
作者&投稿:狐嵇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Why animal research is required写一篇英语作文?~

In order to explore the mysteries of nature, expand human vision, increase wisdom and invent, animals should sometimes be regarded as teachers.

For example, the invention of radar was created step by step on the basis of the study of bats. Submarines are created on the basis of studying why fish sink into the water and why they float to the surface.
The main reason for using model animals in research is the principle of evolution, that is, all organisms have a certain degree of correlation and genetic similarity due to their common ancestors.
Therefore, the study of Human Kinship classification can provide a lot of information about human mechanisms and diseases, which is useful in medicine.

Nowadays, experimental usage of animal has become a widely concerned issue around the world。 People hold diverse views towards it。
Adversaries claim that it is an extremely crude behavior。 Animals, especially mammals, like dogs, cats, rabbits, rats, which are the major victims in the experimentation, are usually human‘s pets。 Pets owner are strongly against it for they firmly believe that animals suffer physically and mentally as we do。 When equality is advocated in the modern world, it is inhuman to disrespect creatures that are not human beings。 Furthermore, a number of experts pointed out that it would be at high stake of depend on the results of animal experiment; since they differ from us in many ways, take the body structure for example, we cant imagine humans try to jump from the height of nine stories without any protection because cats survive out of the same test。

Those in favor of the idea about usage of animal declare that using animal is an advisable choice。 On one hand because their bodies function similar to ours, for instance, they catch colds, suffer from stomachs and heart diseases, which more importantly influenced by diet and habits。 The consequences of the test may not be applied to humans, although they are highly connected to the human situations。 On the other hand, those creatures yell and act abnormally when they feel uncomfortable, which is what exactly researchers expect。 In addition, there is an easy-to-answer question: isn‘t it crueler to test directly on people with little knowledge on the objects effects? In a word, there is nothing better than animal that resemble human the best for experiment。

Personally, I am not a supporter of animal experiments, yet there is anything more suitable that can replace them, I accept using animals for tests, but take good care of them when they are not in the laboratory。







In order to explore the mysteries of nature, expand human vision, increase wisdom and invent, animals should sometimes be regarded as teachers.

For example, the invention of radar was created step by step on the basis of the study of bats. Submarines are created on the basis of studying why fish sink into the water and why they float to the surface.

The main reason for using model animals in research is the principle of evolution, that is, all organisms have a certain degree of correlation and genetic similarity due to their common ancestors.

Therefore, the study of Human Kinship classification can provide a lot of information about human mechanisms and diseases, which is useful in medicine.


When farmers kill a large number of eagles, for example, each animal has a place in the natural balance. Fortunately, animals need to be protected. Animals are natural resources.

Over the course of our history, people have been wasting these resources. In the United States, these species are considered in danger because there are no eagles to control their numbers, and because once they are dead, why should people care about movement? Thousands of species of animals have disappeared from the earth and destroyed forever One animal can cause many problems. Animals are not only beautiful and interesting corn and grains destroyed by mice and mice.

Mice and mice breed quickly. There will never be so many countries passing laws. Why, farmers because Eagles eat mice and mice? Some groups raise money to let people know that these laws prohibit killing any animal or plant on the dangerous list, Some people are trying to help save animals, and just because they are hindering the growth of endangered animals, because we need animals, and today hundreds of animals are on the danger list.

They are not just sources of food. Animals are killed for their fur and feathers. They are trying to get the government to protect animals in danger by law for food :.
















动物学(zoology),是揭示动物生存和发展规律的生物学分支学科。它研究动物的种类组成、形态结构、生活习性、繁殖、发育与遗传、分类、分布移动和历史发展以及其他有关的生命活动的特征和规律。目录 渊源和发展 学科分支 概述动物形态学动物生理学动物分类学动物生态学动物地理学动物遗传学 研究方法 描述法...

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