
作者&投稿:寸蒋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


please make it clear.说清楚
It is human being's nature.这是人的本性
a piece of lamb skin一张羊皮
it 's dark here ,open the window太暗了,开窗
stop making up, you are a man~别化了,你是老爷们
where are you on earth你到底他妈的在哪
ocean deep sea,I love it.我爱深蓝的大海
it is a wild world世事艰难
I can't bear you any more忍不了你了
1、The floor is clear.
I make my point clear.
2、Iron and wood have different natures.铁和木头的性质不同。
I think he's a physicist or something of that nature.我想他大概是物理学家或那一类的人。
3、a piece of glove leather
4、Mary is nervous in the dark. Mary在黑暗的环境下会感到紧张。
It was a dark, moonless night.那是一个漆黑无月的夜。
5、Party is started,get yourself made up quickly.宴会开始了,快点化妆。
6、There's still hope,don't drop!别放弃,还有希望。
7、what's wrong with you on earth? 你到底怎么了?
8、The hole is really deep.这个洞很深。
9、This place is wild.这片土地很荒芜。
She is wild.她很狂野。
10、The sound is so noising,i can't bear it.我实在无法忍受这聒噪的声响。

1.This computer is clear!这台电脑真清晰
2.Too many kinds of clothes!也件衣服的种类真多
3.A sheep
4.The sky is dark天空真黑暗
5.Many girls like makeup许多女生的都喜欢化妆自己
6.What do not give up做什么不要放弃
7.What's the problem这道题究竟怎么做
8.This book really thick?这本书到底厚多少?
9.Hill was desolate山上很荒凉
10.She cannot suffer她无法在忍受折磨


一一般现在时、1.She works in a factory.(她在一个工厂工作。) 2.Mike gets up at seven o'clock every day.(迈克每天七点钟起床。) 3.He doesn't know what to do.(他不知道该做什么。) 4.I think you are right.(我认为为你是对的。)
三一般过去时、Sally told a story to me just now.(刚才萨利给我讲了个故事。) She gave me the notebook yesterday.(昨天她给了我这个笔记本。) Alice caught a cold a week ago.(一个星期前爱丽丝感冒了。) The teacher praised me after examing my homework.(检查完我的家庭作业后老师表扬了我。)

Rice is grown in the south of the states.
We are not allowed to enter the chemistry lab without a teacher.

2. 一般过去时
The building of a new car factory was agreed on last month.
He had a strange way of making his classes lively and his lessons were not easily forgotten.
I had a word with Julia this morning.今天早晨,我跟朱丽亚说了几句话。(1)
He smoked many cigarettes a day until he gave up. 他没有戒烟的那阵子,烟抽抽得可凶了。(2)

一般过去时常与表示过去的时间状语或从句连用,如:yesterday, last week, in 1993, at that time, once, during the war, before, a few days ago, when 等等。

Have you had your lunch? 你吃过午饭了吗?(意思是说你现在不饿吗?)
Yes, I have. 是的,我已经吃过了。(意思是说已经吃饱了,不想再吃了。)
When did you have it? 你是什么时候吃的?(关心的是吃的动作发生在何时。)
I had it about ten minutes ago. 我是大约十分钟以前吃的。

Used to do something 表示过去常做而现在已经停止了的习惯动作。
I used to work fourteen hours a day. 我过去常常一天干十四个小时。


1 带有确定的过去时间状语时,要用过去时

如:yesterday(昨天)、two days ago…(两天前…… )、last year…(去年…)、the other day(前几天)、once up on a time(过去曾经)、 just now(刚才)、in the old days(过去的日子里)、before liberation(解放前…)、 When I was 8 years old(当我八岁时…)

Did you have a party the other day?


Lei Feng was a good soldier.


3. 一般将来时

Cars will be sent abroad by sea.
Plenty of jobs will be given to school-leavers.

4. 过去将来时

The manager said the project would be completed by the end of the year.
The workers told me that the car would be mended as soon as possible.

