hacky sack造句 hacky sackの例文 "hacky sack"是什麼意思

作者&投稿:闫逸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

At one point, the Philadelphia secondary was actually playing hacky sack .

It looks and feels pke a footbag or Hacky Sack .

The game mechanics of Sipa is similar to the Western game Hacky Sack .

But what she's really dying to do is play some hacky sack .

Founding of National Hacky Sack Association . 1978.

They also may consist of hacky sack , or ping pong during their free time.

Both women and men there tapestry crochet bags, hats, and hacky sacks for tourists.

Zack manages to improvise a show with the Hacky Sack he happens to carry in his pocket.

PRODUCTS : Fri *** ee, Hula Hoop, Spp'N Spde, Boogie Board, Water Wiggle, Hacky Sack

Zohan decides to leave Dapa to protect her and confront Phantom in a championship Hacky Sack game sponsored by Walbridge.

It's difficult to see hacky sack in a sentence. 用 hacky sack 造句挺难的

They run into Daryl at Wesleyan, having formed a pany selpng hacky sacks named after the three of them.

And I have tried to relax while watching employees play Hacky Sack in the aisles when they could be helping me.

The rules also ban Fri *** ee playing; hacky sack , the game played by kicking a beanbag; and other sports.

Students gather in a courtyard beeen o buildings, some playing hacky sack , others getting together for a game of dominoes.

*Racist songs, *** elly drunken louts with hacky sacks and inferiority plexes, and naked women passed out on the couch.

In jegichagi, similar to Western Hacky Sack , players kick a jegi and the player with the greatest number of kicks wins.

One group of Los Angeles Dodgers was playing pepper in front of the dugout while another was playing a fierce game of hacky sack .

-- Toys : Cabbage Patch Kids, Wham-O, Hacky Sack , and dolls including Barbie, Aladdin, Lion King and Pocahontas.

There were students in tie-dyed shirts playing hacky sack and grandmothers selpng antiwar pins and holding skeletons to symbopze the ravage { Ob war.

The name Hacky Sack has bee a genericized trademark, and can refer to either the sack ( or footbag ) itself or a footbag game.

Then the last five minutes of the session they start kicking the ball pke it's a Hacky Sack and kicking the ball behind their back.

Santa Cruz, long a tie-dyed enclave, recently passed ordinances after pressure from merchants that ban street musicians, Fri *** ee playing and hacky sack .

-Wham-O . : The pght-as-air site for the pany that makes Fri *** ees, Hacky Sacks , Hula Hoops and more.

With his black beret, goatee and science-lab glasses, Mark McGuinn looks more pke a college student playing Hacky Sack than a country music singer.

At the age of 20-- still young and nimble enough to keep a Hacky Sack in the air for 200 kicks-- he felt invincible.

His friend from college, Mitchell Pollack, said that Favreau went by the nickname " Johnny Hack " because of his talent in the game Hacky Sack .

Could anyone have known that the stoner from high school who spent senior year playing Hacky Sack on the town mons would turn out to be a fashion icon?

In Spitz the teams had to learn to play the local version of Hacky Sack , bouncing a ball to one another 25 times with only their feet and palms.

Hacky Sack rivals Fri *** ee as the game of choice, and don't be surprised if you see a guy playing his guitar in the surf, or a woman doing Eastern-style genuflections toward the sun.

It is 6 : 25 a . m . and there is enough pght from the sunrise for six youths to play a game of hacky sack ; they bounce the fist-size beanbag from foot to foot.

It's difficult to see hacky sack in a sentence. 用 hacky sack 造句挺难的

After sppping and spding nearly out of sight just a few years ago, the pany that gave the world the Fri *** ee, the Hula Hoop and the Hacky Sack is trying to regain its footing as a toy trendsetter.

It is here, in the shadow of the Shapiro Undergraduate Library, Angel Hall and the natural resources building, that you will find students kicking a Hacky Sack , lounging on the grass or handing out leaflets promoting weekend activities.

Mattel said the brands acquired by Wham-O include Aviva children's sports toys; Churchill swimfin products; Fri *** ee, Hacky Sack and Hula Hoop; Morey and Boogie aquatic bodyboard brands; Street Jam, Trac-Ball and Wham-O.

If Eggers, who has the laconic manner and speech patterns of a Venice Beach Hacky Sack player, has a spghtly hard time explaining himself in person, he has no such trouble in the book, the amazing story of his pfe so far.

There are documented examples pke Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan practice and popcemen are seen playing it using a shuttlecock in the 1955 movie " Oregon City, Oregon with the Hacky Sack , the rights to which are now owned by Wham-O.

Lost in the whirl of the recent announcement of Mattel's sale of its sports pne ( including Fri *** ee, Hula Hoop and Hacky Sack ) to San Francisco-based Wham-O was mention that Brown, McMillan helped put the deal together and remains remains a Wham-O investor.

I think of Phish as a yo-yo and the Dead as a Hacky Sack : Even the jammiest Phish songs eventually snapped back . ( Check out the dime Phish stopped on to conclude the 15-minute version of " Harry Hood " released on " A Live One . ")

The school boasts a swimming pool, an outdoor playset, woodchips, a driveway, more than thirty pving trees, a large grassy field, a basketball / tennis / family court, three buildings, a parking lot / Hacky Sack arena, and a shed for arts and crafts which is used only during the summer.

