.
一般进行时:I have taked many photos.
过去时:I climbed a litter hill.
将来时:I will go to bed.

现在时(1)I get up at 6 in the morning. 我每天六点起床。(2)The sun rises in the east.(3)Can you give me an apple? (4) Are you ready?(5)Read after me please.
将来时(1)I will go shopping tomorrow. 明天我要购物。(2)I am going to visit my uncle the day after tomorrow.(3) She will send you a gift tomorrow.(4) I will buy a bicycle next month.,(5)Will you be my wife?
过去时:(1)I didn't do my homework yesterday. 昨天我没有做作业。(2)I wrote a letter yesterday.(3)I saw you when I went out for a walk yesterday.(4)He used to be a singer.(5)I had no money at that time.
现在进行时(1)I am reading now. 我正在读书。(2)We are watching TV.(3)He is doing his homework.(4)They are running happily.(5)I am having my dinner.

一般现在时:主语+Be动词+其它;如:I'm a boy .
主语+实义动词+其它,如:He gets up at six every day .
一般过去时:主语+Be动词过去式/实义动词过去式+其它,如:She was at school just now . / She went to a movie last night .
一般将来时:主语+will/are going to+Be动词/实义动词+其它,如:I will have a good time tomorrow . / I'm going to have a picnic tomorrow .
现在进行时:主语+Be动词+V-ing+其它,如:Mary is doing her homework now .
此外,一般过去时常有一个过去的时间标志,如:last night/week,just now,three days ago,yesterday等.一般将来时常有一个将来的时间标志,如:tomorrow,the day after tomorrow,next day/week等.现在进行时则有一个表现在时间的标志,如:now.


一般现在时:I often read books.

一般过去时:I read books yesterday

一般将来时:I'll read books tomorrow.

正在进行时:I'm reading an interesting book.

一般现在时 I do
一般过去时 I did
一般将来时 I will do
正在进行时 I am doing

I play football.
I played football yesterday.
I will play football tomorrow.
I am playing football now.

I am a boy.
She was illyesterday.
I will go to the park.
I am reading.

1. My father went to school this morning.When dia your father go to school?He went tto school his last night.2. The boy saw the teacher last week.When did the boy saw the teacher?He saw him(或者her) last week.3. The son rose an hour ago.When did the son rise?It ...

1.概念:经常、反复发生的动作或行为及现在的某种状况.2.时间状语: always, usually, often, sometimes, every week (day, year, month…), once a week, on Sundays,3.基本结构:动词 原形 (如主语为第三人称单数,动词上要改为第三人称单数形式)4.否定形式:am\/is\/are+not;此时态的谓语...

用各种时态造句 急急急急!!!
I do my homework everyday.一般现在时 I am doing my homework now.现在进行时 I have done my homework.现在完成时 I did my homework yesterday.一般过去时 I was doing my homework (that time).过去进行时 I had done my homework(before I went to school).过去完成时 ...

1、一般现在时:一般疑问句:Dose she go to school by bike?肯定句:She goes to school by bike.否定句:She does not go to school by bike.2、一般过去时:一般疑问句:Did you finish your homework yesterday?肯定句:I finished my homework yesterday.否定句:I did not finish my ...

一般现在时:You have a ball.你有个球。She does well.她做的好。Suddenly Lucy find her car.突然露西找到了她的车。Suicide lead people to the hell.自杀会使人们坠入地狱。I really hate you.我真的恨你。一般过去时:You had a ball.你过去有个球。She did well.她曾做的很好。Lucy ...

你好,应该是“用被动语态给所有时态造句,一种时态2句”吧?1.一般现在时态:She is often seen to dance in his room.Cotton is grown in the southeast of China.2.一般过去时态:The photos were&#...

一般现在时: Millie washes her clothes .一般将来时: Milie will wash her clothes tomorrow.一般过去时: Millie washed her clothes yesterday.现在进行时: Millie is washing her clothes now.过去进行时: Millie was washing her clothes this time yesterday.现在完成时的被动语态: The clothes have...