1:I am happy now. I was happy. I will be happy.
2:I become a star. I became a star 2years ago, I will become a star in the short future.
3:The film begins at 8:00pm. The film began at 8:00pm last night. The film will bein at 8:00pm tomorrow.
4:Could you bring me a pencil? He brought me a pencil yesterday. He will bring me a pencil.
5:I choose this clothes. I chose clothes. I will choose that clothes
6:I don't know what to do. I knew what I should do. I will know what I should do.
7:Take the umbrella with you. You took a umbrella. Will he take a umbrella?
8:You should give me some books. I gave you some books yesterday. Will you give me some books tomorrow?
9:I have a dream. I had a dream. I will have a lot of money.
10:Could you help me? I helped her last night. Will you help me to take the umbrella tomorrow?
11:I get a A. I got an A last year. I will get an A next year.
12:I want to find my pencil. I found my pencil last night? I will find the pencil tomorrow/
13:Birds fly in the sky. Its wings have broken, it flied. People will fly in the sky someday.
14:Can you repair this watch? My watch is repaired last week. I will repair this watch in 3 days.
15:I feel happy now. I felt a little hungry hours ago. I will feel the success when I grow up/
16:Who can explain this question? I explained the case for him. I will explain the whole thing when I get back.
17:Enjoy yourself. I really enjoyed last night. I will enjoy the trip at next week.
18:I'm thirsty, I should drink a bottle of water. I drunk a lot of wine last night. Tomorrow is hot. maybe I will drink a lot.
19:Cut it in half. I accidently cut myself weeks ago. Tomorrow I wll cut my hair.
20:This book cost 45. It costed me 45 to buy this book. After years ,this thing will cost a lot.
21:Do you want to join us? I joined a club last year. When I grow up, I will join the Party.
22:I call them a lot. Last week ,my mom called me. I will call you when you reach there.
23:I want to ask for help. They asked a lot of questions. About what happened today, I will ask you tomorrow.
24:I learn sth very important today. I learnt a lot when I was with him. I will learn to skiing this winter.
25:Leave me a message,please. I left early last night. Next week, I will leave for New York.

1: I go to school every day. I went to school yesterday. I will go to school tomorrow.
2: I read English every morning. I read English this morning. I am going to read English.
3: She sometimes goes shopping on Sundays. She went shopping last day. She will go shopping.
4: The earth moves around the sun. The earth polluted a lot. The earth will be more beautiful.
5: Shanghai lies in the east of China. Shanghai was an old city. Shanghai will be more and more beautiful in the future.
6: I don't want so much. I didn’t want so much. I won’t want so much..
7: He writes English well. He wrote English well. He will write English well.
8: Here comes the bus. Here came the bus. The bus is coming.
9: There goes the bell. The bell rang. The bell will ring later.
10: Danny goes to school at 7:10. Danny went to school at 7:00. Danny will go to school at 7:00.
11: Jenny speaks English very well. Jenny spoke English very well. Jenny will speak English very well.
12: Danny isn’t a good student. Danny wasn’t a good student. Danny will not be a good student.
13: Is Danny a good student? Was Danny a good student? Will Danny be a good student?
14: Does your mother go to the hospital? Did your mother go to the hospital? Will your mother go to the hospital?
15: I do my homework every day. I did my homework yesterday. I will do my homework.
16:She likes apple. She liked apple. She will like apple soon.
17: She comes to my office. She came to my office. She will come to my office.
18: Tom is very short. Tom was very short. Tom will not be tall.
19: Mother tells me that. Mother told me that. Mother will tell me that.
20: The big box is white. The big box was white. The big box will be white.
21: Lucy goes to the classroom quickly. Lucy went to the classroom quickly. Lucy will go to the classroom quickly.
22: I want to drink some water. I wanted to drink some water. I am going to drink some water.
23: She writes her name on the paper. She wrote her name on the paper. She will write her name on the paper.
24: My Uncle asks me why. My Uncle asked me why. My Uncle will ask me why.
25: I make some English sentences. I made some English sentences. I will make some English sentences.

