E07| Flipped Get a Grip, Man Chapter 7笔记

作者&投稿:卫凭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~  第七章主要讲述朱莉孵化鸡蛋的过程,以及在送了两年鸡蛋后朱莉发现了布莱斯一直在扔鸡蛋,布莱斯批评了她的院子,自尊心受到打击的朱莉也看清了事实,而布莱斯发现让朱莉生自己的气比让她缠着自己更让人糟心,这才渐渐开始正视自己对朱莉的感情,不再带有他人的偏见,第一次真正地想要去理解她。



He pulled my curtain aside and looked across the street."One's character is set at an early age, son,The choices you make now will affect you for the rest of your life." He was quiet for a minute, then dropped the curtain and said,"I hate to see you swim out so far you can't swim back."

"Yes, sir"

He frowned and said,"Don't yes-sir me, Bryce." Then he stood and added, "Just think about what I've said, and the next time you're faced with a choice, do the right thing. It hurts everyone less in the long run."

 一个人的性格是在小时候就养成的,孩子。你现在做的选择将会影 响你一生……我不希望看到你走得太远却无法回头。仔细想想我说的话,下次面临选择的时候,做出正确的决定。从长远来看,对所有人的伤害都能做到最小。


it all made sense to me我觉得很合理

To be held above the earth and brushed by the wind, it’s like your heart has been kissed by beauty. 远离地面,被风吹拂着,就像你的心被美丽亲吻一样。

it's like your heart has been kissed by beauty

but it could very easily have gone the other way那种事是极有可能的

Juli Baker had always just seemed plain to me.Until now. 朱莉·贝克在我看来一直很普通而已直到现在

It didn't take long for me to realize that..很快我就意识到了这一点

I still don't get it 我还是不明白

it was dumb 蠢透了

it does't come cheap这并不便宜

it was no use/ it is no use  没用;没必要

it/that only made things worse 只会让结果变得更糟/雪上加霜了

It was hopeless一切都是徒劳,没希望了

a raging river of sweat ran down my temples汗如雨下般从我太阳穴流下来

everyone else I called had stuff they had to do 我打过电话的其他人都有事要做

 I didn't want to make up some lame lie about it.编造蹩脚的谎言

I'd embarrassed her into it 因为我让她难堪

I felt worse than ever.我感觉比以前更糟了

this was not something I could immediately absorb这不是我能马上理解的

no conductive to concentration不利于集中 

what was his deal with Juli他和朱莉·贝克究竟怎么回事呢

it was worth it 这是值得的

there was this definite tension between xx and xx 确实有这种紧张气氛

get your mind off anything important  不想任何重要事情

what seemed like an age/ what seemed like ages似乎已经很久了

she hadn't said word one to me她一句话都没跟我说过

my throat was feeling all pinched and swollen我的喉咙感到又痛又肿

I was feeling a lot better about everything我感觉一切好多了


transcended dimensional space超越了空间维度

on the bottom half of the page在这页的下半部分

a killer telephoto lens 一个杀手级的长焦镜头

look off into the distance凝视远方

at the helm of a ship

at the helm (of)  掌权;手掌舵

a) in charge of something

b)  guiding  a  ship  or  boat

the pit of my stomach胸口;心窝

a radiant beacon光芒四射的灯塔

sb throw sb the wickdest look I'd ever seen我见过的最邪恶的表情

slam the hand on the table用手猛拍桌子

a lack of oxygen at birth出生时缺氧

umbilical cord脐带

it had nothing to do with sth 和。。。无关

run in the family 家庭遗传

a severe mental or physical handicap 严重的生理和心理障碍

pass gas放屁

there is no excuse for something

朗文解释:used to say that someone’s  behaviour  is too bad to be  explained  or accepted

例: There is no excuse for such rudeness.

throw/toss a baseball around with sb和某人扔棒球

clam/clammed up 拒不开口, 保持沉默

朗文解释:informal to suddenly stop talking, especially when you are  nervous  or  shy

have absolutely no pride in 毫无骄傲/自尊心可言

overly dramatic 过火

feel bad about (doing) something /feel bad for

a) to feel  ashamed  or  sorry  about something

I felt bad about not being able to come last night.