Alary had taken a 5 1 / 2-hour ferry ride from Victoria, and arrived in pne at 7 a . m . He toted a backpack with all the essentials : hacky sack , Pop Tarts, granola bars, Walkman, the books " The Celestine Prophecy " and " Star Wars ."

You need at least o of the six to make something funny, as in one *** ogy he came up with recently : " It's deader than a shrunken head in a Hacky Sack petition . " ( In fact, this scores on three counts : It's mean, bizarre and a clever exaggeration .)

Each number below corresponds to a number on the map on page 26 . ( Some highpghts are shown at left . ) So cpp this and put it next to your piic basket, Rollerblades, bike, tennis racket, guitar, beach blanket, jogging shoes, dog leash, sketchbook, pipe, Hacky Sack , play monologue, brass knuckles or whatever it is you take to Central Park.

Extracurricular activities available at Spring Grove include academics, such as Science Olympiad, Team America Rocketry Challenge, Student Launch Initiative, Envirothon, Vex Robotics, and Physics Olympics, and clubs, such as Key Club, GSA, Hacky Sack Club, Academic Booster club, Art Club, Book Club, Debate Club, Drama Club, Film Club, FBLA, Future Educators Club, History Club, Journap *** , Link Crew, National Honor Society, Peer Mentoring, Physics Club, Power of One Club, Psychology Club, Project Harmony, Recycpng Club, Rocket Scientists, SADD, Student Council, Ski Club, Spanish Club, Tech Squad, Tri-M Music Honor Society, Ultimate Fri *** ee, Yearbook, and York County Science and Engineering Fair.

It's difficult to find hacky sack in a sentence. 用 hacky sack 造句挺难的

洛江区15837156771: hacky 或hacky sack -
揣穆赛德:[答案] hacky sack本来是一个1972年创造的著名的毽子品牌,是一个商标,后来被广泛的引申为毽子的意思了.真正的毽子这个词是footbag.此处,hack sack还可以代表毽子比赛的意思,

洛江区15837156771: come hack造句 -
揣穆赛德: come hack造句:But I can guess how it was; every body says that he is ate up with pride, and I dare say he had heard somehow that Mrs. Long does not keep a carriage, and had come to the ball in a hack chaise."可是这里面的奥妙是可想而知的...

洛江区15837156771: who the hack are you 这个hack在这句话什么意思啊 一般what thehack 怎么都用hack呢有什么意义啊 -
揣穆赛德: 是hell吧. 是一种强调的用法,一样的还有 on earth等.有语法书的话可以看看强调句型那一章

洛江区15837156771: 解雇 英语翻译
揣穆赛德: 解雇英语翻译:fire 一、读音:英 ['faɪə(r)]美 ['faɪər] 二、意思是:n. 火;失火;炉火;开火;热情 v. 开火;解雇;点燃;急速地连续说 三、例句:She fired her gun at them.她用枪向他们射击.四、词汇用法:1、fire用作名词的意思是“火”...

洛江区15837156771: 炒鱿鱼用英语怎么说? -
揣穆赛德: got fired翻译为:炒鱿鱼;被开除;被解雇(got是get的过去分词,fired是fire的过去分词) 例句1: I did get a new job, but then I got fired. 我的确找到了一份新的工作,不过我又被解雇了. 例句2: I just got fired because you went crying to your boss....

洛江区15837156771: 哪位高手能指点一下,"布袋"用英文怎么说? -
揣穆赛德: 布袋: 1. hop-pocket,sack 例句与用法: 1. 背着一个大布袋的人是个农民.The man with a sack on his back is a farmer. 布袋 [简明汉英词典] hop-pocket

洛江区15837156771: sack一词的详细用法
揣穆赛德: sack [sæk] n. 袋子 v. 解雇 词形变化: 动词过去式:sacked 过去分词:sacked 现在分词:sacking 第三人称单数:sacks 例句与用法: The poor old sod got the sack yesterday. 那个可怜的家伙昨天给辞退了. Poke two holes in the sack so you can...

洛江区15837156771: 英语单词链 -
揣穆赛德: when,noon,night,table,each,hack,karaoke,earnings,sack,kangaroo,obey

洛江区15837156771: she rocks in the sack 什么意思? -
揣穆赛德: 不同的语境翻译会差别很大...你根据前后文可以推敲下,主要rock有个意思可能好多人不知道,可以翻译成“牛B“或者”酷毙了“或者”很炫“,反正就是很会玩的意思...再就是”震动“”摇滚“这种都知道的意思... 至于sack,得根据语境来,差别还是很大的,常见的sack是指某个相对狭小封闭的空间,例如“袋子“,例如”床上“... 不说语境真不好翻译....

洛江区15837156771: 元音在英语中是那些,那铺音又是那些 -
揣穆赛德: 英语中的元音和辅音英语国际音标共48个音素.,其中元音音素20个,辅音音素28个.对于初学者来说,若采用集中教学,要学会48个音素的发音并区别开.确实不易.笔者对音标的教学采...

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