初中英语作文 感恩

作者&投稿:鲜虎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ The earth, because the grass gratitude to its life, The sea, because the fish Thanksgiving let it fly, Green leaves, flowers gratitude because it is more beautiful... Even so, our nature should have a thankful heart! 小草感恩大地,因为大地给予它生命;鱼儿感恩大海,因为大海让它远行;鲜花感恩绿叶,因为绿叶使它更美......自然界尚且如此,我们人就应该拥有一颗感恩的心! I'm grateful for his parents.When I was sick, they are desperate to carry me to the hospital, and take care of my days and nights, When I had no umbrella, for I brought their umbrellas, When I was sneaking tears, injustice, they use their warm hands as I wiped the tears.They pay for me so much, I can not thank them?When they are tired, I held on a hot cup of tea for them, When they learn about my grades, I occasionally offer me the red testimonials, When they are not happy, I went to fort them... I know that these are *** all enough to express his daughter of gratitude, but please you to believe me, I'll do everything. From Joozone. 我要感恩父母。当我生病时,是他们不顾一切地把我背到医院,又不分昼夜的照顾我;当我没带雨伞时,是他们 为我送来了雨伞;当我受到委屈,暗自流泪时,是他们用自己温暖的手为我擦去了眼泪。他们为我付出了那么多,我怎能不感谢他们呢?当他们劳累时,我为他们捧 上一杯热茶;当他们学询问我的学习成绩时,我偶尔献上我红彤彤的奖状;当他们不开心时,我就去安慰他们......我知道这些都是微不足道的,还不足以表 达女儿感恩的心,但是,请你们相信我,我会做好每一件事情的。 I'm grateful for the teacher.When we make a mistake, the teacher teaches us patience, When we encounter difficulties in learning, is a teacher again tell us, When we grades slipped by, is the language teacher concerns, let us up.Teacher: yes, you are we going to go wrong when we lamps, road, when you make us towards the correct path.New I want to thank you, my life will remember your teachings: do a good for society, the selfless contributions, good for the country, be an upright person! 我要感恩老师。当我们犯了错误时,是老师耐心的教导我们;当我们 遇到学习上的困难时,是老师一遍一遍地给我们讲;当我们成绩下滑时,是老师用关切的语言让我们振作起来。老师啊,您真是我们前行的指路灯,当我们走向错误 道路时,您让我们从新走向正确道路。我要感谢您,我一生都会记住您的教诲:做一个善良,为社会无私奉献,对国家有益的人,做一个正直的人! Thanksgiving, make ordinary life bees rich and colorful of boring, Thanksgiving, make people more close to the heart.Thanksgiving is a virtue, let us learn Thanksgiving, with a heart filled with gratitude towards the world, and social returns. 感恩,使平凡乏味的生活变得丰富多彩;感恩,使人与人的心灵更加贴近。感恩是一种美德,让我们学会感恩,用一颗感恩的心对待世界,回报社会。。   I'm grateful for his parents.When I was sick, they are desperate to carry me to the hospital, and take care of my days and nights, When I had no umbrella, for I brought their umbrellas, When I was sneaking tears, injustice, they use their warm hands as I wiped the tears.They pay for me so much, I can not thank them?When they are tired, I held on a hot cup of tea for them, When they learn about my grades, I occasionally offer me the red testimonials, When they are not happy, I went to fort them... I know that these are *** all enough to express his daughter of gratitude, but please you to believe me, I'll do everything. From Joozone. 我要感恩父母。当我生病时,是他们不顾一切地把我背到医院,又不分昼夜的照顾我;当我没带雨伞时,是他们为我送来了雨伞;当我受到委屈,暗自流泪时,是他们用自己温暖的手为我擦去了眼泪。