
作者&投稿:务武 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
鸡+兔子=10 鸡+老虎=20 老虎+兔子=24 请问 鸡+老虎+兔子=?~



希望能帮到你Is it Rat or Mouse?
The Chinese word 鼠 can refer to either rat or mouse - there are no distinctive words for them. The illustrations in the Chinese Zodiac scripts depicted a common look of the two, or some look more like rat and others more like mouse. So the English translation “Rat” or “Mouse” is fine either way as both are common unisex nouns. We use “Rat” on this site because it has been widely used for Chinese Zodiac.

Is it Ox or Cow?
Similar to “Rat or Mouse” above, the Chinese word 牛 can refer to water buffalo, cattle, ox, etc. The illustrations in the Chinese Zodiac scripts often showed water buffalo as it was a common livestock in ancient central China, or sometimes it showed ox or cattle. We use “Ox” on this site because it has been widely used for Chinese Zodiac.

Is it Sheep, Goat or Ram?
Chinese word 羊 does not mean “goat” or “sheep” specifically. Goat was commonly illustrated in the Chinese Zodiac scripts, but modern zodiac books depict Sheep more often. We use “Sheep” on this site because it has been widely used for Chinese Zodiac. Goat is fine too, but Ram is not recommended as it refers to male sheep.

Is it Rooster or Chicken?
Although the Chinese word 鸡 (chicken) is a generic, unisex noun, the illustrations in Chinese Zodiac scripts always showed a male chicken, i.e., rooster. This is the only exception of all 12 Zodiac animals, possibly because rooster’s crown depicts chicken more distinctively so it is not mistaken for other birds. So We use “Rooster” on this site.

Is it Pig or Boar?
Pig is a commonly used unisex term, whereas Boar is a male pig. So, it is a no-brainer, “Pig”.

cat is a small animal with soft fur.People often keep it as a pet.Cats catch mice. Dog is a animal with four legs and a tail. It often works for people.monkey is a animal with a long tail and can climb trees.tiger is a large wild animal of the cat family.


The dog is one of the most popular pets in the world. It ordinarily remains loyal to a considerate master, and because of this the dog has been called man's best friend. Class distinctions between people have no part in a dog's life. It can be a faithful companion to either rich or poor.


I have a little cat , a beautiful cat named Kitty. Her big and bright eyes leave a deep impression on anyone who sees her. Kitty is covered with fur. Kitty always sleeps on my bed. Sometimes she jumps on the top of the cabinet. What a wonderful picture it was !

Golden rooster

The golden rooster whole body feather color is gorgeous, the gloss shines, likely has put on a magnificent and expensive formal dress.In addition,the golden rooster has the symmetrical build, the vigorous both feet, Dai Huangguan, the pate is decorating the collar golden yellow, two shoulders have the golden light bright shawl.

A tiger is a kind of catamount animal. It looks like a cat, but much bigger than a cat. A tiger is very ferocious and it eats mainly meat. It has yellow and black streaks all over its body and it looks very beautiful. Its tail is long and strong and it can hit its quarry dying.


狮子lion、豹leopard、熊猫panda、老虎tiger、狼wolf、斑马zebra、公牛bull、山羊goat、绵羊sheep、熊bear 骆驼camel、鹿deer、大象elephant、狐狸fox、长颈鹿giraffe、马horse、猪pig、狗dog、猴子monkey、蝙蝠bat、猫cat、袋鼠kangaroo、刺猬hedgehog、松鼠squirrel、兔子rabbit、老鼠rat、海豚dolphin、鲸whale、...


猫 :cat读作 [kæt]狗:dog 读作[[dɔɡ, dɔ:ɡ]]猴子: monkey读作 ['mʌŋki]熊猫 :panda读作 ['pændə]兔子:rabbit读作 ['ræbit]鸭 :duck读作 [dʌk]猪: pig 读作[piɡ]鸟: bird读作 [bə:d]熊: bear...