b) to feel  ill

l ay into someone 斥责某人

朗文解释:to attack or  criticize  someone or something

例:Outside the club, two men were laying into each other.

no sweat 朗文解释:spoken used to say that you can do something easily

例: "I'll  finish  this by  tomorrow , no sweat."

ditch sb(非正式)摆脱,抛弃,丢弃

clear a mind 神智清晰

clear your head/mind 清空思绪

朗文解释:to stop  worrying  or thinking about something, or get  rid  of the effects of drinking too much  alcohol

come to check out the digs看我住的地方

in a flash瞬间;立刻

in a matter if seconds 几秒钟内

crack open 裂开; 砸开

joke around乱开玩笑

knee high 高及膝盖的

got it untangled把。。解开了

a world of 是一个 比a lot of 夸张 的短语 意思是 无数的

如 a world of trouble 无穷无尽的麻烦

所以 a world of good 的意思是 说不完的好处 、好的没边了、好大发了、好老鼻子了、

这里的 good是名词,a world of 起的是量词作用

a screaming loud reminder大声尖叫的提醒

A little  slice  of  time 一段时间

do a good deed/ a thousand good deeds/行善积德

doing dark deeds做见不得人的事

your good deed for the day

朗文解释:something  kind  or  helpful  that you do – used humorously

help sb out 帮助…做事; 借钱给

flannel shirt法兰绒衬衫

get the chance to do得到一个做某事的机会

anywhere near 接近于;全然;差不多

not anywhere near 一点儿也不;完全不;远不;

make it up to sb 对……进行弥补(指对人)

on her usual pout像往常一样撅着嘴

dwell on  详述 ; 凝思 ; 细想 ; 详细讲述

wash off

朗文解释:wash something ↔ off to  clean   dirt , dust  etc from the  surface  of something with water

 the back way home回家的路

trade old problems with sb for a whole new set of problems with sb 老问题换成了新问题

if my dad had dropped the subject right then, the vibe would've vanished

drop the subject 换个话题,别再讨论这个话题

I 'd been as good as fried.我被榨干了。

I ’m fried "形容人累瘫了,仿佛精力被榨干般疲乏。

fried 朗文解释: American English informal  unable  to think clearly, because you are  tired , anxious  etc

get on with sth 某事进展如何 ; 取得进展 ; 继续做某事

be out of line太过分

朗文解释:informal  to say or do something that is not acceptable in a particular situation

act more like old self表现得更像以前的自己

in a nice way一种恰当很好的方式

coated in power 涂粉

fighting words/talk 挑起争端的言词;容易引起争论的话

朗文解释:something you say that shows that you want to fight hard for something

例:Where I come from that's fighting talk.

bawl out痛骂,训斥;叫喊

bawl eyes out 嚎啕大哭

play through my mind在我脑海中回响


bolt out匆忙离开;脱口而出

a bolt from/out of the blue

朗文解释: news that is sudden and unexpected

例:it was like a bolt  out of the blue. 当时就感觉像是晴天霹雳。

on the spot立刻,当场;在危险中;处于负责地位

skate over/around something

朗文解释:to  avoid   mentioning  a problem or subject, or not give it enough  attention

例:she‘d find some way to skate around me

it was like someone had plugged him in and turned on the light就好像有人给他插上电源然后打开了灯

plug in 给…接通电源,将…塞入

朗文解释:to  connect  a piece of  electrical   equipment  to the  main   supply  of  electricity , or to another piece of electrical equipment

screw up 搞砸了

朗文解释:informal to make a bad  mistake  or do something very  stupid  SYN mess up

例句:You’d better not screw up this time.

soft spot弱点  “have/develop a soft spot for sb:

柯林斯解释:to feel that you like someone very much,often without knowing why(常指莫名其妙 地)钟情于(某人),十分喜爱某人”

get a grip(使自己)镇定下来,控制住(自己)

hit up 请求

a split second一瞬间,一刹那

(have) egg on your face:“出洋相”、“出丑”、“没面子”、“脸上无光”、“丢脸”,“难堪”、“狼狈”

朗文解释:if someone, especially someone in  authority , has  egg  on their face, they have been made to look  stupid  by something  embarrassing。这个习语是指一个人说错了话或做错了事,他会感到很尴尬,很难堪。

No siree, Bob!不行! 绝对不会!