他们为我付出了那么e79fa5e98193e78988e69d8331333363393566多,我怎能不感谢他们呢?当他们劳累时,我为他们捧上一杯热茶;当他们学询问我的学习成绩时,我偶尔献上我红彤彤的奖状;当他们不开心时,我就去安慰他们......我知道这些都是微不足道的,还不足以表达女儿感恩的心,但是,请你们相信我,我会做好每一件事情的。   mama, thank you for so many years of my education and training, ignorance of the past, i always jalan you angry, but now i grow up, self-reliance, and i feel that i should not be so naive, and her mother, i will work hard learning, you will not live up to my expectations! really very grateful to my mother to take care of. when i was sick, my mother is always in every possible way to take care of me. when i failed the examination, the mother also encouraged me to refuel, not to bee disheartened. really grateful to my mother has done, i know it was my mother i love the performance, really would like to thank my mother. i think in this world, i love you people, my mother   作文可以参考,但是要抄的话就没多大意义了,我这有一篇看看吧: Mama, thank you for so many years of my education and training, ignorance of the past, I always Jalan you angry, but now I grow up, self-reliance, and I feel that I should not be so naive, and her mother, I will work hard Learning, you will not live up to my expectations! Really very grateful to my mother to take care of. When I was sick, my mother is always in every possible way to take care of me. When I failed the examination, the mother also encouraged me to refuel, not to bee disheartened. Really grateful to my mother has done, I know it was my mother I love the performance, really wou ld like to thank my mother. I think in this world, I love you people, my mother -   爱如阳光 记得每到冬天,都会盼望有一个灿烂的午后,搬两张凳子,到阳台上,头枕在老妈的双膝上,侧着头,微眯着眼,任老妈酥 *** 痒地掏耳朵。金色的午后阳光撒满整个阳台,光线无声地从指尖流过,温暖了,整个世界。 记忆中永远都有那样的场景: “纯儿,搬两张凳子到阳台,我给你掏耳朵。”每听到这句话,我都会兴高采烈地搬上凳子到阳台坐下,等老妈过来把头埋在她那红色过膝的羽绒服中,静静地享受着午后的阳光,以及这极舒服的时刻。当然这宁静也会被老妈喃喃自语式的唠叨所打断,比如“啊呀,你别动,这儿有个老大老大的”,或是“你这丫头,几天没有掏耳朵了,怎么全要我帮你掏,真是”……听到这些唠叨,真的,你一定不觉得烦,因为这满屋的阳光,这 *** 之间,以及老妈轻柔的动作所显示的她的浓浓的爱意,很早之前就把你的心全部融化,我的大脑之中一片空白,有的只是爱与温暖。三毛说,父母在当守候天使时,儿女是不懂得他们的心的。我以为这句话不对,因为此时此刻,我真真切切地感受到妈妈浓浓的爱意已印在我心中的每一个角落,就像这阳光,无微不至地照射着我、温暖着我。 但是,掏耳朵毕竟是短暂的瞬间。每当结束时,我还是会赖在老妈的双膝上装睡,因为我多想多享受一下这混合了阳光与爱的温暖。我知道,我可爱的老妈一定不会将我赶走,一定会允许我再多享受这可以温暖全世界的爱的阳光! 简评:本文中,作者从生活中的一个微小的瞬间捕捉到了爱的光芒,把我们带进对童年、对母爱的回忆之中。就是这么一篇短小的日记,给我们一个很重要的启示:一件小事,会因为我们的关注而显得不同寻常。 母亲的目光 半梦半醒间,仿佛感到眼前有个模糊而又熟悉的身影,我微微抬起头,又望见了那并不陌生的眼神。我赶忙闭上眼睛…… 那是去年一个晚上,和昨天一样:半夜睁开惺忪的眼睛,看见母亲那慈爱的目光,我眨了眨眼睛,冷不丁冒出一句话:“妈,你老盯着 *** 吗?”妈妈好象被我的问题吓了一跳,赶忙收回目光说:“没什么,看你被子盖好了没?乖乖睡吧,我出去了。”说完,她转身走出房间,回头又投来一缕目光,轻轻地带上了门。 当时,天真的我不知妈妈为什么总是无缘无故地盯着自己。起初,我还以为妈妈睡不着随便看看,可是一节语文课,老师动情地说道:“生活中有许多细节是你不易察觉的,那是父母对你的爱,留心观察吧,你会感动一生的……” 那一刻,我意识道我犯了一个错误。原来,我在梦中练“功夫”将被子踢开,害得妈妈天天夜里爬起来为我盖被子,而那目光是一种幸福,看看孩子香甜的模样,健康的面容的一种幸福…… 往事一一浮现:清晨起床时“昨晚睡得好吗?”一句带着惺忪的目光;出门上学时“注意安全”一句带着关切的目光;紧张备考时“轻松上阵”一句带着鼓励的目光…… 我终于明白在妈妈鼓励的目光中,包含着多么深多么浓的爱!象一首诗,悠远纯净:似一幅画,清新自然;像一曲歌,悦耳悠扬。 昨天晚上,当发觉妈妈又在注视自己的时候,我没有让自己“醒来”,而是沐浴在母亲慈爱目光下,遨游在母亲的爱的海洋里。   w?x?d?d

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