PS: 将来时态有两种表达方式都可以: will + 动词原形
Be going to do sth. 用进行时态表将来



语造句 问题:语造句
语造句: 1、你看动物园的猴子,时而跳到假山上,时而爬到树干上,时而向游人要吃的,时而懒洋洋地晒太阳,真是活波可爱! 2、台上几个男孩在表演霹雳舞,时而头足倒立,时而双肩支地,时而躯干飞旋,时而满地翻滚,吸引了很多观众。 3、天边的云彩变化可真大啊,时而像鸳鸯戏水,时而像猴子追逐,时...


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语言造句: 1、我们学习一种语言是为了交流思想。 2、它是名词随意可以变成动词的一种语言。 3、语言教师不断地向学生的脑袋灌输拉丁文。 4、把语言与文化分离是不可能的。 5、他们会说什么类型的语言? 6、其他语言怎么样? 7、或可能你可以回忆起所说的内容,但是回想不起来使...


用语言造句二年级如下:1、他们从地道口上来时,以悲壮激昂的语言讲话,吵闹声震耳欲聋。2、眼睛是心灵的窗户,动作可以作假,语言可以掩饰,但眼神永远是真诚的。抚琴的人 3、他把自己的戏叫作“传奇”,并试图吸取南戏的精神:在形式、时空背景、人物设置、情节构造、意境以及语言等方面继承南戏。4、...


叙永县18046559452: 用英语造句 -
钮净回心: Today morning i walked at the riverside. I heard a woman cries for help .I was informed that his son ran the river falls .I do not think many on the jump.I grasp his hand, dragging him put ashore.

叙永县18046559452: 英语句型造句 -
钮净回心: 、such+名词+that从句 You cooked such a lot of nice food that I couldn't eat them up.你做了如此多的美食以至于我吃不完 It is such bad weather that i decide to stay at home天气如此差以至于我决定留在家里 You wasted such a lot of time that you can...

叙永县18046559452: 英语造句`````````` -
钮净回心: I always go to school on foot.I usually have rice at home.I often play basketboll on Saturday.I never go to bed late.

叙永县18046559452: 英语造句英语造句 -
钮净回心: duty Study is the first thing for students. smart Linda is a smart girl. solve I can't sove this problem. regard I regard it as a special experience. instead Tom stays at home, but I go for a walk instead.

叙永县18046559452: 用英语造句
钮净回心: 1.I thank you in advance. 2.There is no delivery of letters on Sundays. 3.Door-to-door delivery and cash on delivery . 4.I'm quite free this evening. 5.I tried to make sure of the problem. 6.Do you provide meals? 7.A short distance away there is a supermarket. 8.They have speeded up production.

叙永县18046559452: 英语造句 -
钮净回心: 1.I don't agree with you.2.He will arrive at the airport tomorrow morning.3.I Will call you as soon as he comes back.4.I bought a pair of shoes yesterday.5.She is good at singing.6.Smoking...

叙永县18046559452: 怎么用英语造句? -
钮净回心: I remember turning off the light. I remember I should to study for the test. You'd better stop surfing the Internet. You must stop to listen carefully.

叙永县18046559452: 英语造句 每种一个 一般现在时 一般过去时 一般将来时 过去将来时 现在进行时 过去进行时 现在完英语造句每种一个一般现在时一般过去时一般将来时过去将... -
钮净回心:[答案] He is a boy. He was a teacher. He will go back home tomorrow. He was going to plan the tree. He is reading. She was singing a song, He has got it. He had left before he came in.

叙永县18046559452: 英语造句 -
钮净回心: He'll be on his way back to China soon after that.The pen is so expensive that I can't afford it.Friends and relatives come to congratulate the parents and to see the baby.He decides to s...

叙永县18046559452: 用英语造句. -
钮净回心: duty (n.) Who is on duty today? I am on duty today. It's my duty to heip you.smart (adj.) The little boy looks smart. Panda is not...

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