柯林斯解释:“siree (sometimes capital) US, informal. An emphaticexclamation used with yes or no

与yes或no连用,表示强调,不要以为Bob是个谁,其实他只是个躺枪的,没有任何意义,你也可以只用No, siree!

eg. No Siree, Bob. I love that bag too much to sell it. 我绝对不会的!我太喜欢这只包了,绝不会卖掉!

shed/shedding light on 照亮 ,查明,说明,解释 ...

朗文解释:a) to make something  easier  to  understand , by providing new or  better  information

例:Recent research has shed light on the causes of the disease. 

b) if something  sheds  light, it lights the area around it

例:The lamp shed a harsh yellow light.

beat up痛打; 殴打; (对…)忧心忡忡; (因为…而)自责;

beat-up (非正式)破旧的;蓬头垢面的

be/feel in the mood (for something) 想做某事

朗文解释:to feel that you would like to do something

get up the nerve to do鼓起勇气去做

on the ball很能干,很有知识

be standing in one’s shoes处在….的境地,设身处地

period 到此为止;不再说了

朗文解释:American English spoken used to  emphasize  that you have made a  decision  and that you do not want to  discuss  the subject any more SYN full stop!

end of story 就这样,不必多说

朗文解释:spoken informal used to  mean  that you will not say any more about something, or that the  situation  cannot be changed

mess up 陷入困境;搞糟

run out 用完;耗尽;跑出;到期;伸向

shoot some hoops打篮球

shut out排除;关在外面;遮住

got nailed doing sth

get nailed(口语用法)的意思是“被逮捕”或“被定罪”

"get nailed" will mean "be caught" or possibly "convicted"

big time

朗文解释:You can use big time if you want to emphasize the importance or extent of something that has happened. 极度 [非正式]


朗文解释:countable] informal something very large, important , or  successful

no biggie [俚]不要紧



柯林斯解释: If something  petrifies  you, it makes you feel very frightened. 使非常害怕 



alert; informed; 见多识广的,有知识的”

 harass 侵扰; 骚扰; 不断攻击(敌人);

hack 砍; 劈; 猛踢; 非法侵入(他人计算机系统);

grunt发出呼噜声; 发出哼声; 咕哝; 嘟哝

growl 低声吼叫; 发出低沉的怒吼; 咆哮

terk/trekking (尤指徒步)长途跋涉; (尤指在山中)远足,徒步旅行;

crouch 蹲; 蹲下; 蹲伏 



avoid 躲着

朗文解释:TO AVOID A PERSON OR PLACE  avoid to deliberately not go  near  a person or place




vanish消失,突然消失; 神秘失踪


retreat 撤退;退避;向后倾


bang my knees

朗文解释: If you  bang  a part of your body, you accidentally knock it against something and hurt yourself. (无意中) 撞伤

pathetic 可怜的,悲哀的;感伤的;乏味的

poof 哇(表示突然消失的)感叹词



 picket 雪桩,雪椿;系绳尖桩

shudder 发抖;战栗;震动

compliment 恭维;称赞;问候;致意;道贺


tube. N-COUNT You can refer to the television as  the tube . 电视机 [美国英语] [非正式]

watch the tube看电视

例:The only baseball he saw was on the tube.他只在电视上看过棒球比赛。




straighten 整顿;使…改正;使…挺直;使…好转

callous/callously  冷酷无情地;麻木不仁地


inclination 倾向,爱好;斜坡



rock-steady非常稳固的; 一动不动的

maintain the premises维护房屋


reserves  储量;准备金;后备队;自然保护区(reserve 的复数)


basically  adv. 主要地,基本上




subtle 微妙的;精细的;敏感的;狡猾的;稀薄的


flop(因疲惫) 一下子重重地坐下


 curtail 缩减;剪短;剥夺…特权等


quaint 古雅的;奇怪的;离奇有趣的;做得很精巧的

gush 涌出 ,迸出,滔滔不绝的讲话



前面可搭配(make/provide /notice ect)