小学英语的六种时态的造句怎么写如下:英语语法中,有六种基本的时态,包括简单现在时、简单过去时、现在进行时、过去进行时和将来进行时。下面是关于六种时态的说明:1、一般现在时(Simple Present Tense)表示经常反复发生的事情或动作,常与often,usually,sometimes,always,everyday(week year…)on ...

I am writing a composition now.He is playing basketball on the playground.The teacher is talking with the boy's parents.The dog is yelling at the stranger.They are having a discussion in the classroom.


广河县18491509627: 英语四种时态怎么造句 -
掌逃盐酸: 我读书一般现在时:I often read books.一般过去时:I read books yesterday一般将来时:I'll read books tomorrow.正在进行时:I'm reading an interesting book.

广河县18491509627: 用英语的4种时态造句. -
掌逃盐酸: 现在时(1)I get up at 6 in the morning. 我每天六点起床.(2)The sun rises in the east.(3)Can you give me an apple? (4) Are you ready?(5)Read after me please. 将来时(1)I will go shopping tomorrow. 明天我要购物.(2)I am going to visit my ...

广河县18491509627: 用英语的4种时态造句.please 用一般现在时,一般将来时,一般过去时,现在进行时造句.各造5个./// -
掌逃盐酸:[答案] 现在时(1)I get up at 6 in the morning.我每天六点起床.(2)The sun rises in the east.(3)Can you give me an apple?(4) Are you ready?(5)Read after me please. 将来时(1)I will go shopping tomorrow.明天我要购物.(2)I am going to visit my uncle...

广河县18491509627: 用四种不同的时态造句 -
掌逃盐酸:[答案] 一般现在时:I often sing songs in the Music room. 一般进行时:I have taked many photos. 过去时:I climbed a litter hill. 将来时:I will go to bed.

广河县18491509627: 英语四种时态怎么造句我要的不是现成的句子,是造句的格式和方法!(我比较笨一点,可以举例子教吗?)1.一般现在时.2.一般过去时.3.一般将来时.4.正在... -
掌逃盐酸:[答案] 我读书 一般现在时:I often read books. 一般过去时:I read books yesterday 一般将来时:I'll read books tomorrow. 正在进行时:I'm reading an interesting book.

广河县18491509627: 请英语高手用后四种时态分别造句?1,一般完成进行时2,过去完成进行时3,将来完成进行时4,过去将来完成进行时 -
掌逃盐酸:[答案] i have been waiting for you for long i had been waiting for you for long i will have been waiting for you for long i would have been waiting for you for long

广河县18491509627: 英语时态造句用一般现在时,现在进行时,将来时,过去时,现在完成时,五个时态造句.一个时态三句 -
掌逃盐酸:[答案] 一般现在时 I usually go to school on footShe often gets up at 6:00现在进行时 He is singingThe are taiking一般将来时 I am going to the parkI will do my homework一般过去式 She went to Xi`An last weekI w...

广河县18491509627: ...写出以下句子:1.I clean the blackboard.2.He eats bananas.3.Amy sends anemail.一共要写12句话,大家可以自由发挥,每个时态写三句.其实这样相当于... -
掌逃盐酸:[答案] 1.I clean the blackboard.I am cleaning the blackboard.I cleaned the blackboard.I will clean the blackboard.2.He eats bananas.He is eating the bananas.He will eat the banbanas.He ate the bananas.3.Amy ...

广河县18491509627: 英语时态造句1;一般现在时表示预先安排的日程2;现在进行时表示将来的安排3;一般将来时表示预测4;一般将来时表示将来的客观事实5;一般将来时表... -
掌逃盐酸:[答案] 1;the train leaves at 7:00 2;I'm going to leave. 3;有迹象要发生的事 Look at the dark clouds,there is going to be a storm. 4;We are going to die without air or water. 5;I am going to take part in a party at 19:00 6;be going to +不定式,表示将来. a.主语的...

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