猴子能用手飞应该会比较快 ,猫比兔子快

十二生肖哪些动物属于猫科动物 十二生肖哪些动物是猫科动物

豪猪 5 老虎 19 猕猴 29 狮子 30 狼 16。5 狐狸12~14 野猪19。5 海豹 19 蝙蝠 12 羚羊 15。5 鹿 17~20 熊 34 熊猫15~20 猩猩 40 大象 69 犀牛47 河马41。5 家猫 12 骆驼 25。5 松鼠 14。5 老鼠 2 (野生状态 )


解:因为 1只猴=2只猫 ,所以猫为4千克;因为 1只猫+1只兔子=3只兔子,所以 1只猫=2只兔子 因此,1只兔子=2千克。


因为兔子的世界里面就是萝卜为主猫的世界里面老鼠为主 猴子以香蕉为主,立场不一样,观点不一样

揭东县15755529077: 牛,猴子,猫,兔子,狗,羊,鸡,老虎,老鼠,的英语简介.40个单次左右.写外貌等等都行...不用中文翻译,随便选4,5个写...重金!牛和老鼠和羊优先选择 -
村曼珂丹:[答案] 希望能帮到你Is it Rat or Mouse? The Chinese word 鼠 can refer to either rat or mouse - there are no distinctive words for ... “Rat or Mouse” above, the Chinese word 牛 can refer to water buffalo, cattle, ox, etc. The illustrations in the Chinese Zodiac ...

揭东县15755529077: 生肖歇后语 -
村曼珂丹: 十二生肖歇后语1、鼠老鼠过街——人人喊打 老鼠见了猫——骨头都软了老鼠拉木锨——大头在后边 老鼠吃猫——怪事老鼠啃皮球——嗑(客)气 老鼠钻到风箱里——两头受气2、牛牛蹄子——两瓣儿 牛口里的草——扯不出来老牛上了...

揭东县15755529077: 十二生肖的故事 -
村曼珂丹: 我国古代根椐动物出没时间和生活特征,将十二种动物作为十二生肖,即每一种动物为一个时辰.老鼠排行第一(与“子”时搭配),以下次序为:牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪.鼠:晚上11时到第二天1时(即“子时”)....

揭东县15755529077: 十二生肖的正确排列顺序和由来. -
村曼珂丹: 十二生肖排列顺序为:鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪 汉族生肖中的十二种动物的选择并不复杂,它与汉族人的日常生活和社会生活相接近的,是可以猜测的.在十二种生肖动物,大致可将其分为三类:一类是已被驯化的...

揭东县15755529077: 牛,猴子,猫,兔子,狗,羊,鸡,老虎,老鼠,的英语简介
村曼珂丹: 希望能帮到你Is it Rat or Mouse? The Chinese word 鼠 can refer to either rat or mouse - there are no distinctive words for them. The illustrations in the Chinese Zodiac scripts depicted a common look of the two, or some look more like rat and others ...

揭东县15755529077: 十二生肖的来历 -
村曼珂丹: 十二生肖的来历 我国古代根椐动物出没时间和生活特征,将十二种动物作为十二生肖,即每一种动物为一个时辰.老鼠排行第一(与“子”时搭配),以下次序为:鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪. 鼠:晚上11时到第二...

揭东县15755529077: 十二生肖的排列顺序是怎么定的,和十二生肖的顺序排列 ? -
村曼珂丹: 关于十二生肖的排列顺序,主要有两种说法:其一,是按动物足趾的奇偶交叉排列的.其二,是按动物出没活动的时间来排列的生肖座次的排定并非一朝一夕,很多必然性与偶然性以及一些民间传说和流传中的更更改改都直接影响了十二生肖...

揭东县15755529077: 12生肖的排行是怎样排列的? -
村曼珂丹: 鼠,牛,虎,兔,龙,蛇,马,羊,猴,鸡,狗,猪 子时夜11—12点,据说老鼠是深夜里最活跃的动物,所以子时就是属鼠; 丑时午夜1—2点,因为牛是最早耕地的家畜,所以丑时就属牛; 寅时后半夜3—4点,寅解释为害怕的意思,古人最怕...

揭东县15755529077: 十二生肖是按什么排列的?那甲乙丙丁…什么的呢?都有什么意义? -
村曼珂丹: 天干和地支合称干支.十天干分别是甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸. 十二地支是子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥. 天干和地支组合便成为以「甲子」为首的六十干支循环.历史上以干支纪年、纪月、纪日和纪...

揭东县15755529077: 中国人的十二生肖有鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪,龙是什么样的动物?其他十一种动物分别属于哪些动物类群? -
村曼珂丹:[答案] 牛、马、羊、虎、兔、狗、猴等动物尽管它们之间差别很大,但它们都具有体表被毛、体温恒定、有膈、胎生哺乳的特征,属于哺乳动物,但体内有膈和胎生哺乳是哺乳动物区别与其它动物的一个重要特征.龙是虚幻的动物,是...

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