 a sharp/stark/strong contrast with(=very great)

a marked/striking contrast (=very noticeable)

a startling contrast (=very noticeable and surprising)

a dramatic contrast (=great and surprising)

an interesting contrast

a clear/obvious contrast

a complete/total contrast


make a contrast

draw a contrast (=say there is a contrast)

provide/offer contrast

highlight a contrast (=make a contrast very obvious)

stand in sharp/stark etc contrast to something

in contrast to

in contrast (to/with)

by contrast (to/with)

(in) stark/marked/sharp etc contrast to something


in direct contrast to something/somebody (=completely different to something or someone)

in sharp/stark etc contrast



察雅县13885921660: 开机显示E07然后不停的滴滴滴的响,求助 -
邬常丙硫: 你这种情况比较复杂!相声不同,故障也不同.1短:系统正常启动.这是我们每天都能听到的,也表明机器没有任何问题. 2短:常规错误,请进入CMOSSetup,重新设置不正确的选项. 1长1短:RAM或主板出错.换一条内存试试,若还是...

察雅县13885921660: 复印机 Kyocera FS - 1020MFP 出现警告 E - 和 00 07 什么意思 怎么解决50 -
邬常丙硫: 没碳粉了,请加碳粉或更换粉盒.加碳粉后不更换芯片还是会提示E07,这时你得同时按住图片所示的两个按键,两个提示灯轮换闪亮后放开,ok了!

察雅县13885921660: 电磁炉开机就显示E7是什么原因 -
邬常丙硫: E07、E08故障代码故障分析: 出现该故障是表示电源高低压保护电路出现故障,因此我们可将故障范围定位在电源高低压保护电路及单片机U202上.检测步骤: ①先用万用表测量交流电源输入端是否有220V.如果该电压低于200V或者高于...

察雅县13885921660: 美的电磁炉MC - PSD18C开机即显示E07是什么故障 -
邬常丙硫: E07表示电源高低压保护电路出现故障. 解决方法: 1、用万用表的交流电压档位测量插座电压,如果电压低于220伏说明是供电问题,可以安装稳压器或带电压升高后使用. 2、若电源正常,需通电后检查电路板中U202的第16脚,若为3.3伏左...

察雅县13885921660: 美的电磁炉报E07怎么解决 -
邬常丙硫: E07:低电压保护(低于170V)

察雅县13885921660: 电磁炉显示E07请问是什么故障代码 -
邬常丙硫: 控制系统故障

察雅县13885921660: 电磁炉显示E7什么意思 -
邬常丙硫: 美的电磁炉SF164/174/184/194/204/214对照表E01 断路(主传感器坏) E02 短路(主传感器坏) E03 高温(主传感器坏) E04 断路(散热片传感器坏) E05 短路(散热片传感器坏) E06 高温(散热片传感器坏) E07 低压保护 E08 高压保护 E10 干烧保护 E11 主传感器坏可能是整流二极管开路.

察雅县13885921660: 格兰仕滚筒洗衣机故障显示E07什么问题 -
邬常丙硫: 此开关为机盖锁,有光电检测和霍尔无件的,共三组引出线:一组接220V,另二组为三芯的,分别是锁和盖的检测.请大师指教!

察雅县13885921660: 空气能热水器出错误代码E07什么意思 -
邬常丙硫: 1、E01,水温度,传感器故障 2、E02,环境温度,传感器故障 3、E03,系统1盘管温度,传感器故障 4、E04,水流开关保护故障 5、E06,系统1低压保护故障 6、E05,系统1高压保护故障 7、E07,出水温度,传感器故障

察雅县13885921660: 特灵空调显示代码E07,检查过内外机的电路板,还有温控都正常.请问应该怎样维修 -
邬常丙硫: E:07 排气或压缩机顶部温度传感器故障 关闭压缩机/外风机 如果是新装机建议检查下内外连接线中的信号线 也就是最细的那两根是否断开或者是否接触